Don't buy GPU from takealot
I have ordered a graphics card gtx1650 super and I only received a gtx1650... I have noticed this because the package has two serial numbers. The serial number on the right is for the card that I have ordered(gtx1650super) and the serial number on the right is the one I have received. Also I have waited three weeks to receive this since first time I was told by takealot that their driver was hijerked in my email and also a contradiction telling me that the order was returned to the warehouse in my facebook inbox . So I did not know which story to believe. I am really disappointed.
So do not be me, do not be loyal.
So do not be me, do not be loyal.
730 x 545 - 463K
But ye, I'm with Elyaradine on this, this is not really the forum for it. Rather write this kinda stuff at
Similarly if a new game developer wanted to buy hardware would you say they should not ask directly here(from game devs) for advise?
And also should we only post about games and not about struggles we face on daily bases that might help other developers to prevent the situation?
Food is not a tool for game developers but graphics card definitely is. If this was a chef forum, talking about pots and stoves wouldn't be a bad idea, similarly if this was a music forum, talking and mics, guitars and keyboards wouldn't be a bad idea either.