Beautiful, interactive, fun, engaging... Is it a game though? :)
It's really cool, check it out. I'm not going to go into spoilers :)
So, is it a game?
Is it art?
Does it matter? :)
I do notice that it's available for other iPhone etc, so it's been monetised. Interestingly.
Discuss :)
It's really cool, check it out. I'm not going to go into spoilers :)
So, is it a game?
Is it art?
Does it matter? :)
I do notice that it's available for other iPhone etc, so it's been monetised. Interestingly.
Discuss :)

What an interesting toy isn't it? :)
The vertical line represents the structure of play; for heavily structured with rules and limits at the top and free-form/release at the bottom. The horizontal line is the different between whole and partial artifacts (i.e. items).
This is from the article From Game Design Elements to Gamefulness: Defining "Gamification"
Edit: It was called Grow RPG. There was a whole series of them available here
(Gosh, I was starting to develop a complex there.)
p.s. This is definitely a game. :)