Hey guys,

We're looking for a freelance game developer in SA with experience in developing casual mobile games.
[Bonus if you've created an endless runner and released games to various app stores]

Please email for more details.


Mik Adler


  • Job posts must follow our guideline:
    Jobs posted must adhere to the following guidelines
    (in order to prevent misinformation and to help people make accurate decisions about jobs, forcing users to follow up on job offers just to find out basic information is an inconvenience to users and is not in the spirit of MGSA):
    • A job must be posted by the company offering the position/contract and the company must be clearly identifiable.
    • The position must be clearly stated as a game development position/contract.
    • The job post must contain a description of the skills/qualifications required, an indication of payment/budget/salary, expected timeframe for the job and a job description that clearly communicates job responsibilities.
    • The job post may not be solicitation for spec work or in the form of a competition reward.
    • If you are looking for outsourced resources there is post here - SA companies for outsourced projects thread
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