Looking for Collaboration Partner - RPG Game Design
I'm working on a few projects that need a breath of game logic, especially more in the RPG side.
One of which is a tool that coaches and works with people to help them find / generate work. Something sorely needed.
But without weaving in what we love about Gaming and RPGs, it will just be another bland tool that won't be effective.
Alongside that, there are a number of other projects that require the same skillset. Someone who can objectively look at the project and design the gaming element behind it.
I'm too bogged down with the technical side of these projects to do that effectively.
So I'm reaching out on here to find out if there's someone who would love to collaborate, or has a drive to get into game design that wants a starting point. Some people just have a knack for story telling and game design.
One of which is a tool that coaches and works with people to help them find / generate work. Something sorely needed.
But without weaving in what we love about Gaming and RPGs, it will just be another bland tool that won't be effective.
Alongside that, there are a number of other projects that require the same skillset. Someone who can objectively look at the project and design the gaming element behind it.
I'm too bogged down with the technical side of these projects to do that effectively.
So I'm reaching out on here to find out if there's someone who would love to collaborate, or has a drive to get into game design that wants a starting point. Some people just have a knack for story telling and game design.
I'm also looking for collaborators so I can practice this game making thing :)
It sounds like your projects are more about gamifying productivity apps, rather than straight up games. Can you provide some more details/demos? At the very least I could look at them and provide feedback.
Also, where are you based?
Well, the end goal is to have a frankensteined hybrid between the two. For that I feel the best is to approach it as "What would this look like as a pure game" and then pulling it back a little bit.
This is in part because of DuoLingo. It's gamified but really doesn't work. So the Frakenstein approach is to draft two ideas, one being the practical version and the other one the pure game version and find a happy balance between the two.
I'm based in some small town, had to get away from the city.
What projects are you working on?