[Event] CPT Global Game Jam 26 - 28 January 2018

edited in Events
(Apologies for multiple threads, but i think it'll be helpful to have a thread per venue in case there are venue specific questions. If everyone finds this problematic, admins are welcome to merge threads).

The CPT Venue has been arranged and a site registered. Sign up for the 2018 GGJ in CPT here: https://globalgamejam.org/2018/jam-sites/cape-town-vega-school

More information will be added, but we're looking to have sponsors and pizzas as usual. Stay tuned.

(PS: Big thanks to Vega who have volunteered their venues across the country including security, internet and power cabling).


  • Progress! JHB Vega venue has been approved (yay) and they're planning on having some workshops on photoshop and unity for people who want an intro to those aspects of game design and who might otherwise feel like they wouldn't be able to participate.

    CPT Vega is looking into offering this kind of thing too. I'll keep this thread updated :)
    Thanked by 1EvanGreenwood
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    Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/148852755875335/

    (could this event please be pinned as the MGSA events are done for the year, as i understand?)
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    @LexAquillia and @bensonance I'm not sure who is still admin on this forums (or if you need to ask for new people to volunteer) but can we please pin these posts (GGJ) and unpin the events that have past?
  • Note that this is currently linked to from an overarching thread (which is probably a good idea, to limit the number of sticky posts): http://makegamessa.com/discussion/5141/event-global-game-jam-26-28-january-2018#latest

    (I'm not an admin, can't change stickied posts)
  • @dammit I think someone got round to it :).

    I think @LexAquillia will find some new mods some time - I stepped down recently :).

    Like Francois suggests, I think it's probably most elegant to pin the overarching one, rather than every regional thread.
    Thanked by 1dammit
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    Thanks for organizing this @dammit

    Looking forward to jamming this year (I recall missing last year, which was a personal failure for me). I'm looking forward to being there and playing the jammers' games, seeing who the eager new game developers in Cape Town are (and seeing the awesome old ones as well).

    And I'll try make something as well!
  • Is anyone interested in judging this year? I'm looking for a diverse group preferably, but please get in touch regardless.
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    I don't really want to judge. I'd like to try make a game, and I struggle to be motivated in these jams when I'm doing it for fun and those around me are competing (that said, I'm also happy not to compete if it is a deterrent to others who don't want to compete against a relative veteran, though I haven't been awarded anything in a GGJ since 2010).

    But if judges are desperately needed I can help. I think Global Game Jam is a very important event.

    Though I obviously represent a very common demographic in game development.
  • We have decided to not hide out at our VR lab this year and some of us will be joining at the Venue. Depending on security we might even bring a VR headset. See you there []-)
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    An update/confirmation:

    Event starts at 6pm. Please get there ASAP so we can start the Keynote and get on to jamming!

    Bring your own computers, laptops, devices and extension cables
    Security is available on campus 24/7 and you can sleep at the venue if you wish
    50 parking bays have been made available on first come, first serve basis. They are underneath the building
    The Canteen will be open during the weekend for nourishment - will confirm if any free food will be available when I know

    And a general reminder to register on GGJ AND sign up for the CPT venue.
    Thanked by 1francoisvn
  • Hey guys. I'm looking to join the global game jam for a second time. I'm from Stellenbosch, but I might need to work remotely for some personal reasons. I already have a composer in my team (Brazilian) who has worked with me on a previous game jam project. Can I join the Cape Town jam site and work remotely (Either Stellenbosch or Durbanville)? I can probably join you guys in person for the announcement of the theme, but I'll probably take too long to get to UCT between the end of the jam and when you guys play eachother's games and do the prizegiving.
  • @Nuclear_Mosquito: I defer to the organisers, but if you can make it to the start and the end, like finishing your game there, and your team is fine with it, then it's usually not a problem to work from home most of the jam. I'm not sure how it works if you want to collaborate with someone else outside of the venue - most people come to the jam and form teams there. Also just note that the venue is Vega, not UCT.
  • @francoisvn: Thank you. Kind of forgot about the venue change. Vega is a bit closer to the N1/N2, which is nice for a quick drive in on the Sunday. I'll just keep an eye on the thread to see whether one of the organizers responds.
  • Hey guys. Just want to make sure or get it fixed before next weekend if it is in error.

    The location that opens from the location link on the ggj site opens an entirely different location than what the text says and where Google shows them when searching directly.
    Thanked by 1francoisvn
  • vince said:
    Hey guys. Just want to make sure or get it fixed before next weekend if it is in error.

    The location that opens from the location link on the ggj site opens an entirely different location than what the text says and where Google shows them when searching directly.
    Thanks I'll look into this!

    Also, 46 Jammers registered and we expect a lot more :D

    Finally, schedule for the workshops:


    1. Illustrating and developing a character 9-10

    2. Importing the character into photoshop.10-11

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