Delicious Hearthstone
Here, look at this video about the impact effects in hearthstone:

How does a CARD game have better juice and screenshake than many indie action games? Shame on you. Shame on all of you.
Also: I absolutely adore the hearthstone soundtrack. Are there any other hearthstone players on the forum? I wonder if anyone else would be interested in a hearthstone design discussion thread.

How does a CARD game have better juice and screenshake than many indie action games? Shame on you. Shame on all of you.
Also: I absolutely adore the hearthstone soundtrack. Are there any other hearthstone players on the forum? I wonder if anyone else would be interested in a hearthstone design discussion thread.
That said, the game itself felt quite grindy, and when I joined a lot of my friends already had some really amazing cards, so I sort of got put off because of how I felt as if I'd never catch up without spending an amount of time on the game that I'm unwilling to spend.
I'm in the Europe region and keen to play any local players. @raithza I'll PM you my details
I felt the same about the game itself though. It doesn't make me feel like I'm playing the game for strategy, but rather to get cool cards which takes grind or money to get to. Which I don't like. Stop me if you've heard this one before. Netrunner.
*goes away to prototype*
Have you played Eye of Judgement? Was wonderfully gimmicky :)
I still want to try ladder my way to legend one month but damn that does take a lot of time!
I absolutely am a fan of all blizzard games, and how they just add value and change the perceived implementation of many different genres...just have a look at their new FPS with themed heros each playing with different abilities. It is like they took a moba and made it FPS.
Would love to play any other locals also, I'm Boysano on EU server.
I've decided not to buy any cards, and see how it goes. I'm still player even from closed beta, but I must admit I'm far behind paid players, it is ok, I see it as a challenge and I like collecting all the cards and I attach more value to it if I have to work for it.
My only real complaint is that opponents can reall play slow and drag out a game, I wish they could add different timed leagues...
Yes HS is a good example to me that TCG or CCGs can be super fun and pleasing, even with limited collection size. However, they can still do alot more with it, and it is humbling to see that even a big company like Blizzard is prepared to release to Android when it is buggy on that platform...
Maybe we can have a local tournament or something?
Of course, many people don't have the same needs as I do, and for them HS is a fantastic game :)
@boysano have you seen the new "mill druid" deck that's popped up recently? As well as some other fatigue based decks. If you hate slow players you'll loooove those.....
my Battlenet if anyone wants to add me: raithza#2484
That being said, I'd much rather prefer it to be more like Netrunner where you have all the cards available at all times. Especially now since they have started adding expansions. It will only get harder and harder to build the decks I want if I don't "keep up" with the other collectors.
The Arena game mode solves this for me though. I usually play just that because I feel that levels the playing field quite nicely and allows me to focus on improving my skill in the game instead of feeling that my deck lacks the cards I want to put in.
Going back to the part about the juice though. I think @Elyaradine said something that is overlooked when we talk about juice. If it's not overlooked I don't think it's explicitly said enough. I think that the most important function juice serves is to let the player know what the hell is going on. You should be able to take any effect in isolation and be able to answer the question: "What is this telling the player?". I feel that Blizzard always makes this a high priority in their games.
How do you guys feel about the fact that the animation times can sometimes cause you to not execute properly on a plan of action you decided? I'm torn in two about it a little. On the one hand I get that the turns are timed and both players have the same amount of time, so it's fair. But on the other hand, the game systems are causing me to fail, not my own lack of skill, so it's unfair. (I use fair and unfair in a very loose sense here). Thoughts?
Its improved a lot with the addition of new cards and the expansion pack, was a bit of a grind at first, but its just getting better and better.
But alas the game's basically gone, you can still get it and play it, but there are no more expansions :( There was a fully functional market and everything in it. Ubisoft obviously didn't see $_$ in it, sigh.
I must say for me tcg is meant to be played online and not in real life, it can be so juicy and also prevents mis interpretations of the rules which caused many fist fights in my younger days with my older brother over a game of MTG... Now I also just play HS, funny cause I'm trying to sell my MTGo Bot business which has a 100000 card collection, its like worth $4000 and I'm bored of it ... Anyone interested?
I really miss the RPG or adventure mechanic of the original single player MTG game on PC, where you traveled on a map like HoMM and win or lose cards by ante and thus effectively level up byusing your new cards for new deck combos...