A look at my Megaman inspired game that I am working on. Its early days, but I have some content to share now. The game will be a mix between Megaman action and Trine puzzle solving with an 8 bit pixel art look. This will be a pc game and is planned for release in early 2018...
You can view it here:
I love all the different mechanic you have added so far! :)
I would recommend making a version available for the us to play, so that we can give better feedback about the feel and control of the character, as those aspects can make or break a platform game for me.
It is easy to get so used to the controls of a game you are developing, that it feels natural to you even though it may be a bit difficult to control for other players, so it's best to make sure of that early. :)
We found that out with Riders of Asgard, and had to go back and tweak things a whole lot because the controls turned out to be a lot less natural than I initially thought. It also gave us a lot of insight into things that we would never have even thought to ask people opinions on, and the game has improved a lot because of it.
But it looks very good so far and it would be awesome to give it a try!
Well done again!
Yes we got greenlit! It was a pretty stressful few weeks! Thank you very much I really appreciate it! We are aiming to release First quarter of next year, so we have about 3 months to get it all done! and we may be cutting it pretty close... :)
Thanks again!
This will only showcase character control ans some weapons and items. Playing full scree and a controller is very highly recommended. :)
Thank you.
I gave the game a go and have some feedback for you. :)
When I first started playing the controls felt a little twitchy, buy within a minute or 2 they felt natural, so I think they are pretty good for the design of your game. I like the precise movement control and that you stop quickly when left or right is released.
One thing that you may want to try is to implement a terminal velocity for the player, because you accelerate pretty quickly when falling and it makes it diffecult to judge your landing when falling from higher platforms. I think a maximum falling speed can help a lot.
Also I found it pretty difficult to hit the enemies, as they are often slightly higher or lower than you and makes them difficult to hit. You may want to consider making them a bit easier to kill because having to hit them multiple times makes it pretty hard. Falling a bit slower may make it a bit easier as well.
I tried out a few of the Power ups and I really like them! Even though I am not quite sure what I am doing haha.
Well done and keep up the good work!
Thanks, that is good feedback and both points are relevant and will be dealt with. Fall speed is easy to fix. I will look at my options to make enemies easier to hit. (Others have also told me enemies are too hard to hit so it is something that I will have to fix).
Once again thank you for taking the time to play test and share your thoughts.