SAOTA VR - Unity Developers + 3D Generalists/Artists [CT][Paid]
Hello All.
I am an Architect/Software Prototyper heading up a Virtual/Mixed/Experimental Reality Lab at SAOTA. I am looking for Unity developers and 3D Generalists who want to shape the future.
SAOTA is a world renown architecture firm located in Cape Town.
SAOTA VR is my first project for my new startup, a architectural ecosystem I am creating that develops VR/MR apps - currently for architecture.SAOTA is a firm of architectural designers and technologists including in-house CGI and marketing teams, as well as a strong support staff...With roots in South Africa, SAOTA now has an international footprint with projects on five continents.
We create many different tools and apps, ranging from websites , mobile tools and in house workflow apps to packaged VR solutions using the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift + Touch.Looking around the Lab you'll see arduinos, a quadrocopter, some Vives and on some days the odd mouse and keyboard.
These are paid internships (Cape Town) - a 3 month probation period if you will - that can easily - with some dedication - lead to a permanent role.
I have some positions that I would like to fill with talented and like-minded youth.
Coding Skills:
3D Generalisting Skills:3D Maths will help you or you will get lost.
Shader Development
Mainly C#, but we also:
- web dev
- JS
... so coders.
Bones, Skins and Weights.
Hardsurface Modelling (ArchViz)
Jedi's of Optimization.
Quixel, Substance.... Hand Painted?
Currently using Unity, but I will adopt Unreal and other engines when time allows.
We will branch out into other industries - movie and gaming are next.
I am already working on a VR game .
and many other things.
Please send a CV and PDF/Link of your portfolio to
I want to know what you've done, what you can do, and what you want to do.
List some skills.
- tells me more than you think."1500 hours in dota, haven't played in years"
Add " [VR Lab] " to your subject so I know its you.
Time Travelers are welcomed back.
Also, putting the Upside Down in your survival game would be incredible.
There is place for animators.
If you don't want to specify in the open it's all good.
Oh and I have 3000 hours on Dota, played tonight if that tells you something haha