[SA Game Jam 2018] Test Cube
(SA Game Jam 2018)
Members: me
Test Cube
Student, Diversity
72hr entry
Exploring ideas of progression in movement and attack types. Currently designing puzzles too. Hopefully they mesh well and I don't over scope
Members: me
Test Cube
Student, Diversity
72hr entry
Exploring ideas of progression in movement and attack types. Currently designing puzzles too. Hopefully they mesh well and I don't over scope
Enjoy! (what's there at least)
Download link:
I agree with your approach. Getting a simple system nailed down tight, and then building the fancier mechanics on top of it.
Things that felt really good:
- spamming daggers
- high "floaty" jumps (usually doesn't work but it feels good in this game)
- helpful hints. they were VERY helpful and allowed me to enjoy the game without any prior instruction.
Things that didn't feel good:
- the grappling hook travels really slow.
- enemies die unceremoniously. need some impact FX
- not enough perilous jumps. There was no danger of falling to my death.
Things that didn't work.
- Shooting left only works while you press left. (Perhaps store the value of the last pressed direction, and apply that to your projectiles.)
- Shortcuts didn't work. I reached the end of the second room but there was nothing to explain that I needed to kill everybody first. It was just a minor inconvenience though)
Are you going to work more on this?
Things that didn't feel good:
- I wasn't too sure about the grappling hook speed when making it, super glad to get another opinion on that
- I'm aware of the enemies dying an unsatisfying death, I just tried to add what I could due to time
- Never came across my mind, thanks!
Things that didn't work
- Forgot to fix that...
- I scrambled in the last hour adding hints and fixing game breaking bugs, will make sure to add that too
Again thanks for the reply, felt like I made something super unpolished and incomplete (which it is), it's great to get feedback on it.
It was a real pity you didn't have a little more time to play around with this game, you had just introduced the wall climbing mechanic and then the game was over :(
I'd have really liked it if you could move in one direction and throw daggers in another. A suggestion: since you have the player aiming with the mouse for the grappling hook anyway, why no just use the relative cursor position to determine which side they're shooting? I.e. if the cursor is on the right have side of the player, they shoot right, and vice versa.
Anyway, well done on finishing, and as Pierre said before me, not you have a cool thing to mess around with.
I am curious, how did you design/develop your levels? Do you mind sharing? They work very well. 2 -dim array? Are you using any tools to help you? I'm thinking Tiled-editor?
The grappling hook is a fun little tool and feels good to use in the game. As a whole the game feels energetic and it is a pleasure to dodge enemies while exploring your levels.
There is so much more you can do with this given enough time. I hope you carry on and add new mechanics to it and push it to all it can be in the future...
If fun alone was a criteria, you would definitely succeeded in achieving that goal...
Like @Pierre said, good job on mechanics and level design. I liked how I had to use the grappling hook reoccurring to save me in the boss fight, feels like a spider flying away out of danger, so much fun. I don't know platformer games all that well so I don't have any criticism.
I really enjoy the flow and responsiveness, although I did glitch through the wall a couple times. Other than that it runs smoothly and I enjoy the grappling mechanic
Keep it Up
I am aware of where you can glitch yourself into and through a wall by repeatedly shooting your hookshot in and i'll fix that
Thanks for the response @SpaceDassie!
Well I found it by accident and the player kind of fell out of the room... Which makes it a game breaking bug, the fact that I found it by accident means someone else can find it too
A small thing: with the knife throwing, I'd expect it to shoot in the direction my character's facing. If I press left, release left, and right-click, I expect to shoot to the left, but the character defaults to shooting right when left isn't pressed.
The grappling hook felt to me as if it had a lot of potential for interesting puzzles. It shoots quite slowly, allowing you to re-position yourself before it starts pulling you toward it -- and allows you to move through walls and floors. I can imagine some dexterity puzzles where you shoot the grappling hook out, run inside somewhere to trigger something, and then get pulled back out toward the hook as something closes in on you to trap you... if that makes any sense at all. :P
I've tested this thing over and over and I need some fresh eyes to help me. I know I need to work on some game feel and I have some other things planned too.
Personally my my issue with this short demo is pacing, due to the nature of the jam I couldn't drag out gameplay because that would increase development time, so I feel like I'm drowning the player with new mechanics in a short period of time but just let me know what you think.
Thanks again!
Will make some gameplay gifs later, just wanted to upload the file for now
Forgot the download link
Weapon direction can now be configured in options
Changed those boulder like things into smaller blocks and fixed the awful collision they had