Hi Everyone,
Make Games South Africa has partnered with NAG magazine and other sponsors to own a stand at rAge 2013 this year.
With it we want to showcase locally made (and 1 or 2 internationally made) games that expo goers can play and, ideally, buy. We're trying to organise enough space to have 8-12 games simultaneously on show. MGSA will be selecting games to showcase at rAge and they're being showcased in the NAG magazine's homebrew section first so people can get excited about the games before the expo.
So we're opening up for submissions if you want your game on the stand.
Submission Process:
Selection Process:
Submitted Games
Make Games South Africa has partnered with NAG magazine and other sponsors to own a stand at rAge 2013 this year.
With it we want to showcase locally made (and 1 or 2 internationally made) games that expo goers can play and, ideally, buy. We're trying to organise enough space to have 8-12 games simultaneously on show. MGSA will be selecting games to showcase at rAge and they're being showcased in the NAG magazine's homebrew section first so people can get excited about the games before the expo.
So we're opening up for submissions if you want your game on the stand.
Submission Process:
- Post your game on the forums!
- The game must be playable on PC.
- The game should not require an internet connection to be playable.
- Include in your post a gameplay video.
- Include a link to an online or downloadable version of your game.
- Include your real name and/or company/team name.
Selection Process:
- The association committee will select the games.
- The selection will be based on polish, completeness, and the availability for the public to purchase it.
- The final date for submissions is 5 July 2013.
- The committee will make the selection that weekend and will announce the games chosen by 9 July 2013.
- The committee's decision is final.
Submitted Games
- BroForce - Free Lives
- Desktop Dungeons - QCF Design
- Deth Lazer - Dirkie Kunz
- Escape Velocity - Richard Pieterse
- Rooks Keep - RuneStorm
- Stasis - Christopher Bischoff
- zX - Synthetic Space
- System Crash - Rogue Moon Studios
- Blazin' Aces - Duncan Bell
- Silhouette - Manikin Games
- Cadence - Made With Monster Love
- Super Smash Lander Suicide Party, Bro? - Free Lives
- Cricket Heroes - Kurt
- Galaxy Union - Sasha Adamovic
- A Day in the Woods - RetroEpic
- Firewall - Starstreem
- Pixel Boy - Giant Box Games
- Battle Blocks - Steven Tu
- Ninja Crash - Team Devil
I also suggested that developers update the first post of their forum threads with the latest videos and links.
I'm trying to link all the games to their forum threads. If you have a missing link, please let me have it.
Also, I want to play some En Garde.
But so worth it!
Also, I made a DD thread: http://www.makegamessa.com/discussion/695/project-desktop-dungeons - I wasn't really sure what to do with it...
We're working on incorporating online play into Ninja Crash and bringing it to several other platforms, but that's unlikely to happen this year. I can provide a Windows build of the Xbox version though, but it will only work with Xbox 360 gamepads.
I see we're on the list, so, what must be done, master (bow)? Need we submit a build to someone? Because right now, we don't have a free "public" build :\
Will be releasing a new trailer and press document in the next two weeks so there is going to be a lot of new Pixel Boy news soon :P also am planning on (*cough* finally *cough*) getting a build available to the forums as a whole :)
The committee will make the selection that weekend and will announce the games chosen by 9 July 2013.
As always, if there are any questions please post them here or PM me directly.
I'm going to suggest that, for this year at least, let's keep it as simple as possible. From here we can only grow.
In terms of selling things there, as GeometriX points out, if you do so it would need to be cash sales only... we tried with credit cards in the artists alley but the reception is so bad in the Dome that the card machines just don't work (or cellphone reception for that matter)
Had my head under my keyboard and missing out on the news it seams. I think its absolutely great the MGSA will have a stand at rAge this year. We are expecting to have a stand at rAge but haven't yet confirmed this.
Who should we chat to regarding how we could support the MGSA stand best?
We're getting a great number of submissions which is fantastic to see.
None of them are 'purchaseable' (yet), but some of them are pretty fun.
Heck let me post it first...
Edit: Game posted, please let me know what you guys think :)
@dammit, unfortunately we don't have space for boardgames & card games at rAge this year. I would however love to see it at AMaze! It MMMA posted on the forums? Have you got a video of the game in action?
@Tuism, post!
Just remember to follow the submission guidelines: playable demo, gameplay video, real names.
Yeah, to retrofit our controls to work on a PC would be too much work right now (or anytime, really :p)
We would love to show off Pocket RPG, Dig!, Rhino Raid (and maybe Neon Shadow if it's ready! - pic ) and can organise builds for whatever devices that might be there. Otherwise we've got videos of our stuff.
@raxter, I will PM you about how we get give Tasty Poison Games some love at the MGSA stand.
Definitely will get it much more polished for AMAZE though :D
I'm sure we can all agree that we would want to polish up our games for the expo :)
Note to self... RTFM (Read the f***ing mail) :D
I've FINALLY uploaded the gameplay video! Sorry for taking so long! Hope it's worth the wait XD (worth the wait for you guys that is XD)
Here's my slide presentation