Around rAge time last year I had a couple of people asking me about MGSA tshirts and such. And I realized that since the intial T-Shirt run in 2012 we haven't made any T-Shirts outside of events like rAge.
The intention here is to do a run of MGSA t-shirt. They will be plain white and simply have the MGSA logo (below) on the chest. I'll be using the same printer that I did for rAge, but seeing as the t-shirts aren't being printed in a day they will be of better quality.
We are going with white T-shirts as they are a standard representation of MGSA and are useful for members to wear at things like GDC, A Maze, Super Friendship Arcade, the monthly meetups and other things. This is a priority since GDC is rather close and we want people giving presentations the ability to represent MGSA.
So if you want a WHITE T-shirt, please click on the link
If you want to check that everything submitted is correct please check this doc
If you have any concerns, or something is wrong: post in the thread or PM me.
If you are interested in a cool custom design T-shirt to be printed head on over to this thread!
The intention here is to do a run of MGSA t-shirt. They will be plain white and simply have the MGSA logo (below) on the chest. I'll be using the same printer that I did for rAge, but seeing as the t-shirts aren't being printed in a day they will be of better quality.
We are going with white T-shirts as they are a standard representation of MGSA and are useful for members to wear at things like GDC, A Maze, Super Friendship Arcade, the monthly meetups and other things. This is a priority since GDC is rather close and we want people giving presentations the ability to represent MGSA.
So if you want a WHITE T-shirt, please click on the link
If you want to check that everything submitted is correct please check this doc
If you have any concerns, or something is wrong: post in the thread or PM me.
If you are interested in a cool custom design T-shirt to be printed head on over to this thread!

982 x 863 - 26K
I want to include everyone, but JHB and CT mean that I don't have to organize a courier / postage on the items. And this is the first trial run at this so it's best to keep the variables to a minimum. Hopefully on the next run we'll be sending these out to people that aren't in the main cities. But it's iterating on previous known working part, kinda like making a game ;)
I'm hoping to hit at least 25 T-shirts for the order run since it means a pretty good price for all involved. I'm pretty confident we'll hit that, but I do have a slight timing worry of having it all done (and people from CT having their T-shirts before GDC) so we can all go out pimpin' MGSA in style.
@Tuism funny you liking the logo
@Elyaradine, and @Fengol on the list!
@Gibbo unfortunately printing on multiple sides will add a bit more to the cost, but if the soccer guys put a little note in their posts then I'll at worst just tell you what the price difference would be.
I'll pay whatever it takes.
Ok so if I can get names on the back they will be what is now referred to as MGSA red.
@Boysano the T-shirts will probably be handed out at the monthly meet up. I've got LexAquillia to smuggle them down to CT.
@Squidcor, @ProjectX, @Mexicanopiumdog added to the list :)
Ok we're currently sitting at 10 (maybe 11) orders which is a quite a bit less then where I would like to be for ordering. Time to get people to pimp the thread out a bit ;)
The names on the back would be pretty cool. Do they cost much more?
Also, I don't mind volunteering to do the co-ordination for a cape town based print run if necessary.
Seeing as this isn't necessarily an MGSA official thing, could we think about doing a non-white option rather? :)
@damousey, thanks for the offer mouse! But the reason I want to do it like this is because the more we order from a single printer the longer the per T-shirt price is. So splitting between JHB and CT will just mean that we all end up paying more.
@Bensonance, I can always ask the game lawyer, or space pope, to come by the thread and give us his blessings ;)
The reason for white T-shirts is that I wanted to do a rerun of the original T-shirts that we did. I was already planning on doing another T-shirt run in a couple of months for black T-shirt with a red logo and white text ^_^
Fav (heart) your favorite so I know which is the most popular.
I'd prefer a white shirt myself. Also, put me down for one :)
But I'll go and see if I can fix it in PS.
Also needed another post to upload the replacement red logo.
I'll go for a white t-shirt when its available
I would have preferred to do a white run first, but with everyone saying they wanted different colours I thought it would be the most fair to leave the decision of which colour to do to up to a popular vote. Hence my using the hearts as a vote system since vanilla doesn't have polls like vbulletin forum.
@damousey could you elaborate on what you feel the problem of the black shirt is? And perhaps use those leet art skills to show us some possible solutions ;)?
If there's heavy resistance to a white background, red could do too.
If we *desperately* all want black, sure why not let's have black. But if people are fine with white tees or red tees, I'd prefer that it doesn't go on black.
It's a matter of brand integrity. If anyone cares about that around here.
I'm not gonna fight anyone hard about it, like I said if everyone wants black *desperately* and wouldn't have it any other way, then sure let's go black. But if that's not the case, an alternative would be better for the brand.
Welcome to marketing and branding snobbery 101 :/
If anything it could be white. But that again totally fucks with the integrity of the logo, so I'd rather have it pure red on black than adding a white heart.
Just as an example, you'd never see the Coke logo as a black logo on red background. It's always white on red. Or you'd never see the mtn logo without the square on black. In fact probably never on black.
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