Art hole
Hello, I am an aspiring artist and I would really like some honest feedback on some of the works I have been doing. This art dump will start out with a somewhat small collection of works, but I will constantly update it with new (and hopefully improved) works.
below are Ipad pieces
below are Ipad pieces

Untitled artwork 2013-03-27 (05.52.45-602 PM).png
1536 x 2048 - 666K

Untitled artwork 2013-07-11 (08.32.20-134 AM).jpg
1536 x 2048 - 963K

Untitled artwork 2013-07-11 (08.32.21-114 AM).jpg
1536 x 2048 - 1M
I think your poses are quite stiff and straight. It could help to take a leaf from animation, and use a curvier line of action in general.
It looks to me like you have an eye for designing characters that would be brilliant in a low poly game. Seems like a smart thing to practice. I especially like the boxy old dude (I do like stylized art a lot).
The ladies you draw appear to all have somehow been interrupted while they were getting dressed O_O
It may be useful to add that the latest batch of images are all character designs and concept art for a large project they are working on, based on the theme of "South African Sci-fi". There is some pretty awesome stuff coming out.
Despite this, I don't think they should be included as serious portfolio work. It would be in the same region as including fanart "I drew it because I like it" does not compare with "I was exploring a coloured lighting technique" or "I built a design language and applied it to both organic and inorganic surfaces."
Nevermind that, as an Art dump thread you can post whatever you like.
Something I'd really like to see more of is what you'd do with taking a stylization and treatment like you've used on boxhead2 and apply that to a range of characters. What does his wife look like? or his dog? what would a dalmatian look like compared to a pug in that world? Boxhead2, to me, feels like a great caricature and treatment, that could potentially be very efficient in a game production pipeline, or animation, or at the very least a truly awesome portfolio segment. But as a character design it needs context and extrapolation, with more examples we could see what parts of this image are caricature and what parts are lens and style. Character design is not so much about designing a character itself, but designing the range of differences between characters.
One reason I really want to see you explore this more is that all your dudes are interesting, simplified, caricatured and extremely expressive, and in the cases when they're there to support a larger composition, aptly insignificant; but your girls ( at least from what I can see here so far) seem to be designed and built by an entirely different process, as if your subcribing to a set of rules built by someone else for something else. Maybe pretty girls for pretty girls sake following rules for pretty girls as made by Artgerm, Glen keane etc? Pretty girls are fun to draw, figuring out what makes a cute button nose work at all angles is REALLy fun, doing that exercise with armoured boobs is even MOAR FUN. But rather than draw the cute button nose/boobs/armour according to outside influences, cross reference reality and stylization your own way. Take real life anatomy and pose and throw boxhead's brushstrokes and simplification at it. Instead of focusing on the components that are suppose to make them look cute and sexy, design your own stylization rules.
I dare you
I also have a new piece I would like to show.
Look forward to seeing how you animate in spine for isometric. One aspect of your two male figures here is you will need to redraw then for left and right views. As you have a diagonal distinction that makes left and right sides look different. Completely worth while if they are main toons in your product. Assuming your game allows four directions you already need to draw front facing and back facing versions so that tipples to 4 version for these guys.