Anyone seen this? Skrillex quest?
I think some of the game play elements is pretty interesting and you don't need to like his music to enjoy this game.
I think some of the game play elements is pretty interesting and you don't need to like his music to enjoy this game.
The execution made me like Skrillex a lot less though. Unskippable cutscenes that assume I read at the speed of a 6 year old make me annoyed.
Would LOVE to see something done really well with this theme.
So this is an ad says so at the bottom, but it kinda fails to do what I think an ad game should. Ad games should use the game to lure players in that are not necessarily familiar with the product being advertised and in that way expose them to it and get more customers. This game however feels to me like it gives you something to do while you are listening to Skrillex anyways. So it's a bad advert game because it doesn't really offer that much to players that are not already consumers.
Apart from that I really did dig the style...all the glitchy graphics and stuff made me happy. :)
I think an advergame needs to be aware of the product it's trying to get people to look at, so if that's a global brand that's super-prevalent online and the people playing your game are online already AND you're aiming for savvy users because this is a friggin game that references retro stuff, assume they can google worth at least 3 half-damns ;)
I agree that an advergame that targets users on cellphones with a product that's a physical store-bought thing needs to have a much better call to action, or whatever it is the marketers call it.