Papercraft awesomeness
@Rigormortis was asking about this, seems like a cool thing to share:
Cubeecraft has these awesome papercraft characters for just about ANY CHARACTER YOU CAN THINK OF.

Then I saw this guy who made papercraft of FFVII characters, amazing :)
Cubeecraft has these awesome papercraft characters for just about ANY CHARACTER YOU CAN THINK OF.

Then I saw this guy who made papercraft of FFVII characters, amazing :)

Thanked by 1CandyflossKid
Btw have you guys seen Project Pheonix on kickstarter? Nubuo Uematsu and a whole bunch of devs are making an old-school love letter to JRPG's.
If those had been FFVII papercraft dudes it would have made me so happy! more so than usual. The angles are a feature due to the low-poly-ness of the game...
Anyone else interested in papercraft should check out this sfw (mostly. more than usual) 4chan link. Seriously, it goes to the Papercraft & Origami board.
@Tuism That chocobo looks so rad. Now to find papercraft instructions or a 3D printer... hmmm.
Cos I played FFVI on my PS3, even paid for it. And couldn't stomach it for more than 20 minutes, despite REALLY REALLY REALLY loving the crap out of it. The clunky mechanics simply couldn't keep up with my new gamer sensibilities (random encounters?! 2 pixel/minute walking speed??! Unskippable and forever long text-based dialogue!!!??)
And damn yeah dat Chocobo. Too good :D
I really like the idea of a JRPG that uses mechanics that Defenders Quest has, where you can choose the overall reward and experience amount per battle (grind less if you don't want to). Like if you choose to play on easy you don't need to grind as hard but its harder to get awesome weapons, where hard mode would need to grind but weapons/powers are slightly easier to get (or something like that).
Oooh that sounds like a cool system, easier for less awesome, harder for more awesome, which is self-balancing I guess. Cool :D