Zero Punctuation loves Papers Please

edited in General
Just saw that Yahtzee did a review of Papers Please!

This is pretty massive for an indie game developer. Super glad for the dude.

I'm really just posting here because it seems like an(other) opportune time to tell people to go buy Papers Please.
Thanked by 2retroFuture hanli


  • I loved this game. I got a copy from a friend, finished it and then bought it. Maybe not the best way to go about things but I always come back to support later on!
  • Useless pieces of trivia: I met the developer at GDC. He used to work at Naughty Dog. :)
    Thanked by 1EvanGreenwood
  • I snuck some Papers Please between bouts of code-reading and got to day 6. Could barely afford meds for my son and my family is all hungry and cold :( But I got a token of appreciation (was gonna leave the ***** out in the cold but I misclicked lol)

    The game does a VERY good job of creating suspense with very, very little. I love the fact that everything pretty much works as expected after a little self-exploration. VERY cool :D
  • Only played the demo so far (but totally dig it... except for a game-ending bug I encountered). Will purchase it soon. Sounds like this is a great example of narrative and meaning delivered via game mechanics, and not via exposition.
    Thanked by 1EvanGreenwood
  • I found that the only way to survive is to let your family off the mortal coil. >_< And there's one massively irritating thing I haven't learned to check for yet that keeps gnawing at my sanity. GAH.

    The narrative is brilliant. So many "omgwtf" moments :)
    Thanked by 1Denzil
  • @Tuism After many hours of playing, and memorising the issuing towns of each county, I actually managed to finish it with the entire family still in tact. But it really took me many many hours :P
  • I'm keeping my wife alive. It's kinda chilling to see that she didn't give herself up for the future of Arstotzkan...
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