[Competition] Ludum Dare 26 - 26-29 April 2013
Date: April 26th-29th
With LD26 coming up at the end of this month, I'd like to get a quick idea of who will be participating. Also, if you took part in a previous LD, I'd love to see your entry.
With LD26 coming up at the end of this month, I'd like to get a quick idea of who will be participating. Also, if you took part in a previous LD, I'd love to see your entry.
You can see my entries here: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/author/evan-greenwood/
Ludum Dare 22 I was by myself in the Compo. That was super fun, a whole bunch of us found an empty office and jammed together (and the resulting game was probably the silliest game I've ever worked on).
Ludum Dare 23 I worked with @Bevis (Jarred Lunt) and Luke Viljoen, jamming at UCT.
Ludum Dare 24 was around the same time AMAZE in Johannesburg, so we didn't enter.
Ludum Dare 25 I worked with Jarred, @Raithza (Ruan Rothmann), @PunkWeasel (Duncan Greenwood), @Merrik (Richard Pieterse) and John Hattendorf https://soundcloud.com/hattendo (who did music).
I'm curious to see any of your past entries too! Hopefully I'll be participating in Ludum Dare 27.
Ludum Dare 25 was Luctastic and I's first Ludum Dare and we were pretty happy with the result, which you can find [url = http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-25/?action=preview&uid=17953] here.[/url] The community and feedback aspect of Ludum Dare sets it apart from other game jams for me.
My two lonely past entries can be found here. The first was for LD22 the second was for LD24. Both weren't amazing but I tried :)
I wouldn't mind trying to host at UCT again if anyone else is keen to join me?
Found here
My previous LD stuff is here.
Pretty keen to jam this weekend. :)
Ludum Dare technically starts on Saturday morning at 4Am our time. It runs until Monday 4 AM if you're going solo in the competition; and till Tuesday 4 AM if you're jamming in a team (correct me if I am mistaken here). The venue, due to university classes, won't be available on Monday, so jammers will have to work remotely. (Although I suspect, due to paying jobs, this isn't a big issue :) )
We'll open the venue from 9AM till around 12PM on Saturday and Sunday. It will stay open later if necessary, but remember the need for sleep! If you're entering the competition then that time frame should cover your Ludum Dare experience. If anyone is planning on doing the competition, I'd be happy to keep the venue open till you upload at 4AM. :)
I'm a bit of a stickler for only starting when the LD timer starts, but if you guys do decide to start on Friday I may well come along and just jam for a bit before the theme is announced, unless I have plans I've forgotten about :D
Looking forward to it!
I'll be there at 6 on Friday, PM me for my number. I've jammed there before and it's really a great spot.
[Edit: I'll be able to get keys so we have the space as long as I can stay awake :p
also standard human considerations required, clean up after yourself, don't make a mess, be nice to each other etc etc]
just want to emphasise money given is to cover things like coffee and drinks (which are available there), doesn't have to be much, just should be fair based on what you use.
Disclaimer: This has often resulted in forcing a game idea into the theme/not giving a crap about the theme at all, ahem*BlackShips*, resulting in an abomination of awesome.
Orechasm came first overall at the last Ludum Dare and we totally ignored the theme.
Of course a theme can often take you in directions that would have never occurred to you otherwise.
[yeah, I'm already planning on ignoring the theme]
In a perfect world, one could use the theme as a spring of inspiration for ideas, but I shudder at the number of times I've gone "scrap that, doesn't fit the theme".
See you guys tomorrow!
I'd type more but it's too early and cold for me to brain...