[EVENT] UCON Cape Town (Anime and gaming convention) [1st] 14-15 Sept

edited in Events
UCT's (University of Cape Town) own Genshinken (anime and gaming society) is hosting its first Anime and Gaming convention. Yours truly was lucky enough to be selected to be part of the comity to organize this great event (*he said while drowning under overdue work)

Any way, to the chase. I suggested to the folks here at UCT, how about an SA indie game corner (*wink wink, nudge nudge). After some begging and convincing (dont forget the bribing) I got them to accept. So without a further delay.

LADY's AND GENTLEMEN...ya who am I kidding. We (my self and the committee) would like to know if MakeGamesSa wishes to participate at this event?

Essentially what you guys had/will have at rAge (that kind of setup)...but cooler, because I said so.

Any interest? It's the 14-15 September 2013.
Thanked by 1hanli


  • Great initiative! Thank you!
    We could ask the guys showing at rage if they would be willing to show, and if you provide screen space (pc's) I'm sure it will be awesome. Unfortunately I don't think MakeGames could help with pc rental etc. But see if you can round us some volunteers and donation machines?
  • I will see what i can orginize (should be ok...you guys arent planning on play crysis are you?)

    Also any idea of the amount of computers I should try and orginize?
  • Mid-September - incidentally that is when we'll likely be entering the last stretch of development for Maker's Eden Act 1, and if MakeGamesSA is going then we'd love to be part of their booth/area/whatever.
  • RustyBroomhandle said:
    we'd love to be part of their booth/area/whatever.
    And we can bring both our PCs to demo on. :)
  • Wut? I was thinking we make alive-action trailer with loads of gratuitous dubstep and have a presentation where we use phrases like "next gen" and "taking x to the next level".
  • @SquigyXD: So how much space are you talking? Is there going to be any kind of signage? What sorts of power and internet capacity is available? Are there going to be screens/PCs available? What security safeguards are in place if we do bring our own machines? Would it be cool doing things like having flyers, business cards or merch? And, finally, how many people are you expecting?
  • @dislekcia
    -Space: Enough Space for 8-12 pc's (Will clarify tomorrow)
    -Power: There are 3 phase power points (and we have the boxes) so shouldn't be an issue
    -Internet: There is wireless access (as well as lan ports that I'm aware of) you'll just need an guest account (I'll try and organize that)
    -Screens/PC: We are trying to get a hold of some sponsors (like Chaos computers for the PC's) but if that does nor work I will see if i can't borrow some of the varsity's pc's
    -Security: There will pc campus security (There is always guys patrolling) but if I'm not mistaken, we might get extra in
    -Merch: Please by all means.
    -Signage: Still to be announced (Mainly because I can't get a hold of the chairman)

    People: As much as possible. Seeing as this will be the first one, not as much as rAge. But we will do our best to make the event more known (MARKETING HERE I COMI'TH o_O )
  • edited
    ok got a hold of the chairman, so update:

    - Signage: None (if MakeGamesSA is willing to sponsor a gift/such for one of the competitions [think a t-shirts or so])
    - Security: We have an office we can lock the equip away for the night if you so wish
    - Advertisement: MWEB will do a 'article' on the event on their site, as well as Sentient Gamer, Zombie Gamer (And then All the other stall participants have their own marketing, which helps). Posters are to be put up in all participating stores and pamphlets will be handed out. UCT radio will also be covering this event.

    Please let me know who is interested (so that we can organize the tables+pc's)
  • edited
    Ok Ok Ok

    GOOD NEWS!!!

    Got pc's organized ^^
    8 of them

    So if you are interested I'll put your name on the list. Cut-off date: 6 September
  • Sweet.

    Strongly recommend you come to the meetup this week to get people excited to come show off their games at UCT.
  • edited
    will do (will also be bringing flyers, so, WOOT!!)

    Also any question here on the forums, I'll do my best to answer them to the fullest (and some).
  • just got the floor plan you guys will be situated here:

  • Confirming interest for showing The Maker's Eden, myself and Jaco (@rustybroomhandle) and possibly our artist if he comes down from George.
  • Quick random question: Will MGSA exhibitors be able to get in without tickets? Is there some sort of comp system and do we need to give you numbers of exhibitors from our side?

    Let's get some movement on this, devs!
  • Entrance: The exhibitors yes
    Comp system: Would you like one (something like ask the people who walk by to rate?)
    Numbers: Please (Just keep in mind we can only provide 8 pc at this time)

    Also If you guys have some banners and such...BRING IT ^^
  • We can bring our own two PCs to demo on - that'll free up the other eight (assuming there's enough power slots)...
  • @SquigyXD comp system = complementary system, i.e. exhibitors don't pay. So to confirm if we're exhibiting we still need to pay the netry fee?
  • @WelshPixie: Thanks that might help

    @LexAquillia: ah....derp =P
    soz. Nope. If you are exhibiting you don't have to. (If your not..well fair game [see what I did there ;) ])
  • So how do we apply to show our games exactly? :P Would love to show Pixel Boy off a bit >.<
  • Just drop a "I'm interested in participating in UCON" here. I'll add you on the list and keep you informed of future development. ^^
  • Awesome :) am excited then :P

    and for the formality ;) "I'm interested in participating in UCON" :)
  • Awesome, then for the formality "You are on the list" ^^
  • I'm interested in participating in UCON
  • Cool, what would your game be?
  • Cool I'm interested in just visiting, just started a new game so wont be ready to show it.
  • Al right. I'm closing the sign ups on Tuesday...so If you guys still want to show case your games at UCON please notify me before then.

    The games To be shown to the public at UCON:
    - The Maker's Eden (@WelshPixie)
    - Pixel Boy (@atomicdomb)
    - ...your game here..

    If you want to showcase your game please give me more details about it, tnx

    Awesome man. Definitely next time ^^
  • Hey, do you have somewhere that we can send the builds to be demoed?
  • Ah yes
    Sorry. Was SUPER busy yesterday getting things ready for the weekend.
    Um you can always send it my way. Dropbox or whatever (or even by hand if you'd like ;) )

    Really sorry about the late reply (this one is on me =\ )
  • How will the builds be Demoed?
  • On pc's that are setup at a stall at the event.

    so screen with keyboard and mouse.
    Cases hidden (hopefully)

    (no controllers unless you bring your own)
  • Don't suppose there'll be headphones provided?
  • No, unfortunately not

    But what we can do is have a computer or two actually have speakers (making sure the are some part away from each other)

    As I remember sound was and important aspect for your game (ambiance and such)

    Also all exhibitors, please be at UCT jamerson hall around 09:00 at the latest so that we can setup your games.
  • We've got a couple of pairs of headphones we can bring, unfortunately they're not the nice 'completely engulf your earholes' type but they'll do ^.^
    Thanked by 1SquigyXD
  • Awesome thanks

    Ya, this is the first event. So we are learning a TON (Yep we can actually weigh experience now, thank you science)
  • Oh, what time should we be there to get set up?
  • @WelshPixie can we borrow a pair of your headphones to use for players playing Pixel Boy?? :P

  • JAAAA! This is going to be so awesome, Finally being in Cape Town allows me to attend all these events. So im really excited :)
  • Im also very amped! I can bring some Audiophile headphones...just one pair though :D
  • One question to those of you who are showing your games and are not bringing own hardware. What OS do you guys use

    We have linux pc's available at the time pf this post

    Im glad/overjoyed to see people excited for this event
  • Will see you there on Saturday, if there is anything I can help with just pop me an email at mornebooysen@gmail.com
    Then again I was thinking of selling lots of bulk cheap MTG cards at the show, but you didnt reply to my applications at your official website?
  • Desktop Dungeons will only run on Windows at the moment... Is that a problem?
  • atomicdbomb said:
    @WelshPixie can we borrow a pair of your headphones to use for players playing Pixel Boy??
    Well, we only have two pairs (I think, will have to do some digging) and we're bringing our two PCs to show our games on, which is why I was asking about headphones in the first place - the sound in our games makes up a huge part of the experience for setting the mood. But if one of our machines is empty and you've got someone on yours we can hand 'em over quick :)
    Thanked by 1atomicdomb
  • I can't seem to find what entrance cost will be?
  • Under 'event details' on the link SquigyXD posted above - http://genshikenuct.wix.com/genshiken-ucon#!page2/cjg9
    Ticket Price:
    For those students such as ourselves the event will cost R30.00 for a one day pass and R50.00 for the two day pass(student card required/I.D for highschoolers).
    For the rest it is R50.00 for a one day pass and R75.00 for both days.
    Children under the age of 10 enter free
    Your entrance fee allows you to enter the event and all tournaments,gaming and competitions are free to enter
    The first 100 attendees receive free goodie bags:-D
  • Pixel Boy will also run on mac or windows... Just realised, there should be a set up for windows comps yes?
  • @Boysano:
    Sorry, I wasn't in control of the website...I go and whip the Gremlins responsible multiple a times. Really, sorry =(.

    @dislekcia & @atomicdomb:
    Hmm...I'll see what can be done (shouldn't be a problem...I REALLY hope). I'm talking to UCT's wonderfull IT department right now about the computers (and now OS's)
    I'll keep you guys informed

    @WelshPixie :
    Thanks for the info forward
  • Quick question, what are the general min specs needed for your games?
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