Test players: feedback for a digital board game

edited in General
I have been learning unity over the past few months and build a Simplified digital version of a physical board game that I created many years ago. The game is a one player puzzle with a large variety of levels. I have placed a Demo Version on my website and want to find players that enjoy puzzles like the Magic Cube, Simon...etc.
The game is meant to have a physical board game feel and experience that works on any digital device.
Any thoughts will be welcome.
This is a game you may enjoy solving during lockdown.
Don’t be fooled by the first four levels. The game gets pretty difficult as the levels progress.
Thanked by 1iamdavidnight


  • It's a pretty cute game, like one of those casual puzzles on mobile. If you can create MANY levels with this I think it can do something cool :)

    Some feedback:
    1. Work on the visual design/language of the game, it's not super apparent what the goal is without watching a tutorial. With games like this, I think it'll be important for people to "get it" without having to go through instructions.
    2. The first level is harder than it needs to be. The first level should introduce the very basic victory condition, then build it up. Again, without being told what to do. Or tell them what to do, but with VERY FEW STEPS.
    3. The game should have more deterministic states. As it's a puzzle game, a lot of what the game state is should be unambiguous. Having pieces able to occupy half a place here and there, for example also like I could put two pieces in the middle bar and try to rotate the thing and it'll break - maybe you TOLD people that only one is allowed in the bar, but if the game allows it to happen, people are going do it, and if it breaks, it's not their fault.
    4. I think you should take the point where the player clicks on the middle disc and start the disc's movement from there, like a real physical disc that you can rotate from any point, rather than having that yellow dot. It feels unnecessary and confusing and more difficult to control.
    5. I feel the name isn't descriptive of the game ("strategy" is long term planning, which doesn't really feel like it fits the idea of this game) and also too difficult to remember and find - people won't remember the special spelling, they'll just google "strategy game" and you'd lose them. It's also not really catchy and light, which is what this game feels like it's going for.

    Expectations: I think as a mobile game, I'd expect something in the region of 50 levels or more. I don't know what mechanics you have planned but I feel like this is very, very expandable. That might sound like a lot, but again, if you start very simply (to teach concepts) and step up gradually, I think it's entirely possible.
  • Thanks Tuism
    A lot of good points and thoughts in your reply.
    I have currently got thirty games over seven levels. The game has infinite level possibilities and when you get to Level 3 and up most people that have played the game want to revert back to Level 2.
    As you get to Level 3 and play against time... that yellow dot snapping to your finger becomes super important.
    If you would like to see the complete game, I can send you a link.
    I know it needs more work, but would you try play and complete game 3E.
    Thanks for your time.
  • edited
    I think right now what's more important for you isn't to make as many levels as possible, but to nail the basic system. Yes more levels are possible and yes more levels are cool, but working on that doesn't really improve your game right now where it needs to, which is to be attractive and instantly picked up by someone who decides that they'll spend the time looking at it.

    A good example of a puzzle-type game that has come from a prototype into a more complete form is @francoisvn's jetstream, see how he approached developing it from the beginning:
    Thanked by 1francoisvn
  • Thanks for your feedback.
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