2D Outline Shader (SpriteRender vs Quad)

edited in General
I've got a pretty simple outline shader for 2D sprites going. If alpha pixel, look for surrounding pixels for non alpha pixel (see code below).

It works fine on a quad (left) but not on SpriteRenderer (right). I need it to work with sprite renderers in Unity. It's like the SpriteRenderer creates a different mesh based on the sprite/texture used in it. Anyone know what I'm missing!?


fixed4 SampleSpriteTexture (float2 uv)
				fixed4 color = tex2D (_MainTex, uv);
				return color;

			fixed4 frag(v2f IN) : COLOR
				fixed4 c = SampleSpriteTexture (IN.texcoord) * IN.color;
				c.rgb *= c.a;
				fixed4 outlineC = _OutlineColor;
                outlineC.rgb *= outlineC.a;
                //outlineC.a *= ceil(c.a);

                if (c.a == 0.0)
                    fixed upAlpha = SampleSpriteTexture ( IN.texcoord + fixed2(0, _OutlineThickness)).a;
                    fixed downAlpha = SampleSpriteTexture ( IN.texcoord - fixed2(0, _OutlineThickness)).a;
                    fixed rightAlpha = SampleSpriteTexture ( IN.texcoord + fixed2(_OutlineThickness, 0)).a;
                    fixed leftAlpha = SampleSpriteTexture ( IN.texcoord - fixed2(_OutlineThickness, 0)).a;
                    fixed upRightAlpha = SampleSpriteTexture ( IN.texcoord - fixed2(_OutlineThickness, _OutlineThickness)).a;
                    fixed upLeftAlpha = SampleSpriteTexture ( IN.texcoord - fixed2(_OutlineThickness, -_OutlineThickness)).a;
                    fixed downRightAlpha = SampleSpriteTexture ( IN.texcoord - fixed2(-_OutlineThickness, _OutlineThickness)).a;
                    fixed downLeftAlpha = SampleSpriteTexture ( IN.texcoord - fixed2(-_OutlineThickness, -_OutlineThickness)).a;
				    if (upAlpha != 0.0|| downAlpha != 0.0 || rightAlpha != 0.0 || leftAlpha != 0.0 || upRightAlpha != 0.0 || upLeftAlpha != 0.0 || downLeftAlpha != 0.0 || downRightAlpha != 0.0)
				        return outlineC;    
				return c;
924 x 480 - 304K


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