Dragon Commander: Scope creep or EFFIN AWSM?!
So I saw this little thing and I was instantly intrigued: A game with Dragon with a Jetpack?! PWN!
Then I watched the trailer and was utterly flabbergasted. Is this the results of insane development hell, endless Reworking, scope creep, or do you think they aimed to put every game ever into one Dragon with a Jetpack package... from the very start?
It literally has EVERYTHING and the kitchen sink thrown at it. I'm so curious if anyone has followed it, played it, whether it's fun, or what?
Then I watched the trailer and was utterly flabbergasted. Is this the results of insane development hell, endless Reworking, scope creep, or do you think they aimed to put every game ever into one Dragon with a Jetpack package... from the very start?
It literally has EVERYTHING and the kitchen sink thrown at it. I'm so curious if anyone has followed it, played it, whether it's fun, or what?

Thanked by 1EvanGreenwood
Edit - it's been released and I see I can install the full version from Steam now. I'll get back to you on gameplay if you like. :D
Then I remember Giants and those hybrids, and they were quite fun. This... just seems like MADNESS. Has literally everything. Wouldn't be surprised if you could go into the ship's arcade and play some 8bit Dragon Invader thing :)
Though I'm really wondering - does this game seem like the result of madness in scope creep, or calculated planned dev? Could one tell from afar?
I'm the same with RTS which is why I think I'll enjoy this one. Most RTSs don't hold my attention long enough, and I'm not particularly tactically minded so they don't appeal to me challenge-wise. The diplomacy aspects of this really intrigue me though - the whole thing, this big mix of 'stuff', really intrigues me. So in seventeen years when our stupid South African internet has finished downloading it, and I've played it a bit, I'll let you know ;)
Definitely interested in how this turns out - anyone seen any Lets Play links?
P.S. I'm glad they kept the sort of writing that produces "Lalinor, NooooOOOOoooo" moments. In the trailer I had no idea how it made sense to go from murdering the king to "for the wizard UnrememberableGobbledygook" in the same sentence ;)