Wraith (prototype)

This is a prototype to test a basic game-play loop as discussed here.
The idea is to stay clear of time-consuming development features (art, level-design, proc-gen, story, AI etc.) and focus purely on minimalist features/mechanics that satisfies the game-loop. And absolutely no juice (particle fx etc), though I might make an exception for screen-shake (all prototypes must find a way to incorporate it somehow).
This approach is to test how quickly one can determine if a prototype is worth pursuing, by trying to satisfy the gameplay loop as early as possible.
Levels (9 circles of Hell):

The basic game loop (in words, Maslow's Needs Hierarchy: Level 2, Protection of resources, health, property):
1) protect me and my stuff
2) combine/craft things to better protect me and my stuff against ever increasing threats (customise my experience, my way, so I feel clever, Maslows Needs Hierarchy Level 5: Self Actualisation)
3) collect things to craft better things and make exploring safer/more efficient
4) explore further, while protecting myself, to collect things to craft to better protect me and my stuff
The rough theme is: "Hellish" and is chosen to give context to the player and determine early naming for things like loot pickup and crafted items. Mostly for flavour.
Basic mechanics: Your base/crafting station (soul pedestal) needs to be protected. Escape from hell.
Keep well, K
Playable Build (PC):
Thanked by 1iceblademush
dev passion. We need to maybe come up with new and refreshing game-loops to make riveting games again. This game loop seems to address Maslow's Needs Hierarchy (Level 2, Protection of resources, health, property). Determining different game loops may require looking at the other levels of the hierarchy, because why else would someone enjoy the game from a psychological perspective? I just want to fire up a game and think, yeah man, this rocks! Instead of easily dissecting it's innards and putting it in a box, labeling it as such and such, of already tried and tested concepts. Bleh. Anyhow.
I've added some basic ranged attacks last night. I want to throw the current implementation away though in favour of a weapon/bullet abstract factory to allow for some more variance in weapon/bullet types possible. Projectiles versus lazer beam types etc. To make the mechanics a bit more interesting.
The ultimate goal of this prototype is not to make a game per se, but more to explore the thought process that might be relevant in supporting the end goal. The real question is, why do we make games? Who is the audience? Why do we play games and enjoy them? How do we make games efficiently to support all that? Is it possible to evolve?
PS: This animated gif was recorded with screentogif, a handy little free tool.
Edit: The playable build has been updated. (see 1st post for link)
I might just spend some more time on it to find out... :)
So. What I got in my mind. Play around with prototypes until you feel you have something good,unique.
Find a base concept and story for a game that your can try and follow cause as we all know things evolve.
Get a game loop that fits your game and story and then go into the meat of development.
I like introducing better art early, because it helps with inspiration while prototyping, as does SFX and music.
We don't always build prototypes with an end goal in mind and the journey is usually more fun that way.
Anyways, I've expressed my thoughts/opinions on the philosophy as discussed and I'll post again at the end of
the proto if I do get there. I'll check your prototype out as well to see how you progress. :)
To satisfying one's own needs. I don't like the concept at all, the whole "needs" hierarchy thing. It seems selfish. Is that how we have classified ourselves? In such a limited way. Is it true? Is that the de-facto definition of humanity? Is it so one-dimensional? Ugly? To first serve one-self before the "need" arises to serve others? Well I reject that and the philosophy then. Have I miss-interpreted it? We have to be better than just that, surely. There has to be more to the human psyche than what some old dinosaur as written down and has been considered as the final borders of how humanity defines itself. If the bible can be doubted I am sure Maslow can be too.
The question then is... is Maslow's opinion a valid guideline to follow, in designing a game-loop, to develop a game with a human audience in mind? Or is humanity far more complex than what the text prescribes? And therefore so is game development? I am at a cross-roads regarding this.
I shall continue to try to solve the riddle by chatting to others.
A public forum is not the correct place to figure it out though :)
With this prototype I have learnt that the discipline and skill of "game design" has the lowest barrier of entry as opposed to the others... coding and art etc., but it is also the hardest to master and therefore should probably be given the attention it requires before I start on any new prototype, by using a simple pen and piece of paper. Something that I have neglected in so many prototypes, including this one.
It's a wrap for this prototype for me. The game can be completed. The latest build has been updated and features more crafting recipes, basic AI etc. to be able to progress through it. If you do download and play, any feedback would be very useful, thanks.
The loot drops are based on randomly picking from weighted DropTables per level (see LootDatabase.cs).
It can cater for uniques and guaranteed drops (if the player has some really bad RNG luck and we need to put them out of their missery and just give them the item already).
A lot of it is not implemented in this proto, but it's in the code.
Thanks konman. Will play around with it!