So I naively assumed this would be in the afternoon. My fault for not checking before today! (No worry, I did't actually go anywhere). Hopefully next time then...
Right, so our first game is coming up this Friday 3 Oct at 19h10!
We have 4 confirmed players so far, so need 2 or 3 more. Anyone who can come through on Friday?
Will be good to meet about 20 min earlier to have a bit of a warm up. This is part of a grading phase to help determine what division we'll ultimately be in.
Just to confirm the venue is Claremont Action Sports, in Stadium on Main accessible from the top floor of the parking garage attached to Stadium on Main.
The next game they've set us up for is this Friday at 19h10 - however myself and Lex, and I imagine quite a few others, will be at rAge so we need to urgently know if there will still be enough people for a team or if we need to cancel this week's game?
Please advise if you can make it on Friday and if there are enough numbers we'll confirm with Action Soccer that MGSA can play
Due to missing this passed game we need to have a make up one, so they have put us down this week for both a Thursday and Friday match at 19h10 (at Action Soccer Claremont, Stadium on Main) - please let us know if you can make either (or both) game(s)?
Good news guys! The team we were meant to play yesterday didn't pitch so we got a default win! Fortunately we still got to play - the opposition was a team of fit youngsters and we lost 8-4 but I think we did a lot better than last week's game! Lets hope that todays game will be even better!
Update: 12-1 loss Tonights match ended up being another hiding but I think we can all agree that the overall fitness levels are improving (and there was a bit of fun involved :) )
We have 4 confirmed players so far, so need 2 or 3 more. Anyone who can come through on Friday?
Will be good to meet about 20 min earlier to have a bit of a warm up. This is part of a grading phase to help determine what division we'll ultimately be in.
Just to confirm the venue is Claremont Action Sports, in Stadium on Main accessible from the top floor of the parking garage attached to Stadium on Main.
The next game they've set us up for is this Friday at 19h10 - however myself and Lex, and I imagine quite a few others, will be at rAge so we need to urgently know if there will still be enough people for a team or if we need to cancel this week's game?
Please advise if you can make it on Friday and if there are enough numbers we'll confirm with Action Soccer that MGSA can play
Will let you know when we've got dates for the next game
Cannot do Thursday
Fortunately we still got to play - the opposition was a team of fit youngsters and we lost 8-4 but I think we did a lot better than last week's game! Lets hope that todays game will be even better!
only 4 ppl! omg please come we need more people to rotate around!
Tonights match ended up being another hiding but I think we can all agree that the overall fitness levels are improving (and there was a bit of fun involved :) )