Hi Guys,

Compliments for 2019.

We wanted to let you know that we have soft launched Invasion Day in South Africa on IOS. It's been in the works for a long time so we are really stoked to share it with you all. Proud to say its locally developed with love right here in Cape Town by a small independent team!

Pick a side and play as the Martians invading or the Humans defending Earth from total annihilation.

Please go ahead and download it, play it, tell your friends about it. We've set up a forum for constructive feedback and bug reports for everyone. We want to try build a community around Invasion Day and do our best to offer support.

We know it's by no means perfect or bug free but what game ever is ;) Keen on hearing your feedback and ideas.

Have fun!
VSUS Games

P.S Coming to Android soon :)


  • Keen to play this, but I can only try on Android :/

    If I get access to a IOS device I'll give it a try
  • I also am only on Android for now, so hope you get an Android release :)

    That said, I tried the website and it doesn't seem to work, goes to a domains selling page...
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    Based on this FB post I think the project has been cancelled.
  • Oh lol didn't realise it was a Jan 2019 post.
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    Me neither :/ But @Kingsi did contact me (so the post isn't dead in a way), I'm curious as to what's going on with the project, and what the team's future plans are. It's sad to hear that such an obviously large venture came to something like a dead end.
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    Hey Guys,

    I was hoping this thread would have been picked up earlier ;p

    We’ve taken the decision to shelve Invasion Day till further notice. We’re still exploring ways to hard launch but thought it too risky to just throw it out there. Looking for publisher / funding to assist if anyone has connections.

    @evanGreenwood, keen to connect over a coffee.

    Thanked by 1EvanGreenwood
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