I'm not sure why you'd think this was like getting out of "hell". Greenlight was awesome for us. It's nice now to be able to say "Broforce will 100% definitely be on Steam". But it's much harder to convert people to fans when you're asking money from them (which is our current situation). I miss having that soft support option at our disposal, and the underdog status of having to climb through Greenlight. Greenlight was an immensely useful tool while it lasted.
And I'm bummed we didn't make it to #1 before we were Greenlit (I'm certain we would have if given a week longer).
It is actually a good time for us to be Greenlit. It makes some pre-order marketing easier, but another month in Greenlight might have been better.
I love how your perception of Greenlight is this immensely positive thing, compared to many developers' take that it's terrible... That simply comes down to you guys embracing the way Greenlight asks you to show off your game (and having a game that works really well as spectacle), which is awesome :)
I think the big difference is that we see Greenlight as an tool to get onto Steam (and market ourselves and maintain our independence)...
While many other developers see it as a obstacle stopping them from getting onto Steam.
There's no way at this stage of development we'd be guaranteed to be distributed by Steam on the old model. We'd still be told to develop further before Steam could consider us, and that uncertainty would make it very difficult to invest in Broforce further.
Of course we have the advantage of being in development, and being able to develop our campaign as we develop the game. It's more understandable to feel negatively of Greenlight if the game in development had just been finished as Greenlight was launched.
The only problem I have is at the final boss. It keeps cycling through the whole "getting in the air and slamming the ground"-thing so I keep firing at it but it doesn't seem to take any damage to its central remaining piece. Maybe i'm doing something wrong? :/
Anyways, keep up the good work, that's a game I will definitely buy.
The bosses should give some kind of warning when they're going to attack, some kind of visual feedback for the player so you know when to move out of the way. Maybe a flashing triangle with a exclamation mark inside it, like this:
Also it's too easy to just hang from the side of the boss and keep shooting until it explodes. This tactic works for both boss fights.
EDIT: The final boss makes it's attacks pretty clear even for first-time-players, but the first boss feels a bit too unpredicable, especially with the machine gun fire:
OK, so I've been keeping it under my hat for a while, because I like doing it, but since other people are noticing it, there IS a glitch with the final boss. If you sort of stand on its heels/stands and shoot its sides as it lands, it just takes off without firing. So that's probably a big part of what some of you are seeing. Also, I've never had problems with the miniboss. Ever. I mean, if you get shot by the machine guns once, then you should get it, and it's incredibly easy to avoid the other two weapons by getting close or standing on top. If you get a life before the fight and one or two in it, I personally feel it's suuuuuuper easy to beat.
Edit: Miniboss. Ash Williams. Beat it before end of cutscene.
@DragonTech I think once you've gotten the Miniboss guy he is *fairly* easy. Obviously we beat him easily, he doesn't require much dexterity to defeat. Though some players are probably struggling reading his signals (especially those without audio, then they're screwed).
I think a brief warning flash, like @Ade suggests, is a really good idea. I don't think it'll be too obnoxious, and is a much better fix than making the boss much slower or weaker. We might even be able to make him tougher as a result :)
We're fiddling with how the bros deal damage to tanks. Blade and Brominator are also unreasonably good at dealing damage to tanks... though Ash is just silly.
I just finished playing the new prototype and I must say that the ammo boxes and the running ability are really nice^^
On an other topic, I noticed Bro in black had no mustache on his avatar. Is that normal (copyright and stuff)? Also that he looked angry while normally being kind of a funny guy (well maybe the absence of mustache is the reason why he's upset^^)
Hello, i'm new over here and just finished the standalone (which is awesome) but i found some weird things: -i never have music playing during levels whatever i chose in the options. -snake plisken's special attack has no effects on bosses (at least the last one). -robocop's attack is released when a boss' cutscene occurs. -if i pause during robocop's attack then when i resume the game he doesn't fire all the bullets he should have. -there is a sort of beta level if i continue after finishing the game. -it seems that the time recorded by the game restarts to 0 when starting from an helicopter checkpoint which is unfair since it automaticly makes a better time than someone making the whole level without dying.
By the way here a few things i would enjoy in the game (i hope you'll like them): -displaying some one liners or things like chuck norris facts on the game over screen as a parody of call of duty's quotes. -rare super weapons hidden in some boxes (like the holy hand grenade from the monty pythons).
Please excuse me if i wrote some awkward things as English isn't my mother tongue.
I made a button out of the Broforce poster today. It's awesome.
As for the new update, I have some notes on the Terrorkopter. I think you should either make it harder, or give it lower health and make it an enemy you can actually encounter in normal play. I'd honestly prefer the second option. I wanna see it make it into new and exciting gameplay situations. :D
* When you finish a normal level, you can press Spacebar to activate the helicopter's invisibility-ability. Woosh, disappeared. At the end of a boss fight, pressing Spacebar does nothing. EDIT : in fact you can press Spacebar direclty in the level when the helicopter comes to rescue you, and I think it makes the helicopter change the direction it is facing, causing also its principal texture to disappear. I highly suspect a you-are-the-helicopter level prototype...
* I really like the ammunition crates. They're gonna be my new best friends. :p
* You should really do something abut Broskin. I've noticed that despite being the sniper of the team, he is not the bro who shots the further (its Dredd) !
* A little animation detail you could improve is when you let Rambro climb down a wall with his knives, his bandana seems to be frozen with glue like it his waving in the wind. Unless it must not be. Or must be ?
* I would suggest that instead of playing the "Yeah" sound when reaching the pole, there must be something like a little cavalry trumpet playing. Just a little sound like : tuduuuu ! to let you know you've reached the point with glory and swag. Something quite like that : http://www.universal-soundbank.com/mp3/sounds/2939.mp3
So I just noticed we can knife from about 1.5 blocks away from a person or body. I feel like that should be somewhere from 0 to .5 Also, mines appear to be entirely immune to the ground burning. If the ground a mine is in is burning, it should blow as, as the rules of explosives go. Edit: Arms for any given character seem to be on a higher level than any other characters body. This can be seen here with the siamese heavies and the dog with arms.
Also, the 5 to 2 special glitch actually seems more prevalent in the recent update.
YET ANOTHER EDIT: Dynamite should explode on contact with destructible missiles. If I can cut parachutes with it, and if it explodes on contact with doors, exploding on contact with missiles only makes sense.
YET ANOTHER EDIT: Dynamite should explode on contact with destructible missiles. If I can cut parachutes with it, and if it explodes on contact with doors, exploding on contact with missiles only makes sense.
Ow yeah, that makes me remember, I imagined what it would do if doors reacted differently for some bro's attack.
For now, there are MacBrover (whose dynamites explode on contact) and Brode (whose blade open the door) who trigger a different behavior of the door (can i say "behavior" for an object ?). I though that, for example, Brommando's rockets -and Dredd's special rockets perhaps- would not be stopped by doors on their way. It could be funny if they only open the door ! :D Knock knock. Who's there ? A ROCKET. BOOM. In the same way, Broskin could have the ability to shoot through doors without breaking them, instead it would just create a hole in it through which he would be the only one able to shoot.
after checking again it seems that what i wrote about the recorded time is false as it already remembers the time before reaching the pole sorry ^^" by the way here are a few other things i noticed: *if someone is hanging against the final boss while flying then the bro stands still instead of sliding down. *also, shouldn't Indiana jones be able to link himself to the boss with his whip? *although bro in black bounces back if he fires while knifing against a wall that is not the case whith brominator *maybe it should be nice to make the dogs howl when brominator is near as a neat reference to the movie *i suppose you already thought about this one but the complete version should a level selection menu (unless the levels are random generated of course) and a time attack mode where the player can choose which bro to play and a ghost of the best time performed (by him, the devs or the world record).
Do you think you have enough characters implemented or would you like some other suggestions (because i have a ton of moveset ideas)?
@DragonTech Yeah, I'm not happy with the knifing (it's better than it was, but still far from perfect). @raithza keeps asking for dynamite that hits rockets, I can't remember anymore why I chose not to do that.
@moguera Do you think dogs would avoid Robrocop as well?
@Douzeju I keep meaning to fix up the doors. I really love the idea of rockets opening doors. That'd be a lol.
AND ONCE AGAIN I MUST ASK: What's going on with dinosaurs? I tried to find a picture of someone riding a velociraptor, but I found George here first. I also (kindly and with an expectancy of refusal) demand this. Dinosaurs in balaclavas with guns riding sharks = The Best Thing/Clever Girl Couldn't find a president on a velociraptor, so instead... Lincoln on a T-Rex printed on a page of the dictionary for some reason JFK on a robot moon unicorn Teddy Roosevelt riding a moose in real life
Hum...didn't thought about it, it makes sence but i think it should be for brominator stricly as he's the only onewho did it in the movies (if i remember corrctly).
What's going on with dinosaurs?
i don't know if they talked about dinosaurs earlier but i think it would be great to see raptors and t-rex either as enemies or/and as @DragonTech is suggesting
i don't know if they talked about dinosaurs earlier but i think it would be great to see raptors and t-rex either as enemies or/and as @DragonTech is suggesting
All the power of the 80s and 90s at your finger tips. A story filled with revenge and bromance that spans the continents and outer space. Local bro-op play and online multiplayer bro-op as well as deathmatch arenas with leaderboards and rankings. A battle against terror as a huge cast of action heroes, each with distinctive attacks and special brobilities Vehicular action sequences, dinosaurs, aliens and epic Contra-inspired boss fights. Nuanced and strategic combat, explosive action and deadly stealth. A level editor and the ability to challenge your friends and share your custom levels. Design your own Bro Fort! Build a fortress to weather the terrorist onslaught, or just hang out. Capybaras. For every terrorist killed in Broforce, a terrorist will die in real life.
Thanks @DragonTech i didn't know about this great game description and i just love it! If there is a chopper sequence i would love to hear Wagner's classical piece used in Apocalypse Now, i would also love a sequence where the bros are hanging to a rocket like in the level of the SNES' Contra.
So yet again another report of mine (and probably final for this version) after playing it with friends: *some new players don't understand robrocop's attack nor how to destroy the enemies' spawner (and sometimes the running move), maybe it should be explained on the "mission failed" screen. Also some thought that Brones' infinite whip was a glitch an infinite logo would be clearer *after a coop it's impossible to go back to solo unless going to the menu which is a problem if i accidently press a second player button or if someone must go, it would be nice to kill a player on the pause screen and give is extra life to the first player. *it's really easy to die when being off screen, to my mind the players in this case should be indicated by an arrow like it's already done with the prisoners except it would be written something like a red "J2" instead of "+1". (i think it would be useful against bosses too) *stunning weapons are utterly useless against bosses (bro hard's grenade and bro in black's special) *Brones' whip as no effect on the final boss (no damage and doesn't grab) and robrocop's special can't target him. *the first boss can't be killed without enacting the cutscene (dredd's missile and brommando's barrage can damage him from far) although the final boss doesn't appear unless there is a cutscene. *when using dredd's missile from far on the second boss the custsene occurs and then when going closer there is another cutscene where the boss just stand still. (if brommando damages it from far nothing of the sort happen) *one time when using chuck's airstrick, one of the cross didn't disappear. *sometimes when using brones' whip on air it seems that it grab's to something but instead of coming closer the whip extends *if dredd dies when using his special then the camera stays focus on the missile and there is no way to make it explodes (also the case with macbrover's special) *even if they are very short the cutscenes are kinda annoying when trying to kill a boss for the hundredth time, i think there should be a button to pass them. *against the final boss when one of his upward missile fall on an ladder it's shown that it would go through it although it would explodes on top of it if there is a block nearby *at the end of the bombarding stage i frequently had the copter crashing because it touched paratroopers, which is irritating while trying a speedrun (it also happens at the midstage checkpoint) *when starting from a certain checkpoint (the one in the climbing stage i think) there a truck spawning non visible mooks who can shoot me. *if you fall in one on the early stages (at the end of the second) you can see the bottom of one background sprite "floating" in air *the mooks are scared when one of dredd's missile is coming from under the ground although they shouldn't see it *there isn't ash with the others bros chasing the devil/advocate at the end *the in game time counts the time spent on the pause screen *if a bro stays exactly where a mook is he isn't shot by his bullets *when i saved a prisonner i reappeared in a crate *if dying by going off screen or during a chainsaw rush, ash and rambro don't show their "sad faces" *it would be nice if brones' whip could grab a chopper's ladder
WOW! I didn't thought it would be such a big comment Ps: i already have Animal Farm :p
I was thinking that maybe indie's whip should be his standard attack, and then he needs a special which can actually be counted as a special. At the moment the whip is more like a second basic attack. I guess that would cause problems though with fighting bosses
hi, i just found a site that could be of great help to find weapons, it's a wiki which references the firearms in movies/TV series, the weapons used by an actor and the movies which use a certain weapon (alhough it's strictly about firearms so don't expect things like whip or molotovs ect): http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Main_Page
*after a coop it's impossible to go back to solo unless going to the menu which is a problem if i accidently press a second player button or if someone must go, it would be nice to kill a player on the pause screen and give is extra life to the first player.
You can 'drop out' players using controllers from the pause menu... but not keyboard. will do something about that...
*at the end of the bombarding stage i frequently had the copter crashing because it touched paratroopers, which is irritating while trying a speedrun (it also happens at the midstage checkpoint)
I'm sorry but the helicopter crashing into the truck at the halfway checkpoint is just simply way too cool to take out.
*when starting from a certain checkpoint (the one in the climbing stage i think) there a truck spawning non visible mooks who can shoot me.
Wow, which level is that? The first level with a super checkpoint?
Wow, which level is that? The first level with a super checkpoint?
Well, i didn't explain well: the truck is in the part where i can't go because of the invisible wall (i only see a part of it) so it spawns some mooks which can also be off screen. This is one of the very last levels, it has a part where you must knife a dozen of blocks, (it's the second level after the second boss).
How do you mean?
i was standing over a crate and then touched a prisoner who entered Inside the crate during the first frames which remind me that one time i had the corpse of a dead bro who touched a prisonner after being pushed by some bullets then the game acted as if i actually saved this prisonner (this makes me Wonder what would happen if it was my last life)
By the way, i think that the music should stop when you pause. I just noticed but it's nice that the first playable bros are the inspirations for the guys from Contra, i like it.
I expect there will be bugs. Giant radioactive ones from outer space. The online build is inherently more tricky to thoroughly play test. Also, the AI synchronization is still pretty hacky, so the mooks may reveal themselves to have some pretty sweet teleportation skillz :)
I couldn't type my player name. Pressing A skipped it.
The textfield is designed to work with a gamepad. Up/down changes the last letter and left/right to removes and adds a letter, though it give's absolutley no indication of that. I will fix that.
Ade said:
And I couldn't sprint in-game
Should be fixed. You can also click the analog stick to sprint.
I only recently discovered that you have build available, and only actually played the game tonight (I'm usually on a Linux computer).
First of all, it's tons of fun! The physics and damage model are fun, highly interactive, enjoyable to watch and nevertheless forgiving; many of the weapons are wonderful fun; and the Bros themselves are funny and nostalgia-inducing, and include enough variation in gameplay to make them largely distinct from each other. The graphics have a lovely retro style. ^_^
Forgive me please if the following have already been raised: I strongly suspect that they have, but this is a long thread. ^^;
First, I felt that the first long level -- one of those with a "radio tower" checkpoint -- could perhaps have come a level earlier. Just before that I was starting to wonder whether all of the levels would be so short, and was thinking of recommending that they be longer.
Second, I find that I like some Bros more than other Bros -- and that's not a problem. What did bother me a little, I found, was that gaining a free life required me to change my Bro. Perhaps it might be better if saving a Bro simply added a new life -- if you want more variation within a level, perhaps allow players to optionally change Bros at checkpoints -- but only if they have saved Bros available (doing so would not sacrifice a life, however).
Finally, it might be a good idea to include randomly-generated skirmish, survival or player-vs-player maps: the level style looks as though it lends itself to random generation, especially for smaller maps, and the gameplay might work well with those game-types (or perhaps variations of them).
I know that they wanted people to play with different bros instead of sticking with one favourite one - in that I think the save a bro for free lives forcing you to change is brilliant - if you're *that good* you can run through the game without saving, sticking with your favourite bro, but if you're not confident, well, suck it up and roll the dice, and you might just discover something in another bro that you like :)
I'm a big fan of the forced changing of Bros, for several reasons:
- It got me to play Bros I didn't like, only to discover that, in certain situations, they're actually way awesome. - The game was asking me whether I'd rather have another life, or keep my favourite Bro. It wasn't some arbitrary choice, but something that offered genuine risk vs. reward, where either choice could be a good one. - it's random, giving more variation in narrative. Plus, it's kind of exciting to gamble. - At first, I'd be disappointed because there was a specific Bro I didn't like; but later on, it wasn't specific Bros so much as Bros that matched a particular situation that I was hoping for. And when I didn't get them, I'd have to try and solve the problem in more creative ways. (e.g. it's really hard for a melee or short-ranged Bro to cross a bridge. Maybe there's another way...)
Perhaps the game could offer a toggle upon completion that allows you to keep your Bros persistent. I wouldn't use it, but perhaps that'd be a little reward for those who (incorrectly :P :P :P ) think they'd have more fun that way.
I agree with the forced change of bro, it's what keeps things interesting. Think how boring super crate box would be if you always had revolver? the forced change makes it exciting! it's like oh shit now I'm mcbrover, dammit, AH sweet! broBLADE!!! AAH.. I'd say it's a pretty large part of the appeal the games offering in terms of player experience. Also.. I need to stop staring at the pretty pixels and get back to work.. @bevis... too good man.. too good.
Fair enough -- those points all seem valid; the mechanic simply didn't affect me in those ways. For me it was simply frustrating, and I felt that it decreased my enjoyment of the game. *shrugs*
Note that I'm all for random selection of Bro at the start of the level, and perhaps optional selection of Bro at a checkpoint; it's just being forced to change Bros in order to get an extra life that frustrates me. I seem to recall at least a few occasions on which I went through a section with a Bro, intentionally avoiding saved Bros, only to perform the mental equivalent of "sigh, all right, let's go and get the extra life..." before I let myself get too far ahead. Cases in which I accidentally saved a Bro, and so lost one that I was enjoying playing as (as seem to recall having happen once while having fun playing as the Brominator, only to have the recoil knock me back into a saved Bro) didn't help.
By all means, if the majority prefers the switching do keep it: my experience may very well be unusual; the above was how I felt about the mechanic, I believe, however.
My suggestion to this would be the following, (I'm not even sure if I like my own suggestion though). So if you save a bro, you get a life and a new random bro. Then if you die, you switch back to the bro you were before (where I think it is random now). So basically each save gives you a new bro, who tags back to the bro who saved him.
One problem I can see with this so far is that it sort of takes away that "should I take the risk and save that bro?" gamble, as now you would just kill yourself if you do not like who you got. But perhaps something to think about?
Actually, a certain cross-section of completionists and stubborn selectors will do what Thaumaturge does - get to the end of the level and then double back to collect extra lives - which would kinda make it really tedious. Is there a way to get around this?
Like... If you don't rescue a bro, a screen later he blows up? XD Or... once in a while the level behind you blows up, so you never have a chance of returning? I wonder if it's even a big enough issue to ponder :P
Well, in my case I think that removing the extra life would be counter-productive: Bro-saves count towards one's next unlock, and in my case I think that at least some of those cases of returning to a Bro-save were simply in order to get the extra life.
I feel warm and fuzzy inside. Way to go guys.
Also my reaction to reading this news was pretty much this
And I'm bummed we didn't make it to #1 before we were Greenlit (I'm certain we would have if given a week longer).
It is actually a good time for us to be Greenlit. It makes some pre-order marketing easier, but another month in Greenlight might have been better.
While many other developers see it as a obstacle stopping them from getting onto Steam.
There's no way at this stage of development we'd be guaranteed to be distributed by Steam on the old model. We'd still be told to develop further before Steam could consider us, and that uncertainty would make it very difficult to invest in Broforce further.
Of course we have the advantage of being in development, and being able to develop our campaign as we develop the game. It's more understandable to feel negatively of Greenlight if the game in development had just been finished as Greenlight was launched.
You got on #3 on Steam and not #1, now here's your chance to become #1 in MERICA and #1 in Everyone's Hearts!
The only problem I have is at the final boss. It keeps cycling through the whole "getting in the air and slamming the ground"-thing so I keep firing at it but it doesn't seem to take any damage to its central remaining piece. Maybe i'm doing something wrong? :/
Anyways, keep up the good work, that's a game I will definitely buy.
Also it's too easy to just hang from the side of the boss and keep shooting until it explodes. This tactic works for both boss fights.
EDIT: The final boss makes it's attacks pretty clear even for first-time-players, but the first boss feels a bit too unpredicable, especially with the machine gun fire:
Edit: Miniboss. Ash Williams. Beat it before end of cutscene.
I think a brief warning flash, like @Ade suggests, is a really good idea. I don't think it'll be too obnoxious, and is a much better fix than making the boss much slower or weaker. We might even be able to make him tougher as a result :)
We're fiddling with how the bros deal damage to tanks. Blade and Brominator are also unreasonably good at dealing damage to tanks... though Ash is just silly.
You've been warned!
On an other topic, I noticed Bro in black had no mustache on his avatar. Is that normal (copyright and stuff)? Also that he looked angry while normally being kind of a funny guy (well maybe the absence of mustache is the reason why he's upset^^)
-i never have music playing during levels whatever i chose in the options.
-snake plisken's special attack has no effects on bosses (at least the last one).
-robocop's attack is released when a boss' cutscene occurs.
-if i pause during robocop's attack then when i resume the game he doesn't fire all the bullets he should have.
-there is a sort of beta level if i continue after finishing the game.
-it seems that the time recorded by the game restarts to 0 when starting from an helicopter checkpoint which is unfair since it automaticly makes a better time than someone making the whole level without dying.
By the way here a few things i would enjoy in the game (i hope you'll like them):
-displaying some one liners or things like chuck norris facts on the game over screen as a parody of call of duty's quotes.
-rare super weapons hidden in some boxes (like the holy hand grenade from the monty pythons).
Please excuse me if i wrote some awkward things as English isn't my mother tongue.
As for the new update, I have some notes on the Terrorkopter. I think you should either make it harder, or give it lower health and make it an enemy you can actually encounter in normal play. I'd honestly prefer the second option. I wanna see it make it into new and exciting gameplay situations. :D
WHOA! We hadn't noticed that music was disabled! That is really bad of us!
* When you finish a normal level, you can press Spacebar to activate the helicopter's invisibility-ability. Woosh, disappeared.
At the end of a boss fight, pressing Spacebar does nothing.
EDIT : in fact you can press Spacebar direclty in the level when the helicopter comes to rescue you, and I think it makes the helicopter change the direction it is facing, causing also its principal texture to disappear. I highly suspect a you-are-the-helicopter level prototype...
* I really like the ammunition crates. They're gonna be my new best friends. :p
* You should really do something abut Broskin. I've noticed that despite being the sniper of the team, he is not the bro who shots the further (its Dredd) !
* A little animation detail you could improve is when you let Rambro climb down a wall with his knives, his bandana seems to be frozen with glue like it his waving in the wind. Unless it must not be. Or must be ?
* I would suggest that instead of playing the "Yeah" sound when reaching the pole, there must be something like a little cavalry trumpet playing. Just a little sound like : tuduuuu ! to let you know you've reached the point with glory and swag.
Something quite like that : http://www.universal-soundbank.com/mp3/sounds/2939.mp3
Also, mines appear to be entirely immune to the ground burning. If the ground a mine is in is burning, it should blow as, as the rules of explosives go.
Edit: Arms for any given character seem to be on a higher level than any other characters body. This can be seen here with the siamese heavies and the dog with arms.
Also, the 5 to 2 special glitch actually seems more prevalent in the recent update.
Dynamite should explode on contact with destructible missiles. If I can cut parachutes with it, and if it explodes on contact with doors, exploding on contact with missiles only makes sense.
For now, there are MacBrover (whose dynamites explode on contact) and Brode (whose blade open the door) who trigger a different behavior of the door (can i say "behavior" for an object ?).
I though that, for example, Brommando's rockets -and Dredd's special rockets perhaps- would not be stopped by doors on their way. It could be funny if they only open the door ! :D Knock knock. Who's there ? A ROCKET. BOOM.
In the same way, Broskin could have the ability to shoot through doors without breaking them, instead it would just create a hole in it through which he would be the only one able to shoot.
by the way here are a few other things i noticed:
*if someone is hanging against the final boss while flying then the bro stands still instead of sliding down.
*also, shouldn't Indiana jones be able to link himself to the boss with his whip?
*although bro in black bounces back if he fires while knifing against a wall that is not the case whith brominator
*maybe it should be nice to make the dogs howl when brominator is near as a neat reference to the movie
*i suppose you already thought about this one but the complete version should a level selection menu (unless the levels are random generated of course) and a time attack mode where the player can choose which bro to play and a ghost of the best time performed (by him, the devs or the world record).
Do you think you have enough characters implemented or would you like some other suggestions (because i have a ton of moveset ideas)?
By JEBUS !!! That's the Best Idea Ever !!! Just Howl/Bark and don't attack (or attack, whatever). That would be awesome !!!
@moguera Do you think dogs would avoid Robrocop as well?
@Douzeju I keep meaning to fix up the doors. I really love the idea of rockets opening doors. That'd be a lol.
I fricken love Axe Cop!
Haven't seen it yet.
I tried to find a picture of someone riding a velociraptor, but I found George here first.
I also (kindly and with an expectancy of refusal) demand this.
Dinosaurs in balaclavas with guns riding sharks = The Best Thing/Clever Girl
Couldn't find a president on a velociraptor, so instead...
Lincoln on a T-Rex printed on a page of the dictionary for some reason
JFK on a robot moon unicorn
Teddy Roosevelt riding a moose in real life
A story filled with revenge and bromance that spans the continents and outer space.
Local bro-op play and online multiplayer bro-op as well as deathmatch arenas with leaderboards and rankings.
A battle against terror as a huge cast of action heroes, each with distinctive attacks and special brobilities
Vehicular action sequences, dinosaurs, aliens and epic Contra-inspired boss fights.
Nuanced and strategic combat, explosive action and deadly stealth.
A level editor and the ability to challenge your friends and share your custom levels.
Design your own Bro Fort! Build a fortress to weather the terrorist onslaught, or just hang out.
For every terrorist killed in Broforce, a terrorist will die in real life.
If there is a chopper sequence i would love to hear Wagner's classical piece used in Apocalypse Now, i would also love a sequence where the bros are hanging to a rocket like in the level of the SNES' Contra.
*some new players don't understand robrocop's attack nor how to destroy the enemies' spawner (and sometimes the running move), maybe it should be explained on the "mission failed" screen. Also some thought that Brones' infinite whip was a glitch an infinite logo would be clearer
*after a coop it's impossible to go back to solo unless going to the menu which is a problem if i accidently press a second player button or if someone must go, it would be nice to kill a player on the pause screen and give is extra life to the first player.
*it's really easy to die when being off screen, to my mind the players in this case should be indicated by an arrow like it's already done with the prisoners except it would be written something like a red "J2" instead of "+1". (i think it would be useful against bosses too)
*stunning weapons are utterly useless against bosses (bro hard's grenade and bro in black's special)
*Brones' whip as no effect on the final boss (no damage and doesn't grab) and robrocop's special can't target him.
*the first boss can't be killed without enacting the cutscene (dredd's missile and brommando's barrage can damage him from far) although the final boss doesn't appear unless there is a cutscene.
*when using dredd's missile from far on the second boss the custsene occurs and then when going closer there is another cutscene where the boss just stand still. (if brommando damages it from far nothing of the sort happen)
*one time when using chuck's airstrick, one of the cross didn't disappear.
*sometimes when using brones' whip on air it seems that it grab's to something but instead of coming closer the whip extends
*if dredd dies when using his special then the camera stays focus on the missile and there is no way to make it explodes (also the case with macbrover's special)
*even if they are very short the cutscenes are kinda annoying when trying to kill a boss for the hundredth time, i think there should be a button to pass them.
*against the final boss when one of his upward missile fall on an ladder it's shown that it would go through it although it would explodes on top of it if there is a block nearby
*at the end of the bombarding stage i frequently had the copter crashing because it touched paratroopers, which is irritating while trying a speedrun (it also happens at the midstage checkpoint)
*when starting from a certain checkpoint (the one in the climbing stage i think) there a truck spawning non visible mooks who can shoot me.
*if you fall in one on the early stages (at the end of the second) you can see the bottom of one background sprite "floating" in air
*the mooks are scared when one of dredd's missile is coming from under the ground although they shouldn't see it
*there isn't ash with the others bros chasing the devil/advocate at the end
*the in game time counts the time spent on the pause screen
*if a bro stays exactly where a mook is he isn't shot by his bullets
*when i saved a prisonner i reappeared in a crate
*if dying by going off screen or during a chainsaw rush, ash and rambro don't show their "sad faces"
*it would be nice if brones' whip could grab a chopper's ladder
WOW! I didn't thought it would be such a big comment
Ps: i already have Animal Farm :p
the weapons used by an actor and the movies which use a certain weapon (alhough it's strictly about firearms so don't expect things like whip or molotovs ect):
ps Thanks for the feedback!
which remind me that one time i had the corpse of a dead bro who touched a prisonner after being pushed by some bullets then the game acted as if i actually saved this prisonner (this makes me Wonder what would happen if it was my last life)
By the way, i think that the music should stop when you pause.
I just noticed but it's nice that the first playable bros are the inspirations for the guys from Contra, i like it.
Sorry it's taken so long, its tough to keep up with all the awesome new features that are constantly added to the game.
Here's the link.
I expect there will be bugs. Giant radioactive ones from outer space. The online build is inherently more tricky to thoroughly play test.
Also, the AI synchronization is still pretty hacky, so the mooks may reveal themselves to have some pretty sweet teleportation skillz :)
First of all, it's tons of fun! The physics and damage model are fun, highly interactive, enjoyable to watch and nevertheless forgiving; many of the weapons are wonderful fun; and the Bros themselves are funny and nostalgia-inducing, and include enough variation in gameplay to make them largely distinct from each other. The graphics have a lovely retro style. ^_^
Forgive me please if the following have already been raised: I strongly suspect that they have, but this is a long thread. ^^;
First, I felt that the first long level -- one of those with a "radio tower" checkpoint -- could perhaps have come a level earlier. Just before that I was starting to wonder whether all of the levels would be so short, and was thinking of recommending that they be longer.
Second, I find that I like some Bros more than other Bros -- and that's not a problem. What did bother me a little, I found, was that gaining a free life required me to change my Bro. Perhaps it might be better if saving a Bro simply added a new life -- if you want more variation within a level, perhaps allow players to optionally change Bros at checkpoints -- but only if they have saved Bros available (doing so would not sacrifice a life, however).
Finally, it might be a good idea to include randomly-generated skirmish, survival or player-vs-player maps: the level style looks as though it lends itself to random generation, especially for smaller maps, and the gameplay might work well with those game-types (or perhaps variations of them).
- It got me to play Bros I didn't like, only to discover that, in certain situations, they're actually way awesome.
- The game was asking me whether I'd rather have another life, or keep my favourite Bro. It wasn't some arbitrary choice, but something that offered genuine risk vs. reward, where either choice could be a good one.
- it's random, giving more variation in narrative. Plus, it's kind of exciting to gamble.
- At first, I'd be disappointed because there was a specific Bro I didn't like; but later on, it wasn't specific Bros so much as Bros that matched a particular situation that I was hoping for. And when I didn't get them, I'd have to try and solve the problem in more creative ways. (e.g. it's really hard for a melee or short-ranged Bro to cross a bridge. Maybe there's another way...)
Perhaps the game could offer a toggle upon completion that allows you to keep your Bros persistent. I wouldn't use it, but perhaps that'd be a little reward for those who (incorrectly :P :P :P ) think they'd have more fun that way.
Also.. I need to stop staring at the pretty pixels and get back to work.. @bevis... too good man.. too good.
Note that I'm all for random selection of Bro at the start of the level, and perhaps optional selection of Bro at a checkpoint; it's just being forced to change Bros in order to get an extra life that frustrates me. I seem to recall at least a few occasions on which I went through a section with a Bro, intentionally avoiding saved Bros, only to perform the mental equivalent of "sigh, all right, let's go and get the extra life..." before I let myself get too far ahead. Cases in which I accidentally saved a Bro, and so lost one that I was enjoying playing as (as seem to recall having happen once while having fun playing as the Brominator, only to have the recoil knock me back into a saved Bro) didn't help.
By all means, if the majority prefers the switching do keep it: my experience may very well be unusual; the above was how I felt about the mechanic, I believe, however.
One problem I can see with this so far is that it sort of takes away that "should I take the risk and save that bro?" gamble, as now you would just kill yourself if you do not like who you got. But perhaps something to think about?
Like... If you don't rescue a bro, a screen later he blows up? XD Or... once in a while the level behind you blows up, so you never have a chance of returning? I wonder if it's even a big enough issue to ponder :P