[Event] Cape Town Community Night - 26 June 2013
Hi all, I've taken over responsibility for doing these posts so be sure to let me know if I mess it up somehow. :)
This event happens monthly, is free to attend, and anyone may speak at the meetup - just comment beneath to let us know! This is for anyone and everyone interested in making games of any shape, size or type. Come join us!
Test games! Talk games! Make games!
When: 18:30 until around 21:30, Wednesday 26 June
Where: Microsoft offices, Engen building 2nd floor, Golf Park, Mowbray. https://maps.google.co.za/maps?q=-33.947185,18.4914
- Community News
- Introductions
- Why Monopoly is actually a great game - @dislekcia
- Open floor (Anyone may step up and present their games or talk - this is usually time contingent.)
- Your presentation/talk/game here
Calling for content!
This event happens monthly, is free to attend, and anyone may speak at the meetup - just comment beneath to let us know! This is for anyone and everyone interested in making games of any shape, size or type. Come join us!
Test games! Talk games! Make games!
When: 18:30 until around 21:30, Wednesday 26 June
Where: Microsoft offices, Engen building 2nd floor, Golf Park, Mowbray. https://maps.google.co.za/maps?q=-33.947185,18.4914
- Community News
- Introductions
- Why Monopoly is actually a great game - @dislekcia
- Open floor (Anyone may step up and present their games or talk - this is usually time contingent.)
- Your presentation/talk/game here
Calling for content!
"We're doing demos wrong, now with upwards of 5 facts"
It'll be short.
I found out some really interesting things about the origin of the game that totally changed my perspective on it.
So I am very curious about which of the rules that allow for nightmare games aren't in fact official Monopoly rules. (Like the fact that players get knocked out, and can get knocked out right at the start, and that the roll of the die can theoretically lead to indefinite stale mates between evenly matched opponents).
It might be just my taste, but I think that Risk really is a crap game. (especially after playing games like the Game of Thrones board game)
The Indiecade late submission deadline is in 4 days time, and our whole team is crunching to meet that. Broforce is in a kind of broken state right now and I need to sort it out. The team is relying on me, and the rest of Free Lives said in no uncertain terms that I'm needed more on Broforce right now...
I'm really sorry.
Well good luck!
We must post videos. Videos for the swarm!
What I really did like however, was the turning it into a constructive analysis of game design. There is problem X, how could be make it better? Felt that was nice and meaningful for everyone involved, and participation increased at that point for even the people who hadn't played the game.
Edit: Forgot to add appreciation @Aequitas for making the effort to present something! Woot!
Video to follow soon!