[Event] Global Game Jam 24-26 January 2014


  • Also, could someone talk to the Cape Town organiser about setting the venue hashtag to #GGJSouthAfrica ? A standerdised hashtag means everyone making games for GGJ in SA is a lot easier to find :).
    Surely #GGJZA would be better and allow longer twoots?
  • @dislekcia It probably would be better, but it's quite hard to read. Also, making the hashtag readable means it can be included in the tweet rather than just added on at the end.


    I'm at #GGJSouthAfrica Cape Town and gosh Evan's hair is silky smooth.


    I'm at Global Game Jam Cape Town and gosh Evan's hair is silky smooth. #GGJZA

    But, I dunno - I'm just a marketing monkey with a keyboard and only a semblance of what I'm doing: @dammit could probably better comment on which option is more viable :).
  • To be fair, we really should be incorporating the official #GGJ14 hashtag into our tweets so that we get picked up by the world-wide searches.

    My suggestion would be to us #GGJ14 and then use the Make Games SA hashtag. So, Gosh Evan's hair is silky smooth #GGJ14 #makegames

    People can search for both to find us specifically.
    Thanked by 1creative630
  • @_@ all these hashtags make my brain hurt.
  • I'm with @dammit, Patrick was also confused saying that the standard global hashtag would probably be preferable to a local one.
  • Alright, let's switch to the global hastag + #MakeGames combo. :)

    The venue registration asks for a specific hashtag, which is why I tryed to organise one.

    I guess it comes down to what the hashtag is for: to group SA tweets into a global search (there will be more searches, but the tweets will barely get to the top) or to group all local tweets together so that locals can find out about local jam sites.

    The latter seems more useful to me, but the #MakeGames should achieve that just fine too :).
  • @Bensonance - I think it's also a unique opportunity for us to all get involved with a massive international conversation and get some exposure for our community :)
  • Sorry, as a relatively prolific twooter, I was optimising for shortness of hashtag. Long tags are the first things I nuke out of a promising tweet that runs into space issues.

    Wouldn't #GGJ14ZA still show up in searches for GGJ14 and give us a venue-specific tag? (That's short and won't steal plenty chars from my online blatherings?) (Am I just being annoying about this now?)
  • dislekcia said:
    Sorry, as a relatively prolific twooter, I was optimising for shortness of hashtag. Long tags are the first things I nuke out of a promising tweet that runs into space issues.

    Wouldn't #GGJ14ZA still show up in searches for GGJ14 and give us a venue-specific tag? (That's short and won't steal plenty chars from my online blatherings?) (Am I just being annoying about this now?)
    Unfortunately not, hashtags don't work that way. I get that you're optimising for short tags but then you should choose which tag is more important to you. If you're more concerned with being involved in the local conversation, go for #makegames (Which I believe is the official MGSA tag - we have the opportunity to change it to #MGSA, though that is less descriptive). If you're more interested in being involved in the larger conversation, go for #GGJ14.

    However, given your status as a prolific tweeter, I would really hope that you would use both as this would benefit MGSA. Also, you can see the dual hashtags as a challenge :) You still have 123 characters to work with.

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    Just a reminder, and so that everyone knows:

    The JHB jam venue is available to us from 6PM Friday 24th until the end of the Jam on Sunday the 26th, we can be there 24/7, and there are no restrictions on when we can come and go (according to our facilities management).

    And, I am moving the list of names to this post for visibility (for internet access).

    @ProjectX + Mitch
    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • If there's nothing against this, I might just bring a sleeping bag and nap there, I'll endeavour to smell my very best (honestly though I don't get the lived-in smell) :) Anyone share that thought?
  • @Tuism there's another chap from Pretoria who is also planning on staying over :).
  • Ok, I will stop updating the list of people I have for internet access, there are 15 people registered, and just as an added note, if you have sent and email or already PMd me on the forums you do not need to do the other (one of the two is fine), thanks for the speedy responses guys.

    So far we have 17 of the 29 registered people that will have internet access. Please still try to get details to me as needed by 22nd latest.

  • Registered! Emailed!
  • Registered for JHB
  • Registered for JoBurg!
  • I've had to un-register unfortunately, due to family commitments
  • I removed you from the internet needs list @Fengol, is that alright?

    I have 21 of 38 jammers for internet access to date.
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    I'll run this as I did last year... Unless I'll be standing on proverbial toes... JHB venue that is
  • Apparently the Cape Town venue is maxed out now!

    If anyone is only *possibly* going to attend, and/or discovers that other life events get in the way of GGJ14, then deregistering with Patrick would better be done sooner rather than later (so that someone else can take your place).

  • I hope it goes well :D really amped for this, but sadly I cant make it this year :/
    Looking forward to playing everyone's games :D
  • For all the Cape Town Jammers who are going to watch Lamb of God on the Friday evening, we will have to make alternative registration time plans. I think Patrick would like us to register earlier, before the concert, or as early as possible on the Saturday.

    Patrick is just worried about getting money in to pay for food etc.
  • I unfortunately won't be able to register and take part, but I'm planning on coming by for the briefing on friday to see how it all pans out; and put some faces to names…
  • I cannot wait for this, I just hope someone picks me for their team ;)
  • @DazFuzz and/or anyone who is joining for just a little while at the CT venue. Just let me or Patrick know before hand if you would like to join us for any meals. That way we can let the caterers know and we can work out some kind of appropriate contribution :)

    @iPixelPierre I'm sure you'll find a team. We normally brainstorm idea's together and join teams according to the best game ideas etc. People are friendly so just ask if you can join their team and I'm positive you will find a place :)
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    Just a note, 49 jammers registered, I had 38 requests for internet access by the 22nd deadline, I am not opposed to people submitting today, but I will only submit those people's details first thing tomorrow morning to have access by the time the jam starts. Please note, this means I need to have your details BEFORE 8 AM tomorrow morning. Don't leave it to the last moment.

    I am sending some added info to the people who submitted so far (this morning's batch).
  • Thanks @edge for being organiser extraordinaire! :)
  • @creative630 Sorry, to be clear; i'll be at the JHB jam… won't need food or internet access. :)
  • @Dazfuzz I would recommend signing up for net access irrespective: your team might be using and online VCS like GitHub so having net access would be rather recommended ;)
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    So looking forward to this, hope to contribute meaningfully and learn tons :) And get some playtesting of various things in :)

    BTW, does anyone have a spare Mac video adaptor dongle thing to lend me for the weekend? Anyone?
  • Me too, @Tuism! With my very limited scripting knowledge, I'm hoping people will need artists.
  • There will ALWAYS be space for artists, musicians, content creators and all the other jobs programmers like myself suck at during these jams! I really hope people haven't felt the need to not come take part because they cannot do a particular thing.

    Your skills will be well abused over the weekend! And hopefully you will make some new great friends passionate about game development!
  • I'm hoping to get abused on graphics AND programming, though of course the latter will be more learning and the former more contribution :)

    ANYONE is welcome really, all skillsets contribute to a team effort, and that's the awesome thing about this stuff :)
    Thanked by 2DarkRa88iT edg3
  • I see some talks start at 14:00
    Told my boss and got a half day :D
    Thanked by 1Bensonance
  • @edg3: Your skills will be well abused over the weekend! And hopefully you will make some new great friends passionate about game development!
    That's the hope! And @Tuism, I too hope to learn a LOT about programming. When I'm not making pretty things, I'll be a creepy lil gremlin perched on top of programmers' shoulders, just taking it all in.
  • Well, you don't HAVE TO do what you are best at, I have been trying to convince people to register and come through if they want to learn from others!

    Looking forward to jamming with you guys!
  • Again, anyone got an apple video adaptor that I can borrow? :P
  • @Tuism I have a video-port to VGA you can borrow, but the video-port to HDMI is mine ;)
    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • Sooo...when would you guys say is a good time to start rocking up? (first timer here ^^)
  • As early as you humanly can! (I can only after 5 cos, you know, work :P)
  • Why isn't it GGJ ye D: I want it to be GGJ already >.>

    Also people can totally break out of their shells in 2012 I just did music, and I'm one of those programmery people :)
  • I hope to contribute as well. My first time doing anything like this. Looking forward to the event will see you guys at around five, after work and see how far I can contribute. Have to get home every night, because I am house sitting but will be back the next morning just let me know what time I can arrive.

    Looking forward to meet many people, gain experience and learn things I don't know yet.

    See you guys at the event.
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    @SquigyXD I'm rolling in @ 14;oo (Awetown)
  • @iPixelPierre Awesome see you there round about then
  • JHB Jam: So where exactly in the Microsoft building should we meet? The usual MGSA meetup auditorium?
  • Aren't we going to some room with desks?
  • @Tuism right I'm an old fart. When I did my last GGJ we still had the big circle tables in the monthly meetups. Err lemme poke @edg3 quick.
  • Well I remember that one (I was netrunning on the side as I couldn't stay for long lol), but yea if we got the numbers that we say we have, that setup's probably not gonna work... We can probably bring in more desks from other venues, we just need to know that we have them :)
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