edited in General

Sony has a game with a pet in it as well:

Though seriously, it's probably a decent gaming device. Though maybe not as great to develop for as the Play Station 4 (for indies anyway).

Has anyone read anything interesting about it?


  • Here is a graph of Sony's stock prices following the xbone reveal:

    Honestly it seems as if Microsoft only care about capturing the US market with the xbone. Nothing in the reveal excites me, I had a feeling even before it that I was going to be getting a PS4 for the next gen even though I currently only own an xbox360.

    But it should be said that this reveal was highly focused on the mainstream and E3 will be the gamer-centric reveals and I'll wait till then before loudly proclaiming everywhere how much better PS4 will be than the Xbone.
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    The Sony stock jump had a lot more to do with Sony management talking about splitting the company and making Sony Entertainment (it's console and games side, among other things) separate from the Sony Electronics parent company.

    I doubt that competitor betting happens in the stock trade as much, it would make sense to sell the stock of a company you thought was under-performing, not go buy a rather indirect (at least in terms of market coverage, Sony is much bigger than just the console business part of it) competitor.
  • Yep, correlation does not imply causation, but it sure does point its fingers and wink suggestively! (paraphrased badly from xkcd)

    Though from what I've heard sony's future as a company is very much reliant on the success of the PS4. No real source for that though.
  • It might be something to do with the fact my twitter is mostly indies, but even on reddit with the general populous - the overriding sentiment seems to be "meh". Also saw some hearsay tweets that even though the xbox is similarly spec'd, it's performance isn't up to the PS4.
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    Thanked by 2Actrox TasticLuc
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    I think microsoft know they have to blow peoples' minds at E3 so I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with there...
  • Completely unintellectual and unconstructive rant: Was that a dog or a bull jumping out? Poor thing... And why they chose a product name... xbone... Ex bone... Cross bone? I get that they can't put out Xbox 720, but Xbone?

    Guess the Wii proved that a wiik name doesn't doesn't hurt the actual thing, in the end.
    Thanked by 1hanli
  • Labrador Dog. Only labradors are that crazy.
  • Tuism said:
    Guess the Wii proved that a wiik name doesn't doesn't hurt the actual thing, in the end.
    Nice wordplay sir!

    They clearly haven't seen the Last Guardian trailer if they're calling this dog the "greatest AI companion in history".
  • They clearly haven't seen the Last Guardian trailer if they're calling this dog the "greatest AI companion in history".
    Also wordplay good sir? ;)

    Honestly though, I'm pretty curious what COD Dog does. I mean it's easy to make something smart, it's hard to make AI realistic. Like a dog realistic.

    Then it's even harder to make AI fun :)
  • I think the least impressive thing about the XBOne is the aesthetic design. As NAG so clearly pointed out it looks like something that comes from the 80's. Also all I see when I look at that front vent is DUST.... DUST FOR DAYS >.< Haha

    I mean the success of a console is based off how good the exclusives are and price point. I remember there were a few moments when I almost bought a wii just to play 1 game.
  • Well there XBox-is-for-everyone strategy might pay off. And they're willing to put $1,000,000,000 into getting exclusives for the device.

    When I saw the new design my thought was that it looks like a VCR (which seems to me to be in line with their appeal to everyone strategy).
  • It will fit nice in the cabinet with the hi-fi amp. Can see that appealing to people with home theatre systems.
  • Can someone say 1984 Telescreens?.... :P that's my only real comment.... Though I can see Microsoft getting a good amateur porn channel out of this. :P Maybe that is their next business model!
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    A bit old but posting comments anyway - oh hi there - I'm also new to your site :-)

    Xbone is dead in the water. That coming from an Xbox user who doesn't own a PS unit. I am a fan of Xbox's biggest franchise - Forza - but after the unveiling at E3 don't see many other exclusives I'm interested in. I think many gamers like myself will end up buying an Xbox One for one or two exclusives - sad but true - but wont use it as our primary gaming consoles at all. For the very first time I am looking at the PS4 which on paper has better spec, costs less, has great exclusives of its own but above all else: Respects the indie community.

    The only thing Microsoft can do now to save some face after alienating gamers and indies the world over is review their pricing model for titles bringing them down inline with PC releases. What with all the added DRM, resale policies, Gold accounts and ludicrous machine pricing - it's the only play they have left.

    That or continue as they were, slide further on NYSE, continue their massive sale via their distributors like Amazon on their windows 7 & 8 licenses and focus on TV TV TV TV - SPORT SPORT.

    /personal rant over.
  • Oh and if anyone here was actually still considering getting an xbone, South Africa isn't on the list of supported countries at launch. So you can't.
  • I think it is too easy to see all the problems with the XBone. I agree that the console has some problematic choices for people outside of the states, and a hefty price tag to boot. But the potential for the console is not "dead in the water". I think the Microsoft was wise in targeting specifically US and Canada because those are the two biggest gaming nations ( Furthermore the potential to design for the new kinect which is built into the console and accessible to anyone with an Xbox, will make innovative games easier to get on a home console. I love the idea of alternative play styles which can now be utilized without buying new hardware that is good only for that one game.

    Although as a South African I don't think this will be my console of choice.
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    Business side sure it made sense to them (the sports deals etc. do generate considerable income from both sports outfits and advertisers), but don't disregard the people who pay the salaries and make that portion of their business work - the reason why the two previous consoles were a success in the first place. For every 5 xbox players I've spoken to about the new console 2 have definitively stated a switch.

    That's going to dent their sales big time. The other side of the coin is they stand to gain a new market - sports enthusiasts, fantasy league players but the truth is their focus will change from gamer to viewer. Wherever the money is.

    The only reason I ever went console was because I don't have time to play games like I used to, so for me I need a quick way to get in game and playing for a portion of time. Not - first check my xbone has called in to the mother ship, sign into XBL and wait, have potential DRM issues (future bugs from updates etc.) - I mean they should have thought about something else.

    You step into the store to buy a title - you spend some time um-ing and ah-ing on whether you should or shouldn't purchase because you may or may not be able to sell the title used if the publisher so wishes eventually. People don't like that. Having to think about something so trivial. If I buy a car - I can resell it. I'm not marrying it. I don't want to commit to my game purchase in this way :-)

    If anything though - not supporting indies is my biggest hate against the console right now. Who can afford XBOX patches as a small indie? Last I heard it was $50k (anyone confirm?) - they're not interested in self publishers.

    Not like Sony are at this current point in time. Sony never lost sight of the reason why they produced the PS in the first place. The players.

    Not NBA, NFL, not partnering with Netflix (which is going to hurt them, needing a XBL gold account to watch).

    Technically the box is great - especially the kinect technology jump from Gen 1 - it's just they've lost sight - in my mind - of us the indies and all the gamers out there that grew to love XBOX and the 360.
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    @Microdot I'm a bit sad to hear you so turned off the console. Before they started announcing stuff I recall you were quite excited about the XBone (I think).

    Well there's no question which console indie developers will prefer. But (sadly) the XBone will probably do okay (or even very well) without us. I figure I don't watch television (for instance) and television seems to be quite popular despite me (sadly).

    XBone is just not for me or people like me, and since Sony cares about people like me, that doesn't matter much.

  • Despite all these hurdles I still actually think the xbone is a kick ass piece of equipment and if I had infinite money and stable fast internet and was in the US and I was interested in the NFL/NBA I'd probably get the xbone. Microsoft are focusing on the future and they are competing with google and apple for the living room, not with sony and nintendo for the gaming audience. I think they know that people will get over the DRM/online stuff eventually, and they are prepared to take the fallout now for the long term gain. In most first world companies an internet outage of 24 hours is practically unheard of and internet is often considered a basic human right ( Sony might 'win' the console war at the start but Microsoft is looking to win it in 5 years' time.
  • @raithza Assuming Google and Apple (or Samsung ect) don't beat them in the living room and Microsoft land up in as distant second place in every market. Dun Dun Duuuun!
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    I don't understand how the Microsoft could just give up China (they may not be big game spenders today... but with all this talk of Microsoft looking to the future, not supporting China seems really contradictory.

    Not to mention not supporting Japan???

    Thanked by 1Kaiser_Gun
  • @BlackShipsFilltheSky totally, look I'll be the first to admit that I really enjoyed my 360 and had hopes that MS would do the right thing for the Xbone.

    Looking at the rollout you can see clearly that they boycotted Sony territory, Japan. It's plain silly to exclude China too. There are plenty Xbox users there.

    The posting by @bevis with that twitter extract (that's real right?) just shows the extent of care. They don't give a crap about anything else but cash - the audacity to literally say you'll be back eventually... For that alone based on ethic, MS can suck my wee wee.

    Great to be back on a game dev forum btw - Looking good around here!
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    LOL @ that last GIF! so true in so many ways - what will Nintendo answer with mid 2014?

    EDIT @BlackShipsFilltheSky Just got to see those youtube vids. Hilarious - and one or two titles I like for PS4
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    Um. To be fair, that twitter exchange didn't actually say anything different to the old line before SA had official Live support (which only happened YEARS after the 360 released locally). You got told the same thing if you were thinking of setting up a UK Live account from an SA 360. So if anything, it'll probably still work fine with international accounts like it does now, it's just that you might have to import your Xbone at first and hope that your internet connection is stable enough.

    That support interaction was really neutral, it's not like the support drone could have said "Oh yeah, just sign up and say you're from a different country! We're totally okay with you committing fraud!", so I'm not sure what people were expecting... Get upset about the actual decisions of a corporate entity, not the imagined slights you read into the otherwise friendly and courteous things said by a lowest-level employee.
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    Get upset about the actual decisions of a corporate entity, not the imagined slights you read into the otherwise friendly and courteous things said by a lowest-level employee.
    I'd think it's just more fallout/repercussions from the actual decisions of the corporate entity. No-one is seriously putting blame on the employee, Microsoft gave them an impossible job (and that's where the tragicomedy comes in). I think?

    Though the things the corporate entity itself have been saying more directly (through their representative Don Mattrick in this case) have been equally tone-deaf.
  • I'd think it's just more fallout/repercussions from the actual decisions of the corporate entity. No-one is seriously putting blame on the employee, Microsoft gave them an impossible job (and that's where the tragicomedy comes in). I think?
    I just don't see how that support interaction was made any different by the stuff Microsoft are doing now. It's exactly the same as you would have had with that twitter account 2 years ago. That's all.
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    I just don't see how that support interaction was made any different by the stuff Microsoft are doing now.
    I think I was trying to suggest that context matters. (Though I myself don't find the twitter exchange particularly revealing)

    Also, the support guy does say that creating a account in another country may not work at all, which presumably would be different to what happened two years ago? This exchange doesn't seem to imply that there are fraudulent workarounds, or that the XBox One support setup is the same as the Xbox 360's.

    And I think it's fair to be upset that previously supported countries become unsupported (although that isn't the substance of this exchange).

  • Also, the support guy does say that creating a account in another country may not work at all, which presumably would be different to what happened two years ago? This exchange doesn't seem to imply that there are fraudulent workarounds, or that the XBox One support setup is the same as the Xbox 360's.
    That is exactly the same language that was used when people asked Microsoft support questions about using UK/US accounts from SA: "It may not work in unsupported countries". That's pretty much standard ass-covering language too, nothing concrete...
    And I think it's fair to be upset that previously supported countries become unsupported (although that isn't the substance of this exchange).
    Sure. I just believe that it's probably best to be upset about real things instead of perceptions that could have a high chance of being completely incorrect, that's all.
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    I think it's okay to be upset with someone who is apparently courting you on one hand, and telling you to fuck off at the same time. Whether it's just a perceived "fuck off" or a concrete staring-you-directly-in-the-eye "fuck off" does make a difference of course, but it's shitty behaviour from Microsoft in either case.

    And I think, regardless of fraudulent loopholes, not officially supporting South Africa, China, Japan, Korea, India, Greece etc in 2013 is terrifically awful and I'd expect a far more conciliatory tone. I think whether or not this is better or worse than what Microsoft were doing 2 years ago is besides the point, it's awful right now (and gamers are upset enough with Microsoft at the moment not to be willing to look the other way).

    At the heart of it, I think it's okay to call out an entity for behaving in a way that gives the impression that they have shitty intentions or do not intend improving on past mistakes. A perception of lack of concern over an issue such as this cannot be very far removed from an actual lack of concern over an issue, these aren't amateurs at spindoctoring, if their mask is slipping what's underneath is probably truer. I think calling out corporations for communicating in ways that seem to betray callousness over issues consumers feel are important is part of how consumers express dissatisfaction and is a mechanism that can help steer corporate attitudes more in line with consumer interests.

    (Although having said that I don't believe all consumer interests are good, for example I'm not convinced that used games are on balance good for consumers and I think that Sony is scoring cheap points with it's used-games-are-a-good-thing fan service. I felt Total Biscuit covered this quite well recently)
  • @dislekcia To be fair... I do know what you're saying and do agree... it's my unwillingness to be forgiving of Microsoft that's making me stubborn.
  • Some juicy juice
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    Probably most of us have heard already... but Microsoft just retracted some of its more hated proposals:

    (The used game thing and the always online thing and the regional restrictions)

    So that's great for consumers with poor internet or who travel or who live in South Africa... and also pretty badass for GameStop.
    Thanked by 2hanli Douzeju
  • Pressure much? ;-)

    Great turn of events - still don't trust them as a company (in terms of ethics and respect for the people who made their platform famous) and XBone still doesn't have good incentive for indies cost wise.

    Here's the Slashdot article on the subject:

    Man, what an indecisive show that was?
  • Can we start calling the new Xbox the Xbox 180 now?
  • Haha, yeah it's 180 is already gaining popularity. Will watch vid laters.
  • Some guys are doing a petition to bring back DRM (and all the other things noone wanted) for the XBONE.

    I think it's a troll. But with 3000+ supporters so far... Who knows...
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    If you didn't want boxes to begin with and had a sweet internet connection and lived in America the original XBox plan was better for you. And if you didn't want boxed games, being able to digital share games might have been appealing.
  • But there's nothing that stops digital distribution AND physical boxes to both exist, right? It's not like the one mutually excludes the other, or did they "renounce" digital distro and sharing when they succumbed to the negative sentiments about their stupid restrictions?
  • No, there's nothing stopping both existing at the same time. Except for hacks to disable the DRM that their digital distribution systems need being a lot easier if there's a non-DRM mode that the console can fall into as soon as you use a physical disk.

    Not an insurmountable problem, but it's something to consider. I'm reasonably certain that digital distribution options will appear on the Xbone eventually. It'll all depend on their execution and price points - how much are gamers willing to pay for physical sharing? That's how much cheaper digital versions of the same games should be.
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