Free Course in Gamification

edited in General
The University of Pennsylvania is offering an online version of their Gamification course next month on Coursera:

I'm doing one of the other courses on the site at the moment, and the quality of the video lectures and supporting material is really good, so if you're even remotely interested in the topic I'd suggest checking it out.


  • I've done this course (part 1 cos I..... Got procrastinaty), and I must say it's an excellent one with lots of good food for thought. The professor is cool and his approach is entertaining, which is great for the subject matter.

    Go for it if you're interested in how to think about making things fun :)
  • I finished the first run of this course last year. It's got great content and is well taught - but its made me wary of gamification.

    If nothing else, I recommend it because it covers games and play theory in addition to how psychological concepts apply to games. :)
  • Thanks guys, good to hear from people that have done it before :)

    I've just got the following from the course organiser, which gives an idea of the workload:

    Prof. Werbach's Gamification course on Coursera launches on Monday, April 1 (no fooling!). We can't wait for you to begin engaging with the material -- and with other students.

    At the beginning of each week, we'll release approximately two hours of lectures, divided into 7-12 minute video segments. There will also be assignments, including multiple-choice quizzes and project exercises that apply the course concepts to realistic scenarios, which you'll need to complete successfully by their deadlines if you wish to receive a statement of accomplishment.
  • @Bensonance, gamify everything man...its...the future! :P

    I'll definitely check this out. I saw the part about the psychology in the index, that should be interesting.

  • I've registered for the course
  • Fantastic I've just registered, thanks for the find and info!
  • At the last JHB Community Night there were a couple of people interested in getting together for a study group session. If you're interested and in the JHB/PTA area please PM me your email address so I can setup a meeting.
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