Maintenance 05/02/2014
Under your profile you'll now find badges!
I want them to bubble up to the threads and posts but this is the start.
If someone wants to contribute their time to making better badges please be my guest (the full list can be downloaded here) and I'll replace them.
I want them to bubble up to the threads and posts but this is the start.
If someone wants to contribute their time to making better badges please be my guest (the full list can be downloaded here) and I'll replace them.
- Charter Badge to the first 100 users in your forum plus 10 points.
- Anniversary Badges are awarded for each year member has visited forum.
- Comment Badges awarded for 1, 10, 100, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000 comments.
- Thankful Badges awarded for 1, 10, 100, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000 <3's
- Five Special Badges
Or maybe only hearts on posts that more than one person has hearted counts? Some kind of algorithm?
My 3c (due to weak rand exchange)
What are special badges?
Both post count and hearts are kinda things that can be gamed. But unless you are going into people's profiles it really doesn't matter.
Same kinda goes for the charter badge, really just people who signed up early enough, and then you can just look in the URL for the number and that is their sign up number (props to those that have single digits ;) )
While the system may be gamed by people who want a silly little badges: it's not really going to work on MGSA. The community is really cool and we call shit out and try to help each other get better, and knowing the committee I think future badges are likely to be based on how we help and grow the community as opposed to some number, but right now it is a good start.
Gaming for hearts is so much more meaning for than spamming hearts. And post count is ok, because it gets real obvious when someone is like "lol" everywhere and will get shunnnnnned shunnnnnnnnnnned. Get a frowned upon badge :)
Totes agreed on prototype badges and posting good stuff badge :)
Like "Participated in Comp A:" badge, etc :)
I vote returning them to text so that the hearts in content can resume their position of standing out as hearts :)
Also text heart > picture heart :)
Are we spanks now instead of hearting? :)
-Edit- Ahhh! Yes, bring back the less than three!
Thanks, ironically :P
This person who was the marketing manager of Vanilla tweeted me to say that the latest version of Vanilla supports video embed easily:
I'm guessing we're not at the latest version, then?