Glad I found this place!
Hi all I'm Clayton and I'm new here. I actually didn't know about this website until this morning. Bit about myself: I'm 20 yrs of age and just recently quit university after studying a degree in Basic education for Civil Tech. I quit because I know I should do something I love and that's why I started Game Development. I have not yet released a game yet but I'm strong on my way. Hope to make some friends here! I use Unity/Photoshop/Inkscape/Blender and Javascript in Monodevelop. Recently started a project and 20% through it I stepped away from it as it was way too big to take on. Now I'm creating a small game and its MUCH more controllable.
Thanks for the read
Thanks for the read
Also, tell us more about your game that you are working on!
Also, welcome to the community!