[SA Game Jam 2018] Derelict
SA Game Jam 2018
48hr entry
Derelict is a procedurally generated twin stick shooter. Each wave you survive the the game, a new randomly generated condition will be added to the game, these can range from "When you step on a red button, become invulnerable for 5 seconds" to "When you kill an enemy, spawn a bomb" etc.
Play online at: https://vfqd.itch.io/derelict

- Unity & Pyxel Edit
- Sam Alfred - dev, art
- Nic Cheng - dev
Audio by zircon
48hr entry
Derelict is a procedurally generated twin stick shooter. Each wave you survive the the game, a new randomly generated condition will be added to the game, these can range from "When you step on a red button, become invulnerable for 5 seconds" to "When you kill an enemy, spawn a bomb" etc.
Play online at: https://vfqd.itch.io/derelict

- Unity & Pyxel Edit
- Sam Alfred - dev, art
- Nic Cheng - dev
Audio by zircon
The only comment that I could possibly give you is that the UI showing you how many aliens you've killed actually looks like an alien in the game play - this is a bit confusing. Perhaps if you pushed it into the corner of the screen with an opacity it would work better?
@Pomb Thanks! The build seems to be working for me so let me know if you still have an issue
Played a couple of times. Greatly enjoyed both sessions. Things got kinda ridiculous in awesome, combination-driven ways. A *little* more polish on handling (and maybe adjusting the pace of earlier levels, or bringing enemies out when you're hunting down the last one) could really round off an already well-polished jam experience. Nice!
The procedural stacking of things really made everything quite interesting. A lot of the game would work really a lot better if we can see which triggers are firing - not big like every new one that comes up, but more subtle things. Like when a trigger happens, display the result on-screen. Perhaps even a pause menu that brings up all the accumulated conditions grouped into the same triggers.
Other than that the rest of my complaints would all be about feedback - enemies that look like they're taking hits like when you yourself flashing when taking hits (and barrels). Letting me know that healing can only go up to 10 (but I had life at over 10 for a bit, not sure why).
There's a minor bug with the shooting - if you change direction of shooting the first shot goes in the previous direction.
Really captured the spirit of the theme and a great game overall! :)
What i would warn you about however, is that pure randomness can be problematic in terms of pacing. Having something like the player shoot bombs after the first wave could detract heavily from your experience for example. Maybe you've thought of it or implemented this idea but creating a tier of possibilities that players can unlock and then having these tiers lock or unlock based on the player's progress could work.
It also would have been nice to see some enemy advancement rather than just number increases. Challenging the way we have to interact or interpret ways of dealing with the enemy would also provide some good gameplay progression in terms of difficulty and mastery of the player mechanics.
I would be very proud of this entry. It achieves some really unique, satisfyingly crazy moments. and gameplay. The constant updating of the game state through the method of trigger and action is both interesting to watch unfold and engage with. Well done!
The music in the background is rocking... fuck yeah.. The controls were easy to get a feel for. The pixel art in the background is nicely executed, and the characters are cute.
As for the pacing, and the potential of a whole bunch of randomness either making or breaking the player experience, that was sort of intentional due to our constraints. We certainly discussed having some sort of tiering system for the trigger/actions, categorising them as good or bad etc, but we didn't have time. And we thought that it would be better to focus on creating the *possibility* of really awesome, emergent gameplay instead of something potentially more boring with better balance.
The controls were a little buggy, so sorry about that peeps, thanks for letting us know. I definitely agree with you about the narrative framing @KleinM but again, time :( @Nandrew I actually tried to implement the enemy tracking system, but at 11pm with very little sleep, the maths around mapping world coordinates to intelligent screen indicators with appropriate rotations was a little beyond me. @Stygian65, @luigi_weo I'm super glad you liked the art, I only started doing pixel art a year ago so I still get really happy when someone enjoys it.
And thanks to everyone else who played the game, it's very heartening to hear you enjoyed it :D
Pew pew pew :D
I found the shooting controls a bit sticky sometimes, where I'd press a direction but still be shooting in my previous direction. I also sometimes had an effect trigger without my seeing what happened. I assume that an enemy triggered the effect, but some kind of visual or audio feedback to show me that it happened would've been helpful.
Overall a very polished experience, and fun to play! Congrats!
I'd say the negatives about the entry are in the level of polish. That the bullets and bombs spawned by events seem to be invisible... or invisible most of the time? That when you spawn a crate and a ring of bullets at the same time there is zero visual to indicate what's going on (as the two things destroy each other in a very loud non-event). That when you spawn a crate by walking it sort of blocks one side, sometimes in front of you, sometimes behind. And the shooting felt a tiny bit sticky as was already mentioned...
But I mention these because it's a 48hour entry, and I'm sure given another day a lot of that could be fixed.
I LOVE the ruleset of the game. In the runs I've played of it I've had a truly spectacular variation. From a gift of a run where everytime an enemy died my firerate increased and at the same time I got to shoot bombs (until moving reduced my firerate and I had to kill enemies point blank). To a run where I could heal myself by pressing red buttons, then getting hit spawned bullets, then getting hit meant those bullets were a cluster of bombs surrounding me.
I think the game can produce rules that seem unfair, though less often than I'd expect given the apparently random nature. It makes me think that if the game were taken further that the player have some control over the randomness or some ways to dealing with particularly abhorrent rule additions. Like how in deck building the cards dealt are random, but the player gets to choose the pool of cards. Or how in Rogue-likes like Risk Of Rain and Nuclear Throne the player chooses between a small selection of upgrades that are first randomly chosen by the game. What I mean is, giving the player some feeling of control, some feeling that when things go wrong they could at least have affected a different outcome, but obviously without sacrificing the sublime experience of learning to deal with yet another inconvenient/absurd/unexpected rule change.
I think the action-gameplay fundamentals could be more interesting, but I think that focusing on getting the rules producing interesting results was exactly the right call for this prototype. It shows a TON of promise.
As for the bugs, I discovered recently that probably the most game-breaking bug is that the in-game restart doesn't seem to reset to rules correctly which results in weird behaviour, and enemies disappearing and some generally odd stuff. I certainly agree that the twin stick shooter element wasn't as strong as it could have been, and the stickiness of the shooting is irritating. Maybe once the judging is over I'll do a little clean up of the prototype, regardless of whether I take it further or not :)
I've found myself a little uncertain what rules were actually in effect after I've received a dozen or more rules, like when one button has three different effects on it, and I've generally just marked that button as being "not worth pressing" and then a 4th rule which is very useful gets added to it and I'm unable to calculate exactly what will happen when I trigger it (and it may even be difficult to infer what's happening, if there are multiple rules on the same axis triggering)
I had a run yesterday where killing an enemy did several things, one of which made enemy bullets slower, nearly every rule made bullets and firing and movement either faster or slower, so I got many levels in, without a lot of challenge, sort of playing in slow motion bullet time, searching for the rule that would eventually defeat me. Early on I got a rule where explosions made enemies, which instantly killed them, then eventually I got a rule where enemies dying made bombs, which of course in this system meant game over.
The sound stopped working, and the game crawled to a halt, and after a bit of amusement I had to suicide.