This (funded) Kickstarter has quite a lovely flatshaded artstyle

Just thought I'd post. Looks like they've chosen to use an artstyle that makes content creation relatively easy, but then put a lot of effort into the animation, rendering and special effects. Definitely a type of style our team would consider in the future if it suits the project.

Just thought I'd post. Looks like they've chosen to use an artstyle that makes content creation relatively easy, but then put a lot of effort into the animation, rendering and special effects. Definitely a type of style our team would consider in the future if it suits the project.
I asume they wrote their own shaders for this. Or am I just being impresed by Unity5 with physicaly based shaders?
But the final result still comes down to a good artist. It's crazy how this stile makes details pop out at you, I realy like it.
It reminds me of rochard