[Released] Fish Sticks
Released a game for the first time on Google Play. Not really polished but I wanted to go through the publishing pipeline to see how it all works.
Its an arcade style fishing game with one and two player (local) game modes.
There is a global leaderboard and 11 achievements.
Its free, please download and tell me what you think. Cheers!
Fish Sticks
Its an arcade style fishing game with one and two player (local) game modes.
There is a global leaderboard and 11 achievements.
Its free, please download and tell me what you think. Cheers!
Fish Sticks
Thanked by 1konman
How did you implement the leaderboard?
Yes, knowing where to hook a fish should probably be made more apparent, but not sure how to do that without adding something to the fishes mouths or maybe a short tutorial would do it.
Hope you never took me off the top of the leaderboard since we are the only two players :D
I used this for leaderboards etc. : Google Play Integration
Leaderboards and achievements were the easy part. The hardest and least documented area is key signing and adding the key to publish settings etc. It was a bit of trial and error and to be honest, the next time I will probably have forgotten most of it :)