Soooo don't know if any of you have heard of HitRECord, it's basically an open collaborative site/company. They're currently working on producing a TV show and mentioned the idea of making a game/play themed episode. Thought I'd put it up here in case anyone was interested in contributing. :)

Also, if you're an artist or whatever you can put your work up to be used which could later be turned into profit which I rate is awesome...
Thanks and stuff
Soooo don't know if any of you have heard of HitRECord, it's basically an open collaborative site/company. They're currently working on producing a TV show and mentioned the idea of making a game/play themed episode. Thought I'd put it up here in case anyone was interested in contributing. :)

Also, if you're an artist or whatever you can put your work up to be used which could later be turned into profit which I rate is awesome...
Thanks and stuff
... Although I have no idea how to participate in this at all.
He pretty much explains how it all works in the intro video when you sign up
MAN he's come a long way :)
If you want to contribute, sign up, refer to the script here (http://www.hitrecord.org/records/1457268) and when you're logged in click 'contribute' here (http://www.hitrecord.org/collaborations/8082) aaaand your stuff may go on TV or whatever.
Money, okes!