My girlfriend missed the meetup this evening. I was able to enact most of it, including a pentagram style diagram of connected mechanic nodes using only pieces of twine. Unfortunately, I failed in my attempts at conveying Broforce's artwork enawesoment by describing it only in goat's cheese souffle replicas. Is there anywhere that I might show my girlfriend these awesomes?
Thanks for the meetup everyone! Hope you had a rad time and sorry I rushed off before passing on the t-shirts that @Tuism gave me (ironically) last month. I'm an idiot.
(Also, huge thanks for playing En-Garde! I'll start a thread for feedback on it soon, hopefully I can figure out a smart way to explain the rules)
Awesomeness to all for a great meetup! I failed to mention this during the event but I hope all the vids have been captured without a problem, those would be fantastic to put up at some stage. We will start that YouTube channel soon. Ish.
Oh I realized there was no mention of the monthly challenge, I guess it wasn't on cape town's agenda?
Yeah, we (Joburg) should actually split our video into different pieces too, if it's not too much trouble with the masking/duct tape. 20-minute videos are much less intimidating for me to watch than 2+ hour epics.
If anyone can point me to some free video editing software. I would be happy to split the epic videos into the talks. I think it would be easier to do it like that rather than trying to pause and record again...?
@Tuism I suppose the monthly challenge wasn't particularly thought-upon, though I think some of the blame could be extended to the speakers (I know my talk dragged on a bit longer than expected). And between demos and BroForce playing and all that other stuff ... I think some of us only left Microsoft at about 11:30 (yikes). Maybe next time? :)
I believe there was the intention of putting it up on Dev.Mag, I just haven't gotten anything to put up. On the bright side I do have fancy video editing software, but my internet is not the most reliable of things.
I'll poke @edg3 about the JHB vids, I am rather overdue to visit him about this.
I have reliable internet, but rather slow. And if someone here actually has better software and more experience than me. Please do it :) I'm offering my time to do it though because I know we all have a very limited amount of it.
But I don't see a problem with making a youtube channel and posting stuff there. Sounds like a good idea to me.
I hope all the video got recorded alright. Thanks to @Shelton for coming through with recording equipment etc.
I think we've got some footage of Broforce being played 4 player (I haven't checked the quality yet). I hope someone recorded @LexAquillia's game?
@Jwho303 did mention that he knows film editors... And he might have some footage of En-Garde... Not sure if his offer to help still stands and how busy he is (I know it's bad form offering someone else's help, but it would be nice if the Cape Town developers didn't give Joburg developers extra work to do)
I don't think we recorded @LexAquillia's game, we ran out of time a bit and didn't actually get to play it. I think the plan is to spend a bit more time at the next meeting and have a proper play through (hopefully it could be recorded).
Thanks for a great meet. En-garde was great even though I'm the polar opposite of undefeated. @raxter@dislekcia a rematch is due! @LexAquillia I missed your game and couldn't shoot it. Awesome talks, epic demos, and tons of inspiration. A special thanks to the provider of the tripod(I never got your name). @Tuism, I wanted to chat but never got the chance. And then to anyone wandering I'm checking the videos now. PS thanks to Andy Vonk and Mxit for pizza and drinks ;P
Thanks for a great meet. En-garde was great even though I'm the polar opposite of undefeated. @raxter@dislekcia a rematch is due! @LexAquillia I missed your game and couldn't shoot it. Awesome talks, epic demos, and tons of inspiration. A special thanks to the provider of the tripod(I never got your name). @Tuism, I wanted to chat but never got the chance. And then to anyone wandering I'm checking the videos now. PS thanks to Andy Vonk and Mxit for pizza and drinks ;P
@shelton thanks for recording it dude. If you want, we could edit it at AFDA if you could bring the footage through? AFDA is in obs ill be there for most of today and next week. to get hold of me my email is jwho303 at gmail
@BlackShipsFilltheSky Yeah I got some en-Garde! so we could make a nice splice. Do you think it could be possible to get footage of the 4playa co-op? im not to sure who was filming it. wow that game was fun, some really cool moments.
I spoke the the principal of AFDA and we can totally get gear for the next meetup and a nice hi-def version. The only thing is I dont have transport to cart the gear between places :P I can also get the video edited and so on. @tuism, you designed the makegamessa logo right? would it be possible to get your project files for it? Im thinking of making a title card for the edit. unless you know after effects or something similar to take your design further and animate it?
ok, got to get to work. thanks again guys for organizing! Peace
@jwho303 Dude that sounds like a great idea! I'll send you files if you guys are keen :) a title card I assume is something like movie prod house intro sequence thing? Make it epic! Make it flexible!
I'll send you files when I get back to my own pc. And the typography begs some refinement so errrrr let me/us try refine it before committing more to it :p
@shelton Would've been awesome to chat but alas I wasn't with my own ride so... Thanks for the recording :) see you another time :)
@Tuism Yeah thats a title card pretty much. Just so we can use it to introduce MGSA related articles. We can always brush up the type later on. Maybe we could even crowd source this title card all together, seemed to work so far :)
Is there anyone going to Claremont-side afterwards? Can I please please get a lift?
I don't mind waiting, I actually want to chat with people too. Seeing that I don't actually know people.
(Also, huge thanks for playing En-Garde! I'll start a thread for feedback on it soon, hopefully I can figure out a smart way to explain the rules)
Oh I realized there was no mention of the monthly challenge, I guess it wasn't on cape town's agenda?
On that note too, what's happening with the amaze videos?
Totally. There should also be peeps with after effects or premier or something around here. Should.
I'll poke @edg3 about the JHB vids, I am rather overdue to visit him about this.
But I don't see a problem with making a youtube channel and posting stuff there. Sounds like a good idea to me.
I hope all the video got recorded alright. Thanks to @Shelton for coming through with recording equipment etc.
I think we've got some footage of Broforce being played 4 player (I haven't checked the quality yet). I hope someone recorded @LexAquillia's game?
@Jwho303 did mention that he knows film editors... And he might have some footage of En-Garde... Not sure if his offer to help still stands and how busy he is (I know it's bad form offering someone else's help, but it would be nice if the Cape Town developers didn't give Joburg developers extra work to do)
PS thanks to Andy Vonk and Mxit for pizza and drinks ;P
PS thanks to Andy Vonk and Mxit for pizza and drinks ;P
to get hold of me my email is jwho303 at gmail
@BlackShipsFilltheSky Yeah I got some en-Garde! so we could make a nice splice. Do you think it could be possible to get footage of the 4playa co-op? im not to sure who was filming it. wow that game was fun, some really cool moments.
I spoke the the principal of AFDA and we can totally get gear for the next meetup and a nice hi-def version. The only thing is I dont have transport to cart the gear between places :P I can also get the video edited and so on.
@tuism, you designed the makegamessa logo right? would it be possible to get your project files for it? Im thinking of making a title card for the edit. unless you know after effects or something similar to take your design further and animate it?
ok, got to get to work. thanks again guys for organizing!
Dude that sounds like a great idea! I'll send you files if you guys are keen :) a title card I assume is something like movie prod house intro sequence thing? Make it epic! Make it flexible!
I'll send you files when I get back to my own pc. And the typography begs some refinement so errrrr let me/us try refine it before committing more to it :p
Would've been awesome to chat but alas I wasn't with my own ride so... Thanks for the recording :) see you another time :)
@tuism understood. Me neither. Had to rush afterwards