Do you feel like you never see daylight anymore? Are you tired of staring at your screen all night? Maybe you need awayfromkeyboard.gif.
But wait, if you dial now, you’ll get:
• The wind in your hair
• The sights and sounds of the city
• The grass under your feet
Join us at our 5th animated .gif exhibition event, in association with Open Book Festival - 5 September 2019 at A4 Arts Foundation
We'd love to see you and your .gifs as you step away from your keyboard for the night.
Are you a artist or just a .gif lover? Send us your interpretation of the theme by submitting original creations. Be creative, use polaroids, animations, found objects, 3D models, collage, drawings, or any other medium to interpret this theme how you desire in .gif format.
Submit via: https://submit.exhibitdotgif.com/
Submission close 27 August so get .giffing!
For more information about the “Open Book Festival”, please head over to their site to find out more: www.openbookfestival.co.za
We recommend that you keep your files less than 1.9MB and no wider than 540px. Larger files (up to 10MB) can still be accepted into the exhibition, but won't be shared through our website afterwards, www.exhibitdotgif.com
Be creative, go outside and send us some cool stuff!
P.S. We love a good meme but please only submit original animated.gif created by you