Starting a new sketchbook! w00t!
Here's something I worked on last night for 3 hours or so in gamemaker. Thought I may as well start with something simple since this is my first attempt at learning how to actually make games! Dn't judge too harshly I'm still trying to figure out where to put the programmings :( c&c is obviously welcome as always!
EDIT: Btw, scene as there are no signatures [ lame :) ], heres a link to my http://bevisart.tumblr.com thing, I was going to do an art dump but that would take pages and don't wana rash peoplese internets...
Starting a new sketchbook! w00t!
Here's something I worked on last night for 3 hours or so in gamemaker. Thought I may as well start with something simple since this is my first attempt at learning how to actually make games! Dn't judge too harshly I'm still trying to figure out where to put the programmings :( c&c is obviously welcome as always!
EDIT: Btw, scene as there are no signatures [ lame :) ], heres a link to my http://bevisart.tumblr.com thing, I was going to do an art dump but that would take pages and don't wana rash peoplese internets...
Thanked by 1mikegeyser
Only comment I really have is that spacebar made the skeleton more bash his head than attack someone. I was really confused for a while :)
Yay for game maker :)
Considering this is @bevis 's thread any chance we can get a sketchgroup going again ;)
I noticed that the length of time that I held down the spacebar had an effect on the enemy skeleton dying in 1 hit or 2. I assume that means you're doing damage every step while the spacebar is held down (short presses = 2 hits to kill) it might make sense to use a variable as a sort of refire timer to prevent hordes of damage happening like this.
It's not too hard, have some psuedocode:
edg3 - Thanks guy. Im not sure! I had an idea for a game called OneQuest a while back, where the game is basically a main quest from an rpg crammed into a 10 minute sidescroller. I might take a bash trying to prototype that while learning :).
Nandrew - YEA xD. thanks for the encouragement. A lot of artists do know how to code (badly), actionscript etc, its just a matter of actually getting over ourselves and starting something!
mikegeyser, BlackShipsFilltheSky - Interesting that you say sketch geyser, did you mean the whole thing is a sketch? Evan and I thought this was an interesting concept. More coders should sketch little ideas and post them. Not even full prototypes, but ideas for fun movement or shop systems, etc. I dunno if this already happens but I dnt think these sketches are quiet as visible as they should be.
Karuji - MERCHANDISING! Sketchgroup? I'll try get back on that, been so ridiculously busy lately soz.
dislekcia - That's awesome man thanks a lot. That's exactly what is happening. Actually have the same problem with the witch. A little speech bubble pops up above her head when you are over her, alerting you that you can buy things from her. But when you are over her it fires the speech bubble a bajillion times a second until you move away from her again. I'll try implement that idea of stopping the game from refiring something tonight.
Question: I am running at 10fps. So that obviously will change how many steps occur during the game? Will this affect things like jumping, so if I jump will it wait for the next step and won't be smooth ?
Ill post another build up just now! (dunno if I can call it a build a casio keyboard could build this silly "game")
And - I thought too that you meant that your whole thing is like a sketch :) It's your sketchbook after all :)
And yes a little vid about your pixel art would be amazing! :D
I don't know if there is a more appropriate spot to drop this, but I recently found a nice concise blog post for setting up PS for pixel work: http://brandontreb.com/Configuring-Photoshop-For-Pixel-Art/ (paast the baby pictures)
damousey: Cool link :) for these guys I used 16 * 16 grid, I find the pixel grid just gets in the way most of the time on smaller sprites. More relavent for 32*32 and up if you wana be super accurate I think.
I also found that doing terrain stuff it was a bit of a hack to work the same way we do characters. So I use a lot of smart objects so when I update one sand block they all update. I can talk about that next wednesday as well maybe!
I expect real answers to these not-made-up questions!
3) A troll with 2 raging monkeys on a leash...
3) Terrain Test
Monkeys on a leash are epic, love it.
Some progress on Bronan I did a while back (soz for crappy gif)
I dunno if this is a valid observation, but seems to me that the daft punk helmet thing is becoming a thing very quickly lately :)
Also power glove seems to be coming back.
But seriously awesome shiz regardless! :)
512 diffuse and an alpha. 300 tris or something, w/e
Enter the Gundeon Logo I was commisioned to do by Devolver
Some Rough Sculpts
Heman Crap
Random Brawler we did
I did some of the art for Super Wolfenstein HD, The shovel, UI, ceiling and floor was BlackShips.
Zord game Stuff Done the same weekend as the random brawler above
Some Random sketches
Broforce Stuff
Dawid Strauss did these linework for this and I painted them up
More Random Stuff
Dunno If Ive double posted stuff, sorry if I have.
@Bevis, have you considered using imgur.com? It doesnt remove your images like the other places do.