Hi , I was wondering if there are any companies here looking for an intern , exceptional third year student pursuing a career in software development , any links or advice would be greatly appreciated ( Just a side note it is for my Kid )
A piece of advice I can offer is for your kid to be doing the looking - you can help line up email addresses, look over what they write, whatever, but ask them to do the actual asking. That actually includes being involved in this forum like this. It'll simultaneously be invaluable experience, as well as show initiative to a potential employer.
She has been looking , it was me ,just me being a dad " I will ask the guys on mgsa , maybe they might know of some places" , not a direct question please give my kid an internship, just some links or info of companies that might.I fully agree with what you are saying , I guess my choice of words were bad ,some folks thought I was asking for myself .
Yeah I know how it can be for a parent, I still think I would be great if she came and was active on the forum herself, that engagement is valuable experience anyway if she's interested in gamedev, whether she finds an internship directly from here or not.
XR Global, a US Company which is based in Cape Town is seeking Interns during the lockdown. We are seeking those who wanna help us grow our company and have a part of this future. We build education in VR and looking for Unity/C# Developers and 3d modelers. bryan@xrglobalconsulting.com
Good luck :)
Anyway, again, good luck :)