If Torybash and Teenage Mutant Ninja Puppets met in a bar, got drunk and then got busy, Fling Fu would be born nine minutes later. If we lived in a world where spastic ragdolls were trying to take over the world, Fling Fu would be the meaning of life. If the question is " mid air teabagging? " then Fling Fu would be the answer.
If you have any questions, preferably about Fling Fu, I'd be glad to spew out some cryptic answers.
If you want to get involved in testing/flinging ninja-feet into ninja-faces, just ask and I'll try to get a copy of the game to you or you to a copy of the game.
If you played the game and think you can do better art or programming/game design than me, id be glad to hire you to make the game for me. If you don't count sexual favors as a form of payment, you won't be payed. <-JOKE (just the payment part)
If you just want to write silly Fling Fu catch phrases you are welcome to do that to.
Here is the link to the game builds /https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i80d5kfevhytz76/9WFSAKRj8E
If you have any questions, preferably about Fling Fu, I'd be glad to spew out some cryptic answers.
If you want to get involved in testing/flinging ninja-feet into ninja-faces, just ask and I'll try to get a copy of the game to you or you to a copy of the game.
If you played the game and think you can do better art or programming/game design than me, id be glad to hire you to make the game for me. If you don't count sexual favors as a form of payment, you won't be payed. <-JOKE (just the payment part)
If you just want to write silly Fling Fu catch phrases you are welcome to do that to.
Here is the link to the game builds /https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i80d5kfevhytz76/9WFSAKRj8E

1024 x 720 - 272K
@notsimon207 Was great to get a look at Fling Ninja last night I'll drop you a message with my email so I can get a test on device for you as discussed.
Outside of that, I thought a bit more about the "what it needs to be launchable" thing:
* Content: So you have a great gameplay demo now, and you've made it clear you don't want to do levels that need to be progressed through, but you'd at least need some varied arenas to give your players some reason to keep playing. You did mention obstacles and traps, once those are in you're talking more of a real game.
* Motivation/Progression: Again, as a gameplay demo it's fun, but other than killing all the enemies there's no real reason to play. So it's kill all the enemies, play once again maybe to kill all enemies, probably delete from device. So some kind of endless spawning of enemies perhaps? Starting with just a couple and ramping up to crazy. Maybe the enemies get bigger and tougher somehow?
* Scoring: Builds on the motivation, score per hit perhaps? With higher score for certain hits? Perhaps this could be tied to the energy recharge, giving a bump in energy for high quality hits. How about a combo counter with energy recharge rewards based on chained hits? Ditto for varied hits.
* Leaderboards: Once scoring is figured out, adding something like OpenFeint would be essential for devices.
*Visual Juice (yay for talk reference ): Simple blood particles or other effect on impact, swipe trails. As discussed your minimal monochrome look is AWESOME, so need to be careful to not detract from it, but splashes of colour from effects over the generally monochrome world and characters would stand out beautifully IMO.
*Audio Juice: Was there audio? Need impact sounds at least and music.
*Menu and UI: @Elyaradine had a good suggestion about UI inspired by Japanese paintings (Okami Jono?), I could see something simple like that looking great. Simple brush strokes behind a clean font for score, etc. Menu wise, again simple could be perfect, and trust me after spending couple of weeks on menus, you want to keep it simple
I know you said you'd rather be watching TV (seriously!?) but if you are one of the few people that actually have the luxury of spending a full 6-8 hours a day on this, you could probably get it launch ready in under two months.
Oh, and sadly the name Fling Ninja is taken: http://goo.gl/LXLYt
*Content: I agree, varied arenas and obstacles are essential. I was thinking to have the different arenas connected to the score or time somehow. Say after getting 100 points or 5 min the arena changes eg: traps added to the sides; this could even hapen without loading a new area, just lowering the traps into the current arena or make them come out of the ground (like a theater stage floor).
If that seems a bit tricky to do without disrupting the game I could always load a new area/scene and just keep the persons current score.
*Motivation/Progression: Definitely going to do the spawning enemies that become tougher, bigger and smarter further on.
*Scoring: A score system with combos sounds best. That should also eliminate complete risk-free playing (kick once run away and recharge energy repeat). As for having the score system linked to the energy: I was thinking of adding food or something that spawns randomly in the arena, eating these then replenish energy. This mechanic should keep people from standing in a corner and waiting for approaching enemies.
*Visuals: If I do decide to stay with the monochrome, and from what people are saying it seems likely, I could to the in game art myself; and blood particles will look awesome!
*Audio: I haven't even touched on audio yet. It will be easy to implement hit sounds, I can even adjust the sound volume according to the impact velocity. Thinking of making super hard hits trigger a bone breaking sound. As for music: I'm not sure how to go about music. Any ideas on the stile of music to use? And what to do for the slow-motion sound?
*Menu and UI: I have little to no experience with menu and GUI design. But simple and clean sounds good. Totally digging the Japanese Paintings idea!
I was'n serious about rather watching TV :) and I look forward to working on the game!
Best of luck, once again.
Something with an oriental element to it could work nicely with @Elyaradine's UI suggestion. Think cheesy kung-fu movies.
@aodendaal Glad you like it :) at the moment only some people at the previous game meet played it, but I could probably get you a demo through Dropbox. I'm going to get a group of people (mainly people I meet at the community session each month) to test the game.
In terms of where to go from here, I think it would be cool if the character killed the enemy ninjas in one hit. From what I've seen, pacing might be a problem if it is too difficult to kill enemies. So perhaps the challenge of earlier levels could come from the sheer number of enemies a player must battle . I mean, you want the player to feel all powerful - not so weak that he has to kick a guy in the head multiple times for him to fall.
This setup would also lend itself better to the real-time playback of the mission, that @aodenhaal suggested the first time you showed it. This game would be cool on touch screen devices, but only if the missions are relatively short and sweet (as people play mobile games for only a couple minutes at a time).
If you're going for a slow-time sort of feel, what about traditional chinese instrumental music for the game? Think the rain fight scene from Hero, where Nameless fights Sky (if I remember the character name correctly, the dude played by Donnie Yuen). Bonus points for making the music tie into the action.
Swing Swing Ninja
Swish Flick Ninja
Throw Star Ninja
Fling Fu
Fling Jitsu
@dislekcia, I vote for the name Fling Fu!
Poresu flinging
As for the chain reaction - it would be pretty awesome :D. But if you don't want that you can just specify that only collisions with the player avatar cause damage? Either way, you seem to have good ideas about where to go from here :).
Thanks @Dislekcia
And here it is, not cheap, but if you have the cash to spend on it probably totally worthwhile:
Edit: And "Fling Fu" is a brilliant name! Go register flingfugame.com NOW :)
Instant win.
If anyone has used this software, please share your experience/knowledge.
Is there any way to limit (or even measure ) the force applied to the ninja by the dragging mouse?
Any ideas are totally welcome :).
This attaches to the object you clicked on to drag, you could add 2 vectors 3's to the script at the top, and the "start position" vector you can set in this brace.
Similarly in DragObject() there is a loop, as long as the mouse button is held down it will continue dragging, so after the braces started with the "while" on line 61:
Here you can set the "final position" vector, and you can then work out the distance between them.
Alternatively, you might be able to just normalise (and work with directly) the drag and angularDrag values (make sure they do not exceed the expression absolute_value(drag OR angularDrag) > X (where you will need to fiddle a bit for the X to get the right feel.
Would you like a demo of the game so far?
From what I remember seeing (I'm on my phone now, can't see image attachments), you probably want to turn up the random rotation in the particles.
Regarding the blood effect itself, I think it could use quite a few tweaks. The splatter texture's pretty cool, but imo it needs to grow and rotate. You might want to layer a second set of particles in there too, that are much smaller, like droplets, whose angle you control based on how you hit an enemy. It's... kind of hard to explain in text.
Aside from that, I feel that there needs to be _some_ kind of effect that gets fired on every successful hit. That kind of feedback would be really satisfying, as well as helping me not to be confused as to whether I've hit an opponent. If it's not going to be the blood effect, then it should be something else, perhaps a circular/spherical burst that highlights the fact that a hit occurred. It can be subtle too; it just needs something.
[edit] Okay, so... it's just one of those things that's much easier to show than to type about. :P
The sphere burst is a great idea! It seems simple to implement, and judging from the clip will add a lot of PUNCH to landing a blow. I'll try out the sizing and rotation over time. I'm not too sure what you mean by the "angle you control based on how you hit an enemy", but the idea of having a set of smaller droplets shooting out seems good.
Since hits, depending on their velocity, does different amounts of damage, is it a good idea to size the sphere effect according to the damage dealt? And what do you think of the blood falling and not just vanishing in air? I'd like to make it stick to the floor a bit before fading it out, Good or Bad idea? Are the smoke trails good or bad?
Did you find anyting super annoying while playing the game (difficulty learning to control the ninja or unresponsiveness?)
Furthermore, some things that I noted that could help with the overall feel:
- You need to have feedback for the player when the player takes a hit, for instance you could do it by having a different colour blood spray when the player is hit each time, or a screen shake, or a red flash around the screen border.
- For the hits that are made by the player, I realised how you can make them translate into movements, you can look at the direction the limb that hits is going (up = uppercut, down = karate chop, etc), and then where it is in relation to the body (eg. in front, or the side, or behind) you can add that. "Side Uppercut", "Backward Kick", etc. You could take a screenshot each hit, and each hit store the rotation/movement values in a text file, and from this you can work out what regions of values you would like to have inside each "hit type"
- You might want to experiment with moving the camera the same way you drag the body (starting to drag on the screen anywhere outside the area say 3 times the size of the character rotates the view), then you have fully touch screen control available too.
I was holding back on posting this, but might as well share it as I update it (.txt file I add notes to :P)I was actually thinking of adding white blood for the player, and the screen shake is a good idea as well; "with great power comes great personality" ;).
The "hit type" system seems complex, but certainly doable. Would be cool to print what hits you do on the side of the screen like a combo list?
I think adding the mouse look control by right clicking is a better idea as clicking is what takes you out of slow mo mode. As for touch devices I think a double finger swipe type camera will do the trick.
It would be really awesome If you could send me a video, only if it's not too much trouble, of how you play the game as I'm worried that people will just drag the feet around the map hoping to hit something by chance, or just not get the basic concepts of lining up the shot, and adding power at the last second too successfully hit the enemy. Also did you find the drag time (around 0.5 seconds) that you have from when you click to when the drag stops annoying?
When you say its more difficult than it looks; do yo mean you have too little health and energy, or do you mean difficult to perform awesome moves?
Again thanks for taking the time to play and crit it :D.
I'll send you an updated version of the game as I make changes.
If so then totally <insert colorful word> genius! It will work super awesomely in FlingFu! :D Thank you!