Game design question?
Hi Guys. I’m done now with all the graphics and stuff that’s needed to display my idea on a screen. That includes now Texturing, Multi-texturing, Bump Mapping, ect. My question now is if there is any one that could suggest reading material or some book on game design as such. No graphics programming related. Things like scene management, collision detection, AI and so on. Thanks
If you really want game design books/resources then you should check out this list from pixel prospector.
Realtime Collision Detection is a very readable and thorough introduction to physics simulation and computational geometry in general. (The computational geometry aspect is useful for 3D games programming even if you do not implement any physics).
Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics is my favourite game-maths book. Although the title implies a focus on graphics, like the book above, it is useful for other purposes as well.
Physics for Game Developers is also nice, particularly the ballistics and vehicle physics.
Artificial Intelligence for Games is a good AI reference.
The Game Programming Gems series conttains relatively short (and easily digestible) articles on a wide variety of game programming topics (graphics, physics, AI, and more). Some of it (especially in the older books) are a bit out of date, but many of the techniques are still useful.
The AI Game Programming Wisdom series is similar, but focussed on AI.
Real-Time Cameras is pretty good, and covers a wide aspect of camera implementation and design.