This (funded) Kickstarter has quite a lovely flatshaded artstyle

edited in General


Just thought I'd post. Looks like they've chosen to use an artstyle that makes content creation relatively easy, but then put a lot of effort into the animation, rendering and special effects. Definitely a type of style our team would consider in the future if it suits the project.


  • Oooh pretty. Looks like the unreal engine. They're very light on details though, seems like quite a strange game.
  • No, it's Unity. It was announced a few months back with a promo trailer that got a ton of social media traction. Unity even picked up on it and cross-pused it as proof that a small team can make pretty and interesting stuff in their engine. I believe it's only 2 guys?
  • Wow nice. Thanks for sharing!
  • That is very inspirational, thanks. Sudenly I feel like doing tutorials on writing shaders. It's something that I've never tried. But I've become comvertable with coding now so I'm going to give it a shot :)
    I asume they wrote their own shaders for this. Or am I just being impresed by Unity5 with physicaly based shaders?
    But the final result still comes down to a good artist. It's crazy how this stile makes details pop out at you, I realy like it.

    It reminds me of rochard
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