Blender Tutor needed - Cape Town - Mowbray
in Jobs
I am looking for Blender paid tutoring in Mowbray, Cape Town. I am an old timer with lots of experience in Sketchup and Architecure modelling software but I want to get into proper grown up animation with Blender. I'm getting so stuck on easy stuff with video tutorials. I need someone to sit next to me and talk me thru it and get me on my way. Anybody able to help?
Thanks Mike
Thanks Mike
Here are some places I used to look at for help
and also the blender forums
Hope this helps!
They've been updating the material for Blender 2.8, as well as keeping the 2.79 material.
It starts very basic then progresses at a fairly good pace to more advanced topics. Blender scenes and reference materials included. Very good course.