Looking for indie devs to interview

Hello everyone,

I am one part of a two-man podcast and we generally do a bi-monthly news episode in which we discuss various aspects of the games industry. However, we are looking to expand into more content, and we would like to find small indie devs who would be interested in being interviewed about their projects.

At present, we have very low viewership figures (like super low; crossing into double digits is a miracle at present), and so we would like to do a monthly interview (each time with a new guest), and then we each post on social media about the interview. Hopefully, with each successive interview we can increase our numbers and thereby increase the number of ears that hear about your game. And it's also just an opportunity to ramble about your game to two people that would like to hear about it.

If you are interested, you can either respond to this post or message me directly.


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    This sounds epic! I don't have a game yet to chat about but I've shared this post on my socials. Will let you know if anyone reaches out.

    And will keep you in mind when I do have something cool to show off. :)

    Jump into my discord to keep in touch and I'll do the same if you have your own too?
  • Can you link to your podcast? What's its name?
    Thanked by 1ladyinblack
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    @LC_Lupus is this for indie game devs within SA or are you open to game devs out of SA but within Africa? I know of quite a few as we host Game Jam+ Africa and a lot of them has done some awesome games to rave about.
  • Can you link to your podcast? What's its name?
    Hey hey! Sorry for taking ages to respond. Didn't see much movement on here and then forgot to check.

    We're the 2c Report. We used to just do news stuff but decided to start the interview stuff more recently as there isn't much stuff like this in SA. We've thus far only done two interviews. One with Silvernode Games (who are making Nine Noir Lives) and most recently Tarryn van der Byl (former editor at NAG and IGN Africa). Here's a link to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdpHnLvnV75ui_srnB_v-pg

    And here's a link to the interview playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5a1eWAhPslD0NEswaXRACVUib3trzBoM

    At the moment, we are absolutely tiny, but hoping to increase it over the coming months.
  • @LC_Lupus is this for indie game devs within SA or are you open to game devs out of SA but within Africa? I know of quite a few as we host Game Jam+ Africa and a lot of them has done some awesome games to rave about.

    We had been thinking of only doing SA but that's just because we're from here. I would certainly be interested in devs outside SA, but definitely still within Africa. The rest of the world has enough promotion! Ha ha.

    You can message me on Twitter if you'd like, or send others my way if they're interested in getting interviewed. As we also have day jobs, we have limited time and so we're, at present, only doing one a month, but if there's more interest then maybe we could find the time :)

    My Twitter is @LC_Lupus
  • This sounds epic! I don't have a game yet to chat about but I've shared this post on my socials. Will let you know if anyone reaches out.

    And will keep you in mind when I do have something cool to show off. :)

    Jump into my discord to keep in touch and I'll do the same if you have your own too?

    I've added you on Discord, and definitely contact me when you have something cool to show off :)

    You should be able to find me on Discord okay (same name), and if not then on Twitter at @LC_Lupus

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