With my demo level and stuff out of the way, I can get back to what I love content creation.No specific theme I just make what I feel like the day, made some scifi walls, fences, platforms and busy now with a dam/bridge.
So without further Ado here is what I have made in the last couple of weeks.
Clocks in at 4159 polygons, still 1 or two uvmaps that need fixing.

Reference picture

Scifi wall collection

So without further Ado here is what I have made in the last couple of weeks.
Clocks in at 4159 polygons, still 1 or two uvmaps that need fixing.

Reference picture

Scifi wall collection

Which is fine for the seams , but the dirt should be running down, throws the eye off.
Thanks for sharing
Just finished up the dam wall
In game
Prototype content creation part 2 Sewers
I have since started with another project which should help rake in the cash currently sitting with over 8grand ZAR in sales, so going pretty well.
Decided on making a dungeon, no small feat, and I am pulling out all the stops and adding as much detail as possible, while keeping polygon count in mind.
Busy with the base meshes after which it's the simple job of duplication/ slicing and creating the corridors and main areas from the bases meshes.
would you be willing to post your uv layouts on some of the models? I'd be interested to see how you went about that.
(on a slightly nit-picky note, looks like you have a uv seam in the last picture on the pillars, you might want to make the texture seamless to mask it, as it really draws the eye)
2. Sure why not ;) Just a few, I am hungry need some grub and get back to work :D
Any ways what would a dungeon be without some type of bridge..Build block by block, now to merge and get rid of any hidden faces......
What else can you say...................... challenge accepted !!!!! Should be done with the first demo this week, then the tedious process of research and planning and writing up the game ideas and goals. !!!! Dammit, no sleep tonight as I try and formulate the ideas into a coherent mess. !!!!
BTW is about 80 hours worth of work, I quoted 110 hours with 20 additional hours as a safety net.
Started last month working on a new DLC for the software so here is the progress so far on that, it's a middle east type MP map content.
A question, is it possible to sell the assets currently or were you only approached directly by the company to include your assets in the engine?
I forgot to post the link of the DLC I made it has since been released
Also completed the dungeon content, and various other stuff, Also decided to revamp old stuff to.
The original
The new revamped and updates content
Here is the completed dungeon.
Hi guys been a while again. Super busy little bee, I hope in future to update more regularly, but not always possible :D
I forgot to post the link of the DLC I made it has since been released
Also completed the dungeon content, and various other stuff, Also decided to revamp old stuff to.
The original
The new revamped and updates content
Here is the completed dungeon.
It should be noted that the engine this is made for doesn't have the ability to create primitives, so needed to create all the corridors from scratch, so that end users can snap all the entities together to create a level, where with a normal engine that has primitive editing it would have been relative straight forward affair. None the less this is a completely modular kit, as with all the kits I create for this engine, which is no small feat, if you consider it contains over a 104 corridor segments and each one able to snap and connect with each other on two levels and 360 degrees rotations.
Definitely a step up from the original one I did, perhaps in a year or two I will look at creating another revamp one :D
Between taking a nice holiday break, and a early start I started of flying on a new project.
Decided to revisit an old project and make some fixes and alterations to the original project as there were some issues, with the uvmaps and meshes, which destroyed the realism
The original project
The new update WIP project
Modular design with 3 levels bunch of side tunnels passages walk ways, ect. End user should have some real fun creating levels with the goodies.
Decided to kick it off with a isometric dungeon hack and slash, still a WIP and lots of goodies still to come.Definitely nice working on content for other game types.
While some AI collision issues, this is the most fun I have had in this engine in months.
Perhaps a sneak peak on what I am working on
Busy creating a top down scifi kit, busy with the first entity slowly replacing the base texture and adding some goodies.Found it easier to work with a base textures and re-texture from there.Making scifi stuff is always fun, Once this is done I have layout for the rest of the kit. :D
Having some fun, testing and making sure every thing works fine for top down view.Actually got lost in first person mode.