[Event] *SA* meetup - 8 September (online)

edited in Events

We've moved our meetup completely to the MGSA Discord, you can join with: https://discord.gg/gXfxdd

Also, the event is starting at 18:30 now, we had a poll for the starting time and that was the most popular pick.


Call for content:

If you want to show anything or give any talk, let me know and we'll set it up.

- This event happens monthly (2nd Tuesday of each month)
- is free to attend and
- anyone may speak at the meetup - just comment in the thread below to let us know!

Test games! Talk games! Make games!

When: 18:30 until around 20:30, second Tuesday of each month.
Where: Online - on the MGSA Discord.


- 6:30 - 7:00 Hang out, no food, or if you want food, turn your mic off ;)
- Introductions
- Community News (5 min)


- Talk slot 1 (15 min)
- Talk slot 2 (15 min)


- Demo Slot 1 (10 min)
- Demo Slot 2 (10 min)


- Discussion Slot


- Playtest Pitchathon (if you're playtesting a game, we ask that you give a 30 second pitch to the room about what the game is, before we all break off and play things).

Bring your games and set them up inside the auditorium before and after the meetup! (No auditorium but we'll let people setup screenshare and show what they're working on)

Board game prototypes can and will be played so bring along your prototypes! (Still possible but probably really annoyingly difficult :p We can do Tabletop Simulator if you want to set that up... I've been playing a ton of Tabletop Simulator from home lately!)

If you intend to attend, please indicate so on the Facebook event (Not mandatory, so don't worry if you don't have/use Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/events/408174600575237/


If you are interested in giving a talk or demo for a meetup, drop a reply in the thread with what you'd like to do or send me a PM :)

Feel free to ping me for any questions.

See ya'll there!
Thanked by 1VMASTER


  • Will @LexAquilla be speaking at this one?
  • Hello there!

    I am interested in showcasing a small section of my upcoming game, Snack Tick. Which will be releasing on Steam later this Month.
  • Fengol said:
    Will @LexAquilla be speaking at this one?
    I didn't get a direct yes on this yet, I'll check.
  • VMASTER said:
    Hello there!

    I am interested in showcasing a small section of my upcoming game, Snack Tick. Which will be releasing on Steam later this Month.
    For shizzle of course, bring it along to show, do you want a slot to talk about it? Or you could just show it during pitchathon :)
    Thanked by 1VMASTER
  • Tuism said:
    VMASTER said:
    Hello there!

    I am interested in showcasing a small section of my upcoming game, Snack Tick. Which will be releasing on Steam later this Month.
    For shizzle of course, bring it along to show, do you want a slot to talk about it? Or you could just show it during pitchathon :)
    Sorry for the late reply.
    I might just talk about and showcase it through Discord's Screen Sharing Feature, as well as get some Feedback. I'll use an older Build to showcase through Steam, however I doubt I'll be able to make use of the Remote Play Feature due to my internet being a bit lacking. If possible, maybe I could show some game play and discuss it for about 5 to 10 minutes, then discuss and get some feedback from the everyone attended.
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