I tried Unity 2017....

Hi about a week ago I was trying to learn unity. This is how far I got. The character was made in blender but his shorts got lost somewhere when I exported fbx. Anyways the hard drive I installed unity to, crashed shortly after this. Cyclic redundancy error......so I didnt install unity 2017 again......:(

Then I tried doing a realistic house rendering, but my knowledge of shaders and camera effects and rendering is quite limited.....:(
In any case, cool start :) So are you looking for some feedback?
Why are you using 2017, by the way, when everything up to 2020 is free on their site?
I had the very last issue of NAG , so I installed it from there. I tried downloading 2018 but cell c chowed my data.....:/
As for feedback, really just it looks pretty much fine, you should define for yourself what you're trying to do, and work towards that. That's all, looks fine, but since I don't know what you're aiming for there's nothing to evaluate against.
- Jabrils
- Brackeys
- Code Monkey
- Sykoo
- Mix and Jam
- quill18creates
- Sebastian Lague
- Dani
There are plenty of others as well, for the short time I introduced myself to unity. And yay!! You dont have to program every single thing you add to the unity project , like objects connected to rigid bodies!! I think the components part of things works really nicely. But yeah....I will see unity again soon.....