Good new everyone! I have run out of flyers talking to UCT students interested in the workshop. This scares me (in a good way).
So about 130 people indicated they are interested, I would guess that half or probably a better estimate of a third will actually attend. This makes it 40 students that will arrive, which is much better than I thought!
Even if only 40 or so turn up, that would still be great. I've just been in contact with people at CityVarsity about dropping some flyers off and putting the poster up, so if they're happy I'll go over there a little later today and do that. Also, there may or may not be a throng of Cedar House students showing up :P
Thanks for the replies :) Just wondering if I can sit in and listen to the lectures/talks but not actually make any games on GM? I'm more interested if there will be discussions or talks focused on thinking about the actual design of the game rather than physically trying to make it? Do you know what I mean?
I think that's the plan, I kinda left things to the speakers to decide, but we aren't really doing tutorials as such. So it would be more looking at how you can use the tools successfully (and why they are rad) and not *this is how to make a for-loop in gamemaker* discussions.
So yes, I would hope you can sit in on them and pick up on design tips.
@Dammit: That's pretty much what I'm focusing on. I'll be talking about addressing design problems via Game Maker's strengths, setting up prototypes to help you mine for neat designs faster.
No problem :) Join us at the next Cape Town community meetup. It runs very much like today, but its more of a community type thing with demos of games and feedback.
Thanks creative630 , That was awesome! I really liked the workshop format, it's something that we can't really do at the monthly meetups and I think it has value.
I wish I had been a bit more coherent and tested the sound of the computer first. (And thanks to Bryan who I think saved the day)
This went down really well, thanks @creative630 and everyone else involved! Maybe this is something we should plan to do a couple of times a year? Anyway, really good stuff!
Here is the location on google maps.
Here is the map of UCT upper campus.
So about 130 people indicated they are interested, I would guess that half or probably a better estimate of a third will actually attend.
This makes it 40 students that will arrive, which is much better than I thought!
Even if only 40 or so turn up, that would still be great. I've just been in contact with people at CityVarsity about dropping some flyers off and putting the poster up, so if they're happy I'll go over there a little later today and do that. Also, there may or may not be a throng of Cedar House students showing up :P
So yes, I would hope you can sit in on them and pick up on design tips.
Would love to attend more of these!
@creative360 Thanks for putting this together!
more exclamation marks !!!
I wish I had been a bit more coherent and tested the sound of the computer first. (And thanks to Bryan who I think saved the day)