Horror Game - Watch your step

edited in General
Hey all so I started working on a Horror game this weekend just for fun (You can check it out here http://gamejolt.com/games/other/watch-your-step/14137/). It started as a horror game where you run away from a floating Hitler head shooting lasers from his eyes at you. But then I made a game play aspect, which is falling over objects while running, which I just enjoyed too much. So I've already revamped a lot of my game but I wanted to know if anyone has any spare ideas floating around for a horror game? I want to try keep this game original. I have been and plan to continue making changes to the game everyday.




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    Hey @IceCliff,

    We seem to be getting a lot of horror games recently on this forum :). Here's a turn-based multiplayer horror game with a similar art style to yours.

    Anyway, back to your game. :)

    Overall I enjoyed it. It feels almost like a dark comedy horror game? When I saw polygonal horror child I couldn't help but smile. I gather from the note on the wall that comedy wasn't your original intention, though? I thought it might be an interesting idea to branch into though, a comedic horror game. :P

    The controls however, are pretty clumsy. Horror games usually have clunky controls because they help elicit a sense of helplessness, but I feel yours need a little tweaking. Specifically, I like the camera movement when walking, but after a while it becomes jarring and disorientating - perhaps reduce the amount of movement allowed? In addition, using ctrl for crouch felt a little awkward and frustrating to reach. This is because you need to press it quickly to escape demon-girl- polygon-child. Perhaps use shift, or even Q and E to control crouching?

    Another minor gripe is that the walls are really 'sticky'. I was often confused as to why I couldn't move forward even though I was barely near the wall. I actually gave up playing because I kept getting stuck in the corner the first time you have to run away. :/

    Keep at it! :)
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