[released] Dead Run


  • I would never allow iframes because then you can link to anything like viruses, malware, etc.

    I've got on my list to look at embedding Vine; I will add Instagram as well
  • @Tuism: When you're ready for some exposure on the game, the guy who was the presenter in our DD announcement trailer has figured out a way to record directly off iOS devices and is keen to start hitting youtube with that. Grant's no stranger to making video content (TV presenter, been in web videos for years) so if you want to swing him a build via Testflight I can do introductions :)
    Thanked by 2Tuism Fengol
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    Thanks @dislekcia!! We're just finishing off some last bits of tweaking that we think are crucial to game balance (funny how such a little mechanic needs this much balance tweaking) to feel right in the play, before implementing achievements and things (quite a large part of the longevity and fun of the game, but we're ok to show it without them in beta).

    When we're done implementing the balance tweaks we'll be ready for that. An introduction would be ABSOLUTELY AMAZEBALLS :D Thanks a trillion gazillion!

    Edit: Also I'd loooove to either 1) get a video in iphone format or 2) know how to do it because I'd like to put a gameplay video on the site we're gonna build (in a way like www.ridiculousfishing.com), and the youtube format with the black sides is just..... Meh. So that'd be GREAT!!

    Addendum: anyone who wants to get our next beta can leave their email here, we're swinging iOS test builds already but I'm more excited about the beta coming next :D
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    Brief update, we haven't been doing nothing on Dead Run :P

    We added a bunch of stuff, and here Imma show some stuff that can be giffed:

    Juice to zombie batting:

    Then we were busy changing the timing of the bat cooldown and ended up with this hilarious bug:

    Also added juice to the shell pickup:

    And similar juice to an accidental kill:

    There's a bunch of balance and gameplay tweaks coming, unfortunately I can't beta it right now cos it's unstable and we haven't had time to make it so this week... On the weekend though! Rawr!
    Thanked by 2edg3 Boysano
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    Looking good guys
  • looking good! Thanks for gifs :D
  • The shell animation still isn't very tied to the individual being rescued. You need to move the shell from the rescuee to the player more obviously - use the motion of the rescuee more somehow, that's why I suggested throwing the shell to the player to establish a link.
    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • @dislekcia

    I actually thought a lot about the throwing the shell thing, and there's 2 scenarios - 1, the rescuee throws the shell BEFORE they get to you - so you can see it. That makes it too easy to identify some humans, right? Also the animation would either be so fast it's difficult to distinguish (closer to player) or so early and far away from the player that it's again, a bit duh to the identifying zombies thing.

    The other scenario is throwing it AFTER the rescuee passes the player - but then they go into the crowd of other survivors and well, it's just impossible to tell the one from the other.

    I do think the current animation's a bit removed - somehow there's a huge delay between the person running past you and the shell coming up, I think that must be shortened to be super immediate.

    Oh and there's a sound effect of the pickup that you're (obviously, my bad) not hearing.

    Then I think when that happens I'll also flash the survivor white for a frame or two - that makes sense to me, what do you think?

    Also I am going to add a +1 visual effect in the style of the score number above the survivor when they run past you, because some people are still confused about the score (some think that zombie kills = score).
  • A little gif of the current day/night cycle :)

    Thanked by 2raithza Boysano
  • Is that a rainbow, or was I just happy to see this? :)


    (nyan nyan nyan)
  • Looking rad! I'd prefer if the blood was also silhouetted black.
  • Hmmmmmm, seriously thinking about it, now that you mentioned it. Why would you say so, @Merrik? I personally like the contrasting colours, but it sometimes gets lost in the red background (but the bg isn't always red).

    Implication wise though, I can see that having it not red makes the game less violent... But is it necessary?

    Then from pure aesthetics point of view it's more "consistent", foreground = silhouetted all the way through... And there's always contrast. However for a moment I think the "figures" of human or zombie would get obscured - I constantly worry (cos I've seen it over and over) that people don't know the difference between zombie or human and get frustrated because of that. So functionally I think black blood is less communicative.

    What does everyone else think?
  • Hey everyone, beta is almost done, if you want in on an iOS testflight build, let me know with your email :)
  • @tuism, me me me! (you already have my email)
    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • What does everyone else think?
    When I first thought about it I agreed with @Merrik, but after further consideration I am not so sure. It looks off when you just see it in the GIFs, but I think that, that will change during actual gameplay. You are more invested in the mechanic then and the experience is more interactive and then I think the red will add to the experience. Also, as you mentioned there is now the day/night cycle so the red will feel more constant when the background colours change. Are you planning a build for android devices?
  • Android build - for now, because of several issues (achievement integration and stuff is using an iOS Game Centre only plugin, unfortunately), we can only really be building to iOS. Even then it's a bit of a technical boo boo (currently experiencing timing differences between editor build and iOS build, GAH)...

    But Android version's definitely in the cards once we work through the issues. This whole thing's been one big giant learning curve! Everyone needs to learn these things!
  • I need a build!
    Thanked by 2Tuism Boysano
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    OK guys, unfortunately we were not able to get a beta iOS build out due to some performance and framerate or something issues (and time), but in the meantime, here's a beta WEB build :) It's hosted on a different location than the previous one so do take note:





    1. All the spiffy pretty day/night cycle stuff
    2. Zombie head juice
    3. Misc communicative juice
    4. The swing is WAY faster
    5. The game's harder with the inclusion of... Something. You'll see. But not much yet ;)
    6. Delays and things work properly now
    7. Basic instructions!
    8. You'll notice... decorative elements :) They'll be earned and have certain effects come the final game.
    9. Various other things.
    10. Player will use the bat unless there's something to shoot, where it'll attempt to use the gun.
    11. Bat-spam removed.

    Known issues:

    1. Difficulty ramp is still to be tweaked, will get harder, at the same time give the shotgun a better reason to exist, hopefully. I'd talk about it but it feels like it's better tested than talked about.
    2. Pause causes crash in one scenario. Don't find it ;)
    3. Achievements still need to be added.
    4. Sharing to be implemented (only works from iOS)

    We're almost there! Last mile is always the hardest, really... Thanks for all your input!

    Enjoy the beta! :D

    One last thing:

    As we're nearing the finish line (last 90% of time spent on the 10% of the stuff), we want to ask you guys' honest opinon on monetisation. Should this be a $0.99 paid app or a free with ads?

    The original plan was to make something quick and toss it out as free with ads as an experiment. But with research and reading I find that there are two points of views to this all:

    1. These days free apps fall into two categories - crazy IAP things or throwaway Flappy clones. That means the perception of free apps fall under those two categories too. The original intent with free with ads was never to "mint it", but more to try and reach a big audience and gauge response. But if the impression of free apps are poor, then even before it gets into people's handsets it's already gonna be labelled as being an unworthy game. Thoughts on this?

    2. If going as a paid app, we'll drop the ads naturally, but the barrier to entry is higher. Even though a dollar is not a lot at all, we're now competing against other dollar games like Cut the Rope, PVZ (even if IAP infested), Bad Piggies, etc, which obviously out-trump us. Obviously the app store doesn't work like that, with only the top games getting all the attention, but is it worth trying to play in that arena with such a delicately small offering? I do think that going paid ups the perceived value of the game and may get it more attention than if it were free.

    Overall, rather than a money-making exercise, this is more about learning how the market works, an experiment with real results, however it goes. We'd rather maximise it one way or another (exposure mostly), so it would be great if you could help us with valuable insights!

  • You can always release 2 versions. 99c Dead Run and Free with Ads Dead Run Lite.
  • You can always release 2 versions. 99c Dead Run and Free with Ads Dead Run Lite.
    $0.99 paid most def! Good quality and totally addictive.
  • image

    Finally got a badge. Love the hats (pope 1 got a real chuckle). I think $0.99 is more than reasonable for this product. Maybe leave the web build out there for free. I know that the idea was not to make money, but I seriously hope you guys do make a couple of bucks 'cause this kind of quality work deserves it.

    P.S. love the logos at the start of the game, as well as the quick tutorial. That should be enough to eliminate most of the confusion from earlier. As for the new Shotgun shell juice...what it you had a specific type of human (same appearance) that always gave you the new ammo. That with the new juice should make it quite clear when and why you are getting a new shell i.e when you save the guy with the hat/dog/gun etc. you always get new ammo
  • Suggestion: Can you make mouse click also tap on the web build? It's much quicker responsiveness (and similar to a finger tap IMO) than Spacebar :)
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    @AngryMoose yes, that was on the to-do list, but we never got to it. Apparently some code buggered out when @Loet tried to implement it and it was late so we left it for now XD

    Thanks for the input guys! Leaving the web build playable online with .99 price on app store seems like a great idea, it's what Canabalt did. We'll look into that.
  • Liking pretty much everything. I feel like the day/night cycle is too fast at the moment - I'd use that as a "reward" for getting far in the game, plus the white-out state can be pretty disorienting, so that happening when people have a lot of score to lose feels interesting. A little worried that the swing might be *too* responsive now, because the game's difficulty that made you want to keep poking at it feels a bit less now. It's a tricky thing to do - this is your major interaction, so you want it to be a thing that feels good to use, but also is your main point of challenge. At the moment I only die to sets of 2 zombies that I don't recognise fast enough ;)
    Thanked by 1Tuism
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    Well done on the game, awesome and super polished. One suggestion if you get time, when the player gets killed i see the blood splatter and the player slowly falls to the ground. To emphasize the object of the game why not have the zombie kill all the people you tried to save, have a laugh and celebrate his victory against the player.
    [edit] my bad... those are the people you saved. haha it would be kwl to see though
    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • @dislekcia yeah I really need to get into tweaking the difficulty level - one thought is to have it easier as it is now due to a responsive swing, but your player sprite advances up the screen faster with each rescue. The sets of 2 mix it up too - they're always killable with 2 consecutive swings, but they not always both zombies ;)

    Oh and the intention of two zombies were for you to use your shotgun to kill both at the same time ;) But I can see that it's not working exactly. We may have to add a variety of fat zombie that can only be killed by shotgun, but if you bat him he bounces backwards, so you have to "juggle" him until you get a shell. That's the thinking at the moment.

    Then there's the running speed - I want to make it faster to make it more challenging, but that makes it impossible when the player is far up the screen, and with the zombie duos it might make it actually impossible too. Gotta tweak this curve...

    Re: day night cycle, I actually like the disorienting white-out and the darkness, adding visual disruptions to the game that changes it subtly. Do you find yourself getting too distracted because of the visual effects?

    @Gareth that's a cool idea visually :P But they should be saved and not munched :P I really like the idea :P
  • You can always release 2 versions. 99c Dead Run and Free with Ads Dead Run Lite.
    This. So much this. If you're going to experiment, experiment properly ;)
  • So, ideally, we should... Web build, Dead Run Lite, Dead Run 99c? :) Cover all bases... Gauge traffic, etc? :)
  • Tuism said:
    So, ideally, we should... Web build, Dead Run Lite, Dead Run 99c? :) Cover all bases... Gauge traffic, etc? :)

    Look, I have thoughts about how suddenly so many people seem to be wanting to "monetize" whatever they're working on and rush stuff to stores, etc. But I don't have much in the way of friendly, approachable dialog-inducing advice on the matter, so if you're going to put a thing on a store in an experimental fashion, then go all the way and experiment properly. You don't lose anything by having two versions, you hardly even have to do any extra work.
    Thanked by 1mattbenic
  • Hey feel free to drop thoughts, we're not kid-glove guys here :) I know it *looks* like we're all hoping to be the next Flappy or whatever, but I honestly have no delusions about that :)
  • Current High Score holder for Dead Run :Pimage
    1944 x 2592 - 567K
    Thanked by 3Tuism sashabii Cheatsi
  • Just a little teaser for tomorrow's Dead Run quick showing :)

    Thanked by 1Sean_Goncalves
  • Looks like a combination of the boogieman and the stay puft marshmallow man :D
    500 x 500 - 40K
    337 x 323 - 70K
    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • Wow, this is coming along really well, and yes if it's not too much extra work then definitely experiment with the different approaches/platforms, paid/ads etc. to gauge where the best market response lies.

    That day/night cycle is really pretty!
  • Thanks! :D

    On putting stuff out (eventually), apparently Apple has disallowed the approach of having a 99c version and a lite version of the same app, mandating that you should instead have a single version with in app purchase, can anyone confirm or deny that?

    That'd be a shame because I do want to try all the different approaches and see how each is received, tracking numbers and stuff.
  • Thanks very much to everyone for being so enthusiastic about Dead Run at Jozi meetup! It really really means a lot to me!

    The most current version which includes the FAT ZOMBIE is live on http://www.deadrunapp.com! :D Also following Zoe's awesome advice, it's gonna get a presskit SOON. Like, as soon as I can figure out what's wrong with the hosting configurations :P

    Fat zombie is still to be tweaked, so let me know what your feeling is on anything at all! :)

    (oh and if you'd like a beta iOS build, just drop your email and I'll pass one your way!)
  • Looks like a combination of the boogieman and the stay puft marshmallow man :D
    My thought when I saw it was the boogieman :P
    apparently Apple has disallowed the approach of having a 99c version and a lite version of the same app
    Do you have a reference link for this? I see no such limitation in Apple's own Approval Guidelines, not that they limit themselves to these ;)

    Now some feedback on the iOS build (FYI iPad Mini Retina):
    1. Well done on keeping the size down, nice quick download. That sounds silly, but it makes a difference for getting download numbers to try and keep under the maximum cellular dl limit.
    2. Not a bad job on the icon at all, grabs my attention nested among the rest of my game icons, nice :)
    3. Having Game Center the first time I play and miss the start animations kind of sucks a little bit, if it's at all possible to only start the menu after GC is dismissed that would be nice. Small and picky thing :)
    4. There are pops both when your ambient loop starts and stops. Easy to repro by just minimizing the app and opening it again. Particularly noticeable when starting the game from scratch and the sound starts in the menu.
    5. The changing time of day is awesome, but the sun and moon just don't feel like they fit the rest of the game, they're too smooth while everything else has hard edges. Yeah I know, who would ever ask for more aliasing ;)
    6. Pause button sometimes doesn't work, could really be bigger, it's not like you might hit it accidentally.
    7.Also, hitting pause still counts as a normal tap and triggers fire. I've killed a survivor and wasted shells like this.
    8. One of the female survivors has some stray pixels at the top of one or two of her frames. I couldn't get a screen grab, because of the pause button attack thing - Get that Twitch API in to help with bug reports ;)
    9. Playing on the iPad, and focusing on the runners, the current score is just a bit out of view-I would need to look up a bit and risk losing focus on the game. This isn't the end of the world, but it might be nice to have the count float up after each saved survivor-or it could be more distracting, who knows. Interestingly enough, the bullet count is less of an issue, much closer to where the action is.
    10. There's no real incentive (other than general awesomeness) to use the shotgun on normal zombies, so usually by the time the boogieman shows up I have a crazy stockpile of shells. Maybe a zombie/human spawn combo that has the zombie shambling away from the player towards the human would help-if player doesn't use shells the zombie would get to the human first. Not fatal but costs a save (would also mean you could use it when they don't have shells, so some tension about whether to use last shell on boogieman or keep it for a save)
    11. The zombie squelch, shotgun blast and survivor smacking screams are great, but by comparison death just doesn't have much impact. Feels like that needs to be a stronger sound. I would say screaming.. but that's taken by killing a survivor :/
    12. Zombie heads hitting the ground also feel like they need a sound.
    13. Also with zombie heads, hitting the boogieman (I'm sticking to that, ok :P) with a head should do damage. Not a one shot kill like the shotgun, but the same as single smack with the bat. Same for any zombie really..
    14. Performance-yeah I know you said you're working on it, but for it to chug on the latest hardware something must be fundamentally wrong. You're profiling it, right? Total wild guess without profiler numbers, but I'd be looking at your day/night cycle as a possible culprit. Are you manually building up the adjusted textures each frame? I get that impression based on some artifacts I saw. Perhaps a better approach would be a shader that applies that gradient, just updating the two gradient colors each frame.

    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • Two more things:
    1. When you die, the background stops scrolling, but the clouds keep going, they should stop or go slower.
    2. I handed the game to my wife without any instructions. Her instinct was to tap where the hand and "tap" tooltip pointed (pretty logical), obscuring her view of the gameplay and making the game impossible. Maybe change that to "tap anywhere" and move it somewhere that even if players do tap there, they won't obscure the game (bottom right is safe and easy to reach)
    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • Looking great two comments.

    Fat zombie was once the first Zombie I had might be worth only introducing him a bit more into gameplay.

    I had a fat zombie once and a zombie right by me hit space bar. It hit the one next to me in the face and shoot the fat one with the gun pretty awesome combo. If its intentional might be worthy of a trophy.

  • First, thanks for the feedback and bug reports!

    @tbulford Fat zombo is definitely still buggy yeah :P Will look into those things! He's definitely not going to show up early in the final game :)

    Here's one more lol bug from fat zombo (man I wish instagram videos embeds :P)


    Great input on all points!

    Do the sun and moon really bug you so much? I like that they're light sources and therefore followed the principles of bloom :P The cities also light up with blurriness. Maybe I'll tweak it to be less glaring.

    The shotgun remains a contentious issue! I agree it would be nice if the shotgun gave you other benefits. I was thinking to make shotgun kills count for points, and make points not tied directly to rescues, so that a rescue = points, and zombie kills = points. It completely changes the dynamic of scoring, though. And multikills count for points with a multiplier - so 2 zombies killed = 4 points, 3 zombies killed = 6 points or even 9 (achievable by timing fat zombie and waiting for a pair! But damn it's hard. Which is good.)

    Sounds and more sounds is a good idea, will look into that. Didn't have time to give Boogieman a sound before we got the build out, and that head bouncing sound is a great idea :)

    We're not profiling it yet (Unity is free...) but Loet is busy with some basic optimisations, and then we'll get with Travis who has graciously offered to help with profiler and expertise to optimise it. Yeah it's pretty bad on the lag front. Should see it on my iPad 2. OMG.
  • I really dig the inclusion of that Big Zombie, it feels rather bad ass when you swat him away with the bat and then unload a shotgun shell into his face hahaha :P nice work guys keep it up :)
  • Dumb question, but am I the only useless player that can't kill two zoms in rapid succession? If I get two really close together (same screen), I feel like there just isn't enough time to smack the second-it just takes too long for the smack anim to complete and get another shot in. Now if anyone else can reliably nail two zombies then I'll chalk it up to my own uselessness, but if no-one can then need to ensure that doesn't happen.
    Do the sun and moon really bug you so much? I like that they're light sources and therefore followed the principles of bloom :P The cities also light up with blurriness. Maybe I'll tweak it to be less glaring.
    No, it doesn't bother me too much, but I'm in crit mode :P I'm specifically looking for things that look out of place.
    I was thinking to make shotgun kills count for points, and make points not tied directly to rescues, so that a rescue = points, and zombie kills = points. It completely changes the dynamic of scoring, though. And multikills count for points with a multiplier - so 2 zombies killed = 4 points, 3 zombies killed = 6 points or even 9 (achievable by timing fat zombie and waiting for a pair! But damn it's hard. Which is good.)
    Impossible to know without telling, but my gut feel is don't touch the scoring. The current simple approach that leads to generally low scores has a certain appeal to it that I think suits the generally minimal feel of the game.
    The shotgun remains a contentious issue! I agree it would be nice if the shotgun gave you other benefits.
    Nothing at all wrong with the shotgun-it's a ranged weapon with crazy high firepower, what more do you need from it?

    Are you planning other weapons? Again I actually quite like the current simplicity of only one ranged and one melee. If anything at all should get more complex, a wider range of zombies-if only visuals- would be nice, but certainly not worth holding it up for. Optimize it, then SHIP IT

    Although, of all the things I listed above, if you only fix one thing it should be:
    I handed the game to my wife without any instructions. Her instinct was to tap where the hand and "tap" tooltip pointed (pretty logical), obscuring her view of the gameplay and making the game impossible. Maybe change that to "tap anywhere" and move it somewhere that even if players do tap there, they won't obscure the game (bottom right is safe and easy to reach)
    Yeah, quoting myself, but this needs emphasis. It will cost you players, lots of them, and you indicated your primary goal for this one is to get the max number of players you can. You will not be there to show people how to play!
    Loet is busy with some basic optimisations, and then we'll get with Travis who has graciously offered to help with profiler and expertise to optimise it.
    Awesome. Get together with Travis sooner rather than later. Optimizing it without knowing what's actually slowing it down is just stabbing in the dark, it's a waste of time that could go to something else.
  • I played the web build - It's really good. You should do a technical write up of how you did the sky?
    Thanked by 2Tuism dreampunchboy
  • mattbenic said:
    Awesome. Get together with Travis sooner rather than later. Optimizing it without knowing what's actually slowing it down is just stabbing in the dark, it's a waste of time that could go to something else.
    So lets plan this :)
    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • mattbenic said:
    Dumb question, but am I the only useless player that can't kill two zoms in rapid succession? If I get two really close together (same screen), I feel like there just isn't enough time to smack the second-it just takes too long for the smack anim to complete and get another shot in. Now if anyone else can reliably nail two zombies then I'll chalk it up to my own uselessness, but if no-one can then need to ensure that doesn't happen.
    Not dumb at all. It's a known bug (mentioned and buried somewhere up there, I think I should keep an up-to-date buglist on first post?) The problem is that the editor and web build runs at a different speed to the iOS build... And we haven't figured out why yet. We really should make that priority, but whenever we've had time to work on it it was on something to show (Fat Zombie :P)... Anyhoo no excuses. Gotta get it done!!
    mattbenic said:
    No, it doesn't bother me too much, but I'm in crit mode :P I'm specifically looking for things that look out of place.
    And that's super appreciated! :D
    mattbenic said:
    Impossible to know without telling, but my gut feel is don't touch the scoring. The current simple approach that leads to generally low scores has a certain appeal to it that I think suits the generally minimal feel of the game.
    I completely agree. While it's good to throw ideas around and be in brainstorm mode, I feel like Dead Run has reached the funnel phase rather than the shotgun phase.
    Nothing at all wrong with the shotgun-it's a ranged weapon with crazy high firepower, what more do you need from it?
    Just more reasons to use it :P But yeah I shouldn't butcher the core game for it.
    mattbenic said:
    Are you planning other weapons? Again I actually quite like the current simplicity of only one ranged and one melee. If anything at all should get more complex, a wider range of zombies-if only visuals- would be nice, but certainly not worth holding it up for. Optimize it, then SHIP IT
    Yep exactly - not worth adding more weapons as it's mechanically the same thing. I do want to add more zombies, maybe as updates later, even. Boogeyman can have Godzilla brother (Littlezilla lol) or... What other fat horror characters are there? Jubba the Hutt? :P
    mattbenic said:
    Yeah, quoting myself, but this needs emphasis. It will cost you players, lots of them, and you indicated your primary goal for this one is to get the max number of players you can. You will not be there to show people how to play!
    I agree with this, I've seen it happen a few times so it's totally right. People tap where you ask them to. Even with Flappy I've seen it happen, so I kinda dismissed it, but you're right.
    mattbenic said:
    Awesome. Get together with Travis sooner rather than later. Optimizing it without knowing what's actually slowing it down is just stabbing in the dark, it's a waste of time that could go to something else.
    Agreed! And thanks once again for your superb input and feedback! :D
  • edited
    mattbenic said:
    apparently Apple has disallowed the approach of having a 99c version and a lite version of the same app
    Do you have a reference link for this? I see no such limitation in Apple's own Approval Guidelines, not that they limit themselves to these ;)
    By the way I haven't found a reference for this yet... So I do suspect this might be some anecdotal urban legend thing people are passing around if noone's really ever heard of it even around here. Hmmmm...

    If that's the case (= urban legend) then I would definitely try the .99 + free method and see.
  • edited
    Hi guys!

    An update on Dead Run :) We've been getting the game ready for AMAZE with what little time we've had on it (@Loet's been really busy), and just got it ready last night (we think):

    Windows Console-friendly Standalone build:
    Please test it out if you have a moment!

    Changes 1 April 2014 (this is not an April Fools, I wish we had time to make one but we didn't :P)
    1. Console adaptation, so you can use buttons
    2. You can also play entirely with mouse (click anywhere to attack)
    3. A few graphical glitches fixed
    4. Fixed - A bug where you could re-start a game with the first zombie already dead
    5. Fixed - Badge appears on re-start without having reached badge number
    6. Changed the instruction screen
    7. Baseball cap affects the game
    8. Hat changing works

    Still on the list before release:
    1. Optimisations :(
    2. Achievement conditions
    3. Achievement display + integration
    4. Bitmap Font for the score display... (does anyone know how to get Bitmap fonts to work in Unity + Daikon Forge? We can't get it working... They become solid colours)
    5. Difficulty tweaking
    6. Improved http://www.deadrunapp.com design etc

    Can't actually believe this last 10% thing is *still* going... XD
  • Nice NAG article on Dead Run in this month's issue. Congrats guys!
    Thanked by 1Boysano
  • Hi everyone! So, since Dead Run has been submitted to the App Store, I'm getting ready to do a bunch of telling the world about it. Having watched Rami's GDC about pitching your game, I've been thinking long and hard (again) about how to pitch Dead Run.

    Please help me craft Dead Run's pitch! This is what I have so far, what do you think? Can I shave a few words out? Does it sound right? Good? Bad? Terrific?
    In Dead Run, you must shoot zombies but not survivors. You have half a second and one touch to decide. How long before your fatal mistake?
    640 x 1096 - 498K
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