So who wants to join an indoor soccer team? Cape Town based (games happen in Claremont). If you are keen reply to this thread. What you need to know:
Max Team of 8 players for a game (though we can have more in "reserve"). Games cost R245 (so R30 a person). Game to be played on either Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, though we can exclude days that we can't play on (Thursday for me).
League starts end of September.
Who is in?
Max Team of 8 players for a game (though we can have more in "reserve"). Games cost R245 (so R30 a person). Game to be played on either Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, though we can exclude days that we can't play on (Thursday for me).
League starts end of September.
Who is in?
@LexAquillia You know this already, but I'm very much in.
Also, \o/
I bring no skills with me. And very little potential.
@Bevis brings his almighty nicotine addiction. But he also once played some soccer.
It's a shame I'm not in CT. Or I'd... Be able to entertain you for hours with my non-skills :P
If it's artificial grass (the stuff with the rubber pellets), then an actual boot with either FG or AG studs is preferable. Again, regular flat shoes are also fine. Not really. Not necessary. Definitely. Otherwise you'll mix up your trequartistas and your catenaccios, how embarrassing...
I think I might be in a little over my head...
I may be keen. But critical question, what time are the games (getting to Claremont at six is a challenge) and are we signing up for league? If it's going to have to be a weekly commitment for several months I'll have to think carefully about it ;)
I thought those might just be made up words but google does not lie :o
@Dislekcia normal cross trainers/tackies/shoes
@Mexicanopiumdog I've played the league before, yes they are good, but we will be in the bottom league with other social sides.
First we need a good team name.
Then a logo.
To those worrying about fitness levels, it's really not a problem - with a full compliment of 8 players you can be on the field (it's a small netted playing area) for as little time as you want, able to quickly swap out with another player as soon as you feel tired. Each team has 3 players and a goalie on field at any one time (unless someone's been carded).
Like Lex says we'd also be starting right at the bottom so we won't be up against the hardcore players.
Overall it's good fun, great exercise and doesn't take too much time out of your evening as total game time is 35 minutes.
@MCA - the venue is at the top of Stadium on Main (driving up to the top of the parking garage)
I really think we need to move the Clockwork Acorn offices to Cape Town. Stellenbosch has the wine advantage, but there's just to much cool stuff happening over there.
So yeah, I'm with @francoisvn, call me if you need a rather slow/uncoordinated reserve.
(Or Crit Fail)
@Mexicanopiumdog: Not a bad idea for closer to the time and would help gives folks an idea of what to expect.
The season only starts end of this month and at least half the team will be at Amaze next week, so we'll rather look at having a practise session after that. We could do rent out one of the soccer courts to practise in but that'll cost moneez, so alternatively we can look at just gathering at a convenient field over a weekend. Once I've confirmed our team roster we'll work out a practise day that suits peeps.
TL:DR - Note me your details to get on the team roster ;)
If we try to do an evening during the week we'd need to rent one of the Action Soccer pitches which can be quite expensive, so the recommendation is to rather just meet up at a convenient field on a Sunday morning, like the Keurboom Park fields
The practise should only be roughly an hour or two, to explain how the indoor soccer setup works and get a bit of training in to prepare you for the start of the season.
That said, I'm always keen for a kickabout. I often play pickup matches on Sundays anyway.
We also quite urgently need some ideas for a team name so Lex and I can sign the team up for the tournament.
Practise date: Sunday 21st
Time: 09h00
Venue: Keurboom Park fields - let's meet in the parking lot at the top of Fairfield Road and find a spot from there.
Directions: Get onto Keurboom Road (via Campground rd or Milner rd) and then turn into Fairfield Road, the parking lot is at the top of the road to the right of the tennis courts.
What to bring: Water, and kit that you don't mind sweating in.
How about Make Game of Thrones?
Along with that we've got "Make Soccer South Africa" courtesy of @dammit and "GLHF" or "Crit Fail" from @dislekcia
Make Games & Crit Fail could work.
You could also give yourselves silly names if we ever get Tees. So, Instead of "Day" on the back of Danny's shirt, you could have "Crit Fail" :)